Fred Thompson needs to lay it down

But that is as far as it goes. He has little money to go outside of the first few states. And the fiscal conservatives are rabidly trying to cut him down.

If Huckabee can finish strong in Iowa, he might gain (some) momentum going into South Carolina.
Well NH is after Iowa so momentum could swing to whoever wins that race. New Hampshire news will likely run interference on anything coming out of IA. Plus Huck is peaking too early in IA. Had he peaked right after Christmas, I'd say momentum could carry him on. But now the machines see him as a threat, he will be ripped apart as evidenced by Novak, RedState, etc. He could be yesterday's news even before New Years.

The only one of the big boys I see truly benefitting from any of this is McCain. While Mitt, Rudy, Huck all fight out who is truly liberal or has changed their positions overnight, McCain is the only one left standing on being consistent. While you may not agree with some or most of his positions, you still get consistency and standing on those same principles. You know what you get with him. Whether it will translate to upward movement remains to be seen.
Well NH is after Iowa so momentum could swing to whoever wins that race. New Hampshire news will likely run interference on anything coming out of IA. Plus Huck is peaking too early in IA. Had he peaked right after Christmas, I'd say momentum could carry him on. But now the machines see him as a threat, he will be ripped apart as evidenced by Novak, RedState, etc. He could be yesterday's news even before New Years.

The only one of the big boys I see truly benefitting from any of this is McCain. While Mitt, Rudy, Huck all fight out who is truly liberal or has changed their positions overnight, McCain is the only one left standing on being consistent. While you may not agree with some or most of his positions, you still get consistency and standing on those same principles. You know what you get with him. Whether it will translate to upward movement remains to be seen.

McCain will die a slow death in South Carolina (just like in 2000). 2 Yankees like Rudy and Mitt will fair no better. Huckabee's best shots are clearly in Iowa and SC. he could concede New Hampshire to Rudy and Mitt and make a strong showing SC and become a player.
Again, Huck will have to overcome odds of well established campaigns (at least 3 ahead of him) there. Those who would typically support him are already across the board with other candidates. We're talking SFla winning the national title. It wasn't impossible but definitely a long shot.

Give Huck about two more weeks of pounding from the fiscal conservatives and the candidates vying for the social conservatives and we'll see how tough he is. I think he peaked too early.
McCain....he is a good guy who just runs absolutely pathetic campaigns
I hope I can see your faces when Fred wins the election. Some people just do not see the common sense and conservative approach that Fred takes. These early polls mean nothing. If they did, our current President would be Howard Dean. Thompson will undoubtedly get the Southern vote. All of the other top-tier candidates are simply taking the CURRENT position. They have a slight history of flip-flopping that you might want to check out. Also, Mr. Limbaugh affirmed that Thompson is the only conservative in the race. Wait until you see what that will do for him. It is no surprise that the national media is doing all it can to keep that from hitting the airwaves. As for Ron Paul, he will get lost somewhere while building his highway from Mexico to Canada. He always makes me laugh.
In case you missed it, Fred is losing in SC (considered HIS state to win) and in FL. By the numbers, AL, GA, NC, TN, and MS do not even begin to add up to the number of delegates to turn this around. The early polls mean more than you give them credit for. Before Fred announced, there was a load of hype for him. He was the incarnate version of Ronald Reagan. Once he announced, people saw him for what he was - pretty much no different than Rudy. He's fiscally conservative but so is pretty much the rest of the board with the exception of Huckabee. He's a social moderate. His views translate into the same as Rudy - no tough stands equating him to a social conservative the Religious Right feels comfortable with. He's no different than a few others in the field. He has failed to set himself apart from the other top four in the field.

Limbaugh's words mean nothing. Clearly if they did, Fred would not be slipping in the polls. In states that he was far ahead in double digits, he now ranks up there with Ron Paul. The national media is not where most voters in a GOP primary get their news. They already listen to Hannity, Limbaugh, FNC, etc. None of these have managed to keep Fred's numbers up.

I'm not sure where you get your thoughts from but reality says the only way Fred makes a comeback is if every one of the others flops as bad if not worse than he already did.
Once again, I will reiterate that these early polls are EXTREMELY OVER-HYPED. As for Limbaugh, this will indeed be a HUGE boost to the campaign trail. This is a recent incident that has not had time to gain traction because of the MSM. Most people are just now starting to sort out their true candidate. They will be swayed less and less by "charming and slick responses" and more and more drawn to the candidate who can walk the walk rather than talk the talk. Thompson is the only one who has the record to back-up his beliefs. He will eventually gain the support of conservatives and Christians around the Country. Also, Fred is the only one who has proposed meaningful agendas and solutions for current problems. I can guarantee my information because Fred has NOTHING to hide. That cannot be said for the other candidates.
Once again, I will reiterate that these early polls are EXTREMELY OVER-HYPED. As for Limbaugh, this will indeed be a HUGE boost to the campaign trail. This is a recent incident that has not had time to gain traction because of the MSM. Most people are just now starting to sort out their true candidate. They will be swayed less and less by "charming and slick responses" and more and more drawn to the candidate who can walk the walk rather than talk the talk. Thompson is the only one who has the record to back-up his beliefs. He will eventually gain the support of conservatives and Christians around the Country. Also, Fred is the only one who has proposed meaningful agendas and solutions for current problems. I can guarantee my information because Fred has NOTHING to hide. That cannot be said for the other candidates.

You are truly a die hard Fred-head.....but goodness........

He has not legit shot now.

He spent too much time attempting to be a Reagan type.
Again, those who typically vote in GOP primaries are not getting their news from the MSM. They've already been listening to Limbaugh, Hannity, etc. and watching the FNC. Even after the love fest Hannity had, people actually saw Fred in key states. He's been VERY inaccessible in IA, he abandoned NH, and he's trailing off in FL and SC.

He's had an 8 year record in the Senate...not exactly a long term record. He's got slightly more experience than Hillary, Obama, and Edwards. If THAT is the only thing Fred has to run on then yep he's definitely through.

As for proposals, they are not favorable to the people he is trying to win over. Fred has crafted himself into a Rudy or even a McCain to some degree. He's yet to energize his own followers or the base. Fred has more traits in common with a Democrat than a Republican. He does not want the federal government to touch the gay marriage issue, the abortion issue, etc. He has a DC lobbyist background. He has a trial lawyer background. And he has ties to Hollywood. When the average voter looks at those factors and puts them together with his lethargic appearances, you see him plunging in the polls.
Again, those who typically vote in GOP primaries are not getting their news from the MSM. They've already been listening to Limbaugh, Hannity, etc. and watching the FNC. Even after the love fest Hannity had, people actually saw Fred in key states. He's been VERY inaccessible in IA, he abandoned NH, and he's trailing off in FL and SC.

He's had an 8 year record in the Senate...not exactly a long term record. He's got slightly more experience than Hillary, Obama, and Edwards. If THAT is the only thing Fred has to run on then yep he's definitely through.

As for proposals, they are not favorable to the people he is trying to win over. Fred has crafted himself into a Rudy or even a McCain to some degree. He's yet to energize his own followers or the base. Fred has more traits in common with a Democrat than a Republican. He does not want the federal government to touch the gay marriage issue, the abortion issue, etc. He has a DC lobbyist background. He has a trial lawyer background. And he has ties to Hollywood. When the average voter looks at those factors and puts them together with his lethargic appearances, you see him plunging in the polls.

I am afraid that you are extremely mis-informed. There is a reason that Fred supports the State's rights insted of a more far-reaching Federal Government. As far as abortion and gay marriage go, Fred is smart enough to know that there is NO WAY an ammendment to the Constitution could pass all of the requirements. Therefore, it must be left up to the states the on these issues. Fred is nothing at all like any of the other top-tier candidates. They are all flip-floppers with talking points. Just like the Charlie Rose interview last night, Fred actually gets to the meat of topics. Like I said, Fred has a laid back attitude. It involves consistent conservative common sense. The other candidates are just slick flip-floppers with talking points. I love these early polls because SO MANY people find them to be significant. They will all be surprised. Trust me! It is also no surprise that Fox News is now down-playing Thompson's campaign because of an issue with his campaign staff. You might want to look that up. Anyway, Fred stands alone as the only true conservative that will eventually WIN this nomination.
I am afraid that you are extremely mis-informed. There is a reason that Fred supports the State's rights insted of a more far-reaching Federal Government. As far as abortion and gay marriage go, Fred is smart enough to know that there is NO WAY an ammendment to the Constitution could pass all of the requirements. Therefore, it must be left up to the states the on these issues. Fred is nothing at all like any of the other top-tier candidates. They are all flip-floppers with talking points. Just like the Charlie Rose interview last night, Fred actually gets to the meat of topics. Like I said, Fred has a laid back attitude. It involves consistent conservative common sense. The other candidates are just slick flip-floppers with talking points. I love these early polls because SO MANY people find them to be significant. They will all be surprised. Trust me! It is also no surprise that Fox News is now down-playing Thompson's campaign because of an issue with his campaign staff. You might want to look that up. Anyway, Fred stands alone as the only true conservative that will eventually WIN this nomination.


Only because I know what he does.

Limbaugh's words mean nothing. Clearly if they did, Fred would not be slipping in the polls. In states that he was far ahead in double digits, he now ranks up there with Ron Paul. The national media is not where most voters in a GOP primary get their news. They already listen to Hannity, Limbaugh, FNC, etc. None of these have managed to keep Fred's numbers up.

So so true. Add Hannity to that list, also.
As for proposals, they are not favorable to the people he is trying to win over. Fred has crafted himself into a Rudy or even a McCain to some degree. He's yet to energize his own followers or the base. Fred has more traits in common with a Democrat than a Republican. He does not want the federal government to touch the gay marriage issue, the abortion issue, etc. He has a DC lobbyist background. He has a trial lawyer background. And he has ties to Hollywood. When the average voter looks at those factors and puts them together with his lethargic appearances, you see him plunging in the polls.

Meh, that is a bit strong. Huckabee is the Southerner that fits that bill more than Fred.
So so true. Add Hannity to that list, also.

Rush has the ability to change minds. You know it, I know it, and the Democrats know it. Why do you think they tried to shut him up a few months ago. As for Hannity, he does not matter. However, the praise that Fred has been getting from Rush will pay off. No doubt about it!
Rush has the ability to change minds. You know it, I know it, and the Democrats know it.

I don't know it. He is another talk-show host who states half the facts and hides the other half while raising his voice and screaming so as to divert any attention away from that missing piece.

Why do you think they tried to shut him up a few months ago.
Same reason why Republicans want to shut off any liberal outlet they feel is bothering them.

Parties don't want anyone out there that is against them.

I don't think Rush will have much if any effect on the '08 elections.
Huckabee is the guy that fits the Religious Right bill the most, but he causes the Republicans a huge problem, because I don't think any state North of the Ohio River, with the exceptions of Nebraska and Iowa, would elect him President. Rudy is the most electable guy for the GOP, but he's Bill Clinton repackaged. The Family Values platform goes straight to hell with him.

I thought Hillary had no shot 9 months ago, but now, I don't see how she loses!
I don't know it. He is another talk-show host who states half the facts and hides the other half while raising his voice and screaming so as to divert any attention away from that missing piece.

Same reason why Republicans want to shut off any liberal outlet they feel is bothering them.

Parties don't want anyone out there that is against them.

I don't think Rush will have much if any effect on the '08 elections.

Im not sure the Republicans made Air America file Bankruptcy in OCT. 2006. :whistling:
Im not sure the Republicans made Air America file Bankruptcy in OCT. 2006. :whistling:

Yet they were the only ones who talked about it enough to even give it a fighting chance to survive.

And I know, I know...the big, bad thing to say about Air-America from Republicans was how nobody listened to it (which was true) and it was a rip-off of others shows (it was) but the fact is....the only times I ever heard about Air America was when I would be hearing or listening to a Republican whining about how bad it was....whether it is Rush, O'Reilly, and while Rush makes this big stink about how people are talking about him because they are scared, he is obviously showing how petrified he was and is of Air America :rolleyes:
Yet they were the only ones who talked about it enough to even give it a fighting chance to survive.

And I know, I know...the big, bad thing to say about Air-America from Republicans was how nobody listened to it (which was true) and it was a rip-off of others shows (it was) but the fact is....the only times I ever heard about Air America was when I would be hearing or listening to a Republican whining about how bad it was....whether it is Rush, O'Reilly, and while Rush makes this big stink about how people are talking about him because they are scared, he is obviously showing how petrified he was and is of Air America :rolleyes:

To suggest that Rush would feel threatened by Air America very comical. If you want to argue a point, please say something that makes sense. The Democrats would stop at nothing to shut up Rush because he speaks the TRUTH and PEOPLE LISTEN!!!!
Judged by those shifting poll numbers DROPPING for Thompson?

I have already told you about the polls. They are just a lot of hot-air at this point. The American People will soon begin to realize that Fred is the ONLY TRUE CONSERVATIVE in the race. There is no doubt about it. He is the candidate that understands the fact that we get our rights and blessings from GOD. Not the Federal Government. Too much power in one hand leads to corruption. Our Founding Fathers understood that and Fred does too.

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