While I agree that loans can/should be degree specific, the problem is with the schools themselves. For example, If the market only has room for a few dozen museum curation positions then schools should limit the number of student seats available to mirror what the job market will allow. Instead, schools just take their money (or more often, the lender’s money) and say “thanks for the $120,000, good luck.” Yes a student should bear responsibility for choosing a worthwhile concentration, but schools should also be responsible for helping to steer them in the right direction.
With all that being said, useless liberal arts degrees aren’t the problem that many here make them out to be. The top 5 most popular degrees right now:
1. Business
2. Health Professions
3. Social Sciences (economics, history, sociology)
4. Engineering
5. Biological/Biomedical Sciences
These concentrations make up a huge majority of college degrees, so beating the drum about ‘Basket weaving with a minor in Asian culture’ doesn’t really hold water, most majors now-a-days aren’t in useless fields.