Forgive Student Loans?

I explained in great detail my thoughts on that guy and his tweet about 17 times now and I think you’ve somehow managed to miss the point 20 times
The real truth is that you're much dumber than you think you are, and the reality is you've explained nothing. All you've managed is to demonstrate to everyone around (since your insecure ass loves the appeal to the crowd move) how gutless and trashy you are.

Go back to collecting your welfare checks and smoking weed and leeching off everyone else. You truly suck, and it's humiliating that I made the effort to graduate from a college only to be associated with t-shirt fan trash like you.
That’s a bit of a soft sell hot take on the situation. The expectation of fiscal responsibility and instead seeing the opposite being rewarded doesn’t really equate to being mad that someone else didn’t have to suffer like they did does it?

This is just the latest manifestation of equal outcomes Vs equal opportunities
He, like most if the people that go to school and get degrees qith no hope of any kind of income, are of the ilk that really never over out of their mama's basement. When they have to face the real qoeld and consequences of life, they are the first to bef for handouts. Their votes are bought with free stuff.
That’s a bit of a soft sell hot take on the situation. The expectation of fiscal responsibility and instead seeing the opposite being rewarded doesn’t really equate to being mad that someone else didn’t have to suffer like they did does it?

This is just the latest manifestation of equal outcomes Vs equal opportunities

I wasn’t talking about “the situation” at large but about the disingenuous BS that the guy “gave two legs for tuition” and it was all for nothing, both of which are dubious at best
He, like most if the people that go to school and get degrees qith no hope of any kind of income, are of the ilk that really never over out of their mama's basement. When they have to face the real qoeld and consequences of life, they are the first to bef for handouts. Their votes are bought with free stuff.
I'm not even sure this doofus went to school anywhere, much less actually graduated.
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He, like most if the people that go to school and get degrees qith no hope of any kind of income, are of the ilk that really never over out of their mama's basement. When they have to face the real qoeld and consequences of life, they are the first to bef for handouts. Their votes are bought with free stuff.

Again, I can pay off my loans today with plenty of room to spare lmao
No you leach. When a person signs a contact to preform x in return for y (you should understand that) then it’s not a handout.
So now that you've waded in. Answer the second question.
"Is having your debt forgiven after working 10 years in a certain field a handout?"
So if the government says "if you do this (military service), we will pay for your college" it's great.
If the government says "if you do this, we will pay of your remaining college after 10 years" that's bad?

You may have a hard time reconciling that, except for maybe in your own head.
I wasn’t talking about “the situation” at large but about the disingenuous BS that the guy “gave two legs for tuition” and it was all for nothing, both of which are dubious at best
Honestly I’d just lump this one into hot takes gone wrong. The guy you’re mocking was EOD in the service and lost his legs in country on deployment. When he got out on disability he used the GI bill and other resources he EARNED via his service and greatly increased his station in life. The ones he’s outraged at didn’t even have that much skin in the game all they had to do was take out loans that they had no hope of ever paying back. And now that commitment was just vacated with the stroke of the idiot in the WH’s pen. I’d say I can easily see why he’s chapped.

I’d say equal outcomes vs equal opportunities again but in hindsight that doesn’t line up either. The morons that couldn’t pay their loan debt are still by and large not in a good earnings situation while the guy you’re mocking is making bank way beyond what you or I ever will. And he did it by playing by the rules and keeping his commitments.
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Roughly 1.2 trillion dollars (!!!) has been lost by forgiving both the PPP loans and student loans. That’s just going back 2 years. Impressive /s
After I thought the COVID memes brought out the stupid in people, the student loan comparisons say "hold my beer." Somebody sent me one yestetday about Christians being hypocrites because after being forgiven by Jesus, many are speaking out against this. It's like Biden followers literally have nothing but media-fueled horseshit for brains.

It's a sign of lack of ability to defend the policy. The entire argument seems to be that critics of the policy are hypocrites. Even the administration is using this tactic but then again they can't even tell a range of how much it will cost, how it will be paid for and how it improves the situation.
It's a sign of lack of ability to defend the policy. The entire argument seems to be that critics of the policy are hypocrites. Even the administration is using this tactic but then again they can't even tell a range of how much it will cost, how it will be paid for and how it improves the situation.
It's leftoid playbook 101.

The problem for them is more and more and more people are fed up with the idiocy.
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I wasn’t talking about “the situation” at large but about the disingenuous BS that the guy “gave two legs for tuition” and it was all for nothing, both of which are dubious at best

he didn't say it was all for nothing - he implied that he honored his pact for college tuition and it cost him dearly. he's comparing that to not having to honor one's pact. It's called sarcasm to make a point. Maybe not the greatest point but it's no dumber than the cancer analogy linked to it.
I was asking hog. I've already seen your nonsensical answer.

can I answer? If that was the agreement entered into then I wouldn't call it a handout. It's an incentive which the government does far more than it should.

same with PPP - the deal from the beginning was forgiveness if conditions met. that is not the case with the Biden EA on student loans
This PPP angle is kind of interesting. The government shuts down non essential businesses, gives them money to prevent them from canning all their employees, and now this is being painted as some sort of lucky gift for the recipients. And somehow this is the same as student loans. As a person married to someone who was doing the PPP application and thinking she was going to lose her job every day for months I can assure you there wasn't a lot of fun had by all.

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