Former USC RB Joe McKnight Shot & Killed

never a good ideal to threaten a whoop ass on somebody sitting in a vehicle either. Micheal Brown found that out too.
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Too soon to really declare what happened. Louisiana is a stand your ground state (as far as I'm aware) so if they have reason to believe he acted in self-defense and the gun he owned was legally carried then I don't think they can hold him. Doesn't mean they won't press charges later.

This sounds like a road rage case to me. Just like his previous case. I understand the stand your ground law.
This sounds like a road rage case to me. Just like his previous case. I understand the stand your ground law.

Who was the aggressor though? The one eyewitness sound like the eyewitness at the one police shooting that swore up and down that the white cops shot the guy and the black cop didn't get there until after the fact..........which proved to be completely opposite.
This sounds like a road rage case to me. Just like his previous case. I understand the stand your ground law.

Him having a previous incident does make this more sketchy, but from the sounds of it he was still in his car when the shooting occurred. I have a feeling that the issue might be finding credible witnesses to prosecute him if he is in the wrong since they've already had "eyewitness" accounts prove to be blatantly false. Hopefully justice gets served in the case, it's a truly sad scenario.
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This shxt has to stop.

Maybe everyone could stop acting like complete idiots. Getting out of a car to confront someone who cut you off is just stupid and worthless. Just take the next turn and move on with your day/life. Of course people would rather risk their life than just walk away and be thought of as weak
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Why did McKnight get out of his car in the middle of traffic in the first place?
I don't know about Louisiana but here in Atlanta it is understood that if you get out of your car and approach another car for any reason you are getting shot. You can cuss and make hand gestures all you want but as soon as you get out of your car the s*** just got real.
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Who knows whether or not this was justified? Joe definitely shouldn't have gotten out of his car if that's what he did. You don't know who you are dealing with out there today. The shooter also appears to have a history of being a hot head. Recipe for disaster. We'll see how this develops.
Maybe everyone could stop acting like complete idiots. Getting out of a car to confront someone who cut you off is just stupid and worthless. Just take the next turn and move on with your day/life. Of course people would rather risk their life than just walk away and be thought of as weak

Maybe everyone could stop acting like complete idiots. Getting out of a car to confront someone who cut you off is just stupid and worthless. Just take the next turn and move on with your day/life. Of course people would rather risk their life than just walk away and be thought of as weak

black and white people can't communicate like men without killing each other. is white people that afraid of black people?


to kill someone without a gun

to rob someone without a gun

to fight someone without a gun

maybe, give reasons or cite evidence in support of an idea, action, or theory, typically with the aim of persuading others to share one's view. without a gun

to kill someone without a gun

to rob someone without a gun

to fight someone without a gun

maybe, give reasons or cite evidence in support of an idea, action, or theory, typically with the aim of persuading others to share one's view. without a gun


McKnight played a huge roll in getting himself killed, though shooting wasn't justified.

Why did McKnight leave his car? What was he going to do? How did that help the situation?
McKnight shouldn't have gotten out of the car it sounds like, but again we don't know all the facts yet as to why he did.

But this guy sounds like a POS.
This is the United States of America. It's not a crime to get out of his car. It's a crime to shoot someone for no reason.
This is the United States of America. It's not a crime to get out of his car. It's a crime to shoot someone for no reason.

All the details aren't out, but McKnight wasn't shot for no reason. There was a reason, whether or not that was enough a reason for a justifiable shooing remains to be seen.
So... why is the word white in pink? You insinuating something? If so man up...

Pink is a very contradictory color. Its meaning can depend greatly on the culture and context in which it is presented. It can be linked to feminine and masculine, shallowness and tenderness and many other things.

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