France is Burning

This is what happens when you let millions of savages with a 7th century mindset come and live in your country. Violence and rape is the result. One day this will break bad and there will be a massacre, and the liberals in France will have no one to blame but themselves as thousands of bodies litter the cities and countryside.
That's an interesting mix of racism and ignorance.
you don't know anything unless you were there?
7th century minset would be pretty much like most centuries' mindsets before life got easier with the industrial revolution. Provide for your family and live until tomorrow. So I'm curious as to what aspect of a 7th century mindset carries over to 2023 France.
Sharia Law, belief in martrydom, establishing a global caliphate.
I don't think there's popular support among the immigrant communities in France for that right now. There's some but it's a fringe minority.
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7th century minset would be pretty much like most centuries' mindsets before life got easier with the industrial revolution. Provide for your family and live until tomorrow. So I'm curious as to what aspect of a 7th century mindset carries over to 2023 France.
I believe he is referencing France's problem with rising Islamic extremism. I guess you wouldn't know about that since you aren't there?
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Let's send them some Cajuns to spice it up a bit and extend the fight.
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