Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Nice try. As far as I'm concerned you have Bama bangs. I shall refer to them very often from now on.

Go ahead with your empty accusations. At least I have proof on you. As soon as someone takes a pic of me, I'm fine with posting it on here.
I always love when my teachers blaze out somebody talking next to me that are bothering me. And then they get mad.

The main culprit: sorority girls. It makes me unbelievably happy hearing them get chewed out. I often stay behind after class to just listen to them get annihilated by the teacher.

You're bust KC...
The main culprit: sorority girls. It makes me unbelievably happy hearing them get chewed out. I often stay behind after class to just listen to them get annihilated by the teacher.

Too true. I had a biology class last year and this group of them were talking as if they were at one of their mixers or something. Good ole' Randy Brewton wasn't having it.
Too true. I had a biology class last year and this group of them were talking as if they were at one of their mixers or something. Good ole' Randy Brewton wasn't having it.

my teacher was a grad student with something to prove, so the sorority girls got it pretty bad, and pretty much on a daily basis.

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