Fox being sued for allegedly broadcasting ‘lies’ about Dominion

Like I said, let me know when MSNBC agrees to settle a defamation lawsuit, with a financial sum payment of more than $750 million to the plaintiff.

Fox News agreed to pay Dominion Voting Systems over 10x their market value = A class by themselves.
So you’re ok attacking a kid because the number is less? Typical liberal victory. I applaud your ability to stay left even when it comes at a kids expense.
I should have said "a legitimate poll" ... Fars News? WTF? Post a real one ... not propaganda.

Thank you for proving my point., You did exactly what I said you'd's what you always do when something doesn't like up with your extreme view...I'm over this. Here is another one for your view, I'm sure you'll discount the source again or flash an insult because that is all you have..

Cooper: One in six Biden voters would have changed their minds if they had known the full story | Chattanooga Times Free Press
So you’re ok attacking a kid because the number is less? Typical liberal victory. I applaud your ability to stay left even when it comes at a kids expense.
You're a drama queen. I didn't say a damn word about the reporting which was done, or anything about any kid. Grow up. That's high school girl stuff.
Thank you for proving my point., You did exactly what I said you'd's what you always do when something doesn't like up with your extreme view...I'm over this. Here is another one for your view, I'm sure you'll discount the source again or flash an insult because that is all you have..

Cooper: One in six Biden voters would have changed their minds if they had known the full story | Chattanooga Times Free Press
That is just more of the same thing ... except posted in The Chattanooga Times Free Press ...

Who conducted the survey?

Per that article, that you linked .... "Media Research Center, a conservative watchdog organization, tested the theory ..."

It's propaganda. Use a poll from an independent source.
You're a drama queen. I didn't say a damn word about the reporting which was done, or anything about any kid. Grow up. That's high school girl stuff.
Says the one who stated 750M is far worse than attacking a kid. It’s ok, you hate kids as long as you win. He’s a rich kid, but only because NBC/MSNBC settled for their televised bullying.
I said no such thing.
You did, by spinning it and not addressing it. Instead of saying, that was bad you chose to go all in on

“Like I said, let me know when MSNBC agrees to settle a defamation lawsuit, with a financial sum payment of more than $750 million to the plaintiff.

Fox News agreed to pay Dominion Voting Systems over 10x their market value = A class by themselves.”
That is just more of the same thing ... except posted in The Chattanooga Times Free Press ...

Who conducted the survey?

Per that article, that you linked .... "Media Research Center, a conservative watchdog organization, tested the theory ..."

It's propaganda. Use a poll from an independent source.
My point. No source is good for you unless it comes from one of your authoritative outlets....that a bad way to argue an appeal to authority is the worse type of is another from an A+ rated polling site rated by 538.

Info On Hunter Biden Laptop Could Have Swung The Election
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You did, by spinning it and not addressing it.
By not addressing it, I did not address it.

“Like I said, let me know when MSNBC agrees to settle a defamation lawsuit, with a financial sum payment of more than $750 million to the plaintiff.
Not one part of that quote even mentions the kid in question ... or the reporting that was done. You claimed I said it was okay to attack a kid - and that is teenage drama queen bull $hit. Grow up.
My point. No source is good for you unless it comes from one of your authoritative outlets....that a bad way to argue an appeal to authority is the worse type of is another from an A+ rated polling site rated by 538.
That's a dead link. A source that doesn't identify itself as a "conservative watchdog organization" is good enough.

I'm guessing it's just the same poll from Media Research Center again though, isn't it? LOL.
Going to assume you referring to the left wing "fact checkers" that came out en mass to try and debubk the poll with word play etc ...bottom line it's already come out that Biden is link directly to he suppression of the laptop...
Numerous polls suggest transparency of the laptop would have changed enough votes ..
My guess is no matter what proof comes out you and your ilk will never believe because it doesn't fit in your view of Trump
Were those polls conducted by Mike Lindell or Rudy Giuliani?
By not addressing ot, I did not address it.

Not one part of that quote even mentions the kid in question ... or the reporting that was done. You claimed I said it was okay to attack a kid - and that is teenage drama queen bull $hit. Grow up.
I addressed and your response was “Like I said”. It’s ok Diva, I’ll call you out on it.
That's a dead link. A source that doesn't identify itself as a "conservative watchdog organization" is good enough.

I'm guessing it's just the same poll from Media Research Center again though, isn't it? LOL.
Fixed it..again this is an A+ read poll 538
Fixed it..again this is an A+ read poll 538
You left out some important details, which I will include :

Near the end of the article, it reads :

"TIPP Insights is a right-leaning poll outfit that gets an A+ rating by FiveThirtyEight. It's survey results of 1,351 adults focused on the third who follow the Hunter Biden laptop saga.

The smaller sample size yields a higher than usual error margin of +/- 4.5 percentage points."


There are 3 things wrong here :

1) That is still a right-leaning poll, which you conveniently neglected to mention in your post.

2) They used a very small sample size, which therefore has a high margin of error.

... and this is the biggest problem with the survey :

3) The survey focused on the people who were already following the Hunter Biden laptop story closely. Well, who would that have been? Trump voters or Biden voters? It would have been Trump voters, who wanted to read dirt on Biden's son. Basically, the poll is admitting that they skewed the results in Trump's favor by focusing on his voters.

As far as TIPP Insights A+ rating from FiveThirtyEight is concerned? Rasmussen Reports still has an A rating, I think ... or at least they did for a long time. They are as biased as it gets.

Nice try, but you would have done better to not leave out the inconvenient parts of this. I know you could see that it was identified as "right-leaning" ... so why not build up some objective credibility and mention that?
I’ll dance as if I’m Fred Astaire, as all these replies later you still have not corrected yourself and said MSNBC/NBC was wrong for attacking a kid and settling.
I never said they were right with their reporting. There is nothing to correct.
The subject concerns Fox News and their settlement with Dominion. Why would that be relevant?
Not when you say “Like I said, let me know when MSNBC agrees to settle a defamation lawsuit, with a financial sum payment of more than $750 million to the plaintiff”

Your words not mine.

Not when you say “Like I said, let me know when MSNBC agrees to settle a defamation lawsuit, with a financial sum payment of more than $750 million to the plaintiff”

Your words not mine.
Those were my words ... and yes, let me know when MSNBC pays over $750 to settle a defamation suit. It hasn't happened.
How inept will Dominion be in the 2024 elections?

The sad part will be that nobody will do any more to insure that election hardware/software works any better than before. The interesting part will happen if the dems lose in 2024; do they shut up and accept the loss since they've claimed all is fair, or do they go hypocritical and claim errors in the system.
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The sad part will be that nobody will do any more to insure that election hardware/software works any better than before.
Do you have any proof that the voting systems used in the 2020 elections produced invalid results? If not, then why is it "sad", if a systems overhaul isn't conducted?

if the dems lose in 2024; do they shut up and accept the loss since they've claimed all is fair, or do they go hypocritical and claim errors in the system.
Of course, there is a flip side to this coin, which your post doesn't address.

If the nominee of the Republican Party wins the Presidential General Election in 2024 ...

1) Will Republicans still contend that voting-by-mail leads to massive voter fraud, and to results which should not be trusted?

2) Will Republicans still insist that vote tabulating machines are insecure, and that they lead to illegitimate results?

3) ... or are election results automatically valid, whenever a Republican wins?

I think we know the answer to all 3 of these questions.
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The sad part will be that nobody will do any more to insure that election hardware/software works any better than before. The interesting part will happen if the dems lose in 2024; do they shut up and accept the loss since they've claimed all is fair, or do they go hypocritical and claim errors in the system.

It worked the last election.

You lost fair and square. Be a man and admit it.

Repubs stole Florida in 2000. Dems fought it but accepted the court's decision. Repubs just can't accept getting their tails kicked. You guys riot instead.
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