Forgive Student Loans?

So I just ran the numbers on max borrow for a UG (govt loan programs) at current interest rates and average UG salary.

At least until the salary grows this student will be have minimum payments less than interest charges under the proposed 5% minimum. Under the current 10% rule just under 1/2 goes to principle.

We are setting people up for failure and subsequent bailout.
Dang dude you on covid is like George Costanza when he stopped having sex.

I would say your semantics game is useless. Anybody taking out loans totaling amounts that their salaries their chosen field of study historically show a huge burden to pay it back have failed common sense and shouldn’t be given the damn loans. I don’t care what the field of study is.
Semantics? Im directly addressing a gripe brought forth by others.
Don't worry I'm not saying a women's studies degree is worthless - however the average starting salary is 50% of the overall UG average. It will certainly change the cost/benefit equation; particularly from a debt perspective.

even under the 10% minimum they come up just short of covering the interest on the loan. at the 5% it's just under 1/2
Just how many degrees o of the degrees earned do you feel are actually worth it? I ran a department for years and hired hundreds of people into a company. We had applicants with degrees, some with multiple degrees competing against high school grads for the same positions.

It's always been my assertion that unless you are going to college for career specific degrees, medicine, law, accounting etc it just isn't worth it.
Another reason school is terrible. People get these big fancy degrees but have 0 clue how the real world works. They have to have a step by step A B C checklist. They can't problem solve to save their lives.

I miss the days when you could work with a client.
Just how many degrees o of the degrees earned do you feel are actually worth it? I ran a department for years and hired hundreds of people into a company. We had applicants with degrees, some with multiple degrees competing against high school grads for the same positions.

It's always been my assertion that unless you are going to college for career specific degrees, medicine, law, accounting etc it just isn't worth it.

worth has many dimensions so if the student feels they got value out of it who am I to disagree

the reality is many people don't go to work in their degree - when I was an UG Proctor and Gamble hired people from any major based on how and what you did as a student.

i do think universities should do a better job of setting realistic expectations and as repeated over and over here the loan program completely divorces degree from borrowing amount and we end up with people borrowing way more than they can ever pay back with some degrees.
worth has many dimensions so if the student feels they got value out of it who am I to disagree

the reality is many people don't go to work in their degree - when I was an UG Proctor and Gamble hired people from any major based on how and what you did as a student.

i do think universities should do a better job of setting realistic expectations and as repeated over and over here the loan program completely divorces degree from borrowing amount and we end up with people borrowing way more than they can ever pay back with some degrees.
But that’s a problem when it comes to paying for your dream degree if you’re doing it on credit. And it’s not just the degree it’s the institution. Taking out $100K to pay for your dream study opportunity at some exclusive (and stupidly over priced) liberal arts college just to graduate with a BA in English and then get a teaching gig is idiotic when you can go to a state school, get the same viable degree without becoming hopelessly encumbered with debt, and land the same teaching gig.

It’s my contention that more people need to tell these idiot kids “no your plan is idiotic and will economically bury you for the rest of your adult life.”

There absolutely needs to be more brutally blunt feedback on kids saying no do NOT chase your dream your dream is idiotic.
And the actual truth is that your post was idiotic and also in poor taste. Many of our families have suffered immensely from the horrors of cancer.

Nothing I said suggested otherwise. Many people suffer as a result of student loans and that doesn’t stop anyone here from clowning on them, which I wasn’t
Nothing I said suggested otherwise. Many people suffer as a result of student loans and that doesn’t stop anyone here from clowning on them, which I wasn’t
Equating bad judgement in fiscal responsibility with an illness people have no choice in avoiding? (well smoking shows a connection).

Cue the grasping as draws gif?
Yeah the sentiment that you die in a fire remains also. You are truly a piece of crap.

The opinion that because one struggled through something, they should then be mad when others don’t have to is a terrible opinion. Not sure why you are losing your damn mind over it but it won’t get any less true
Equating bad judgement in fiscal responsibility with an illness people have no choice in avoiding? (well smoking shows a connection).

Cue the grasping as draws gif?

Thinking I’m “equating” is as intentionally dumb as thinking Kaepernick was spitting in the face of the military or other similar dumb ****
The opinion that because one struggled through something, they should then be mad when others don’t have to is a terrible opinion. Not sure why you are losing your damn mind over it but it won’t get any less true
That’s a bit of a soft sell hot take on the situation. The expectation of fiscal responsibility and instead seeing the opposite being rewarded doesn’t really equate to being mad that someone else didn’t have to suffer like they did does it?

This is just the latest manifestation of equal outcomes Vs equal opportunities
After I thought the COVID memes brought out the stupid in people, the student loan comparisons say "hold my beer." Somebody sent me one yestetday about Christians being hypocrites because after being forgiven by Jesus, many are speaking out against this. It's like Biden followers literally have nothing but media-fueled horseshit for brains.
You called the word "chief" offensive.
No I didn't. You guys still do not pick up on nuance. I said it was equally offensive to Pedro I personally do not find Pedro offensive in the least in the context in which I used it.

Spacecoast fell into the trap and commented on my use of "Pedro" not knowing that I was simply showing him the lunacy of his terminology.

I know only a few get the point of many of my posts, but that's what makes it enjoyable for me; seeing who understands and who doesn't.

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