Friday weigh in thread (suns out guns out challenge 8/31/2025)

1/1/23- 176.9
5/5/23-169.8 Finally
18 weeks in:

2-Jan 178 (started my plan)
8-Jan 170
14-Jan 169
21-Jan 166
28-Jan 165
4-Feb 163
11-Feb 160
18-Feb 157
25-Feb 159*
4-Mar 157
11-Mar 155.4
18-Mar 155.2 (1st week of maintenance)
25-Mar 153
01-Apr 154.4
07-Apr 155.4
15-Apr 154.6
24-Apr 152.8
28-Apr 154.6
06-May 154.6

I'm feeling really good about where I am and my ability to maintain. Posting weekly results here gave me a level of accountability that was extremely helpful in keeping me on track. I've been at this for over 4 months now, so I think I am going to just check in and follow others progress, and provide occasional weigh-ins if something changes and I need some extra motivation to get back right. Thanks and good luck to everyone. Go Vols!
You, my Vol Nation friends, are going to help me stay on track with my workouts and diet. Every Friday I will post my progress. Feel free to play along.
So everyone except SDV weigh in on Friday. SDV cant be bothered to know what day it is so he can weight in whenever, but it still only counts on Friday
Goal 195
at my largest 278

Edit: 195 is too light and causes joint pain
Increasing goal to 200

Edit: there’s a history of heart problems in my family and at 50 I’ve started keeping an eye on it. The Cardiologist has my weight goal at 215. 10 pounds up from where I was at the visit.

Edit 1/22. New cardiologist says old cardiologist is an idiot. All numbers still good but weight goal is now 195.

Edit 10/6. The New cardiologist is a jerk. now the goal is 190.
I said “stop moving the goalposts.

01/05/12) 6.2 and 229lbs.
7/05/13). 203.8
8/17/13). 197.0
9/20/13). 196.4
12/13/13). 197.2
2/21/14). 203.5
4/11/14). 207.5
5/5/17). 231.00
7/7/17. 219.0
12/8/17 212.0
6/15/18 218.6
8/30/18 211.0. (49 years old)
9/21/18. 204.0
12/7/18 204.8
2/1/19 207 vacation kicked my ass
3/15/19 199.5 Boom!
4/12:19 194.8. Goal!!!!
6/14/19 199.5
8/30/19 199 (50 years old)
10/4/19 196.5
1/3/20 210.0. Winter vacation got me again
3/06/20 196.
3/5/21 213.5
1/08/22 215.5 damn that winter vacation
3/11/22 205.5
6/10/22 195.5
9/16/22 193
2/24/23 195.5
5/12/23 192.5
Jan 6 - 155.6
Jan 13 - 152.8
Jan 20 - 151.9
Jan 26 - 151.3
Feb 3 - 150.3
Feb 10 - 148.4
Feb 17 - 149.7
Feb 24 - 149.4
(Started bulking)
March 3 - 149.3
March 10 - 150.1
March 17 - 150.9
March 24 - 151.7
March 31 - 152.9
April 7 - 153.6
April 14 - 154.0
April 21 - 152.8
April 28 - 153.3
May 5 - 153.4
May 12 - 154.0
I haven't officially weighed in in a while, but just went to the doctor for a cough, and came in at 218.2. But thats fully dressed, shoes, wallet, keys, cellphone, etc.
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I haven't officially weighed in in a while, but just went to the doctor for a cough, and came in at 218.2. But thats fully dressed, shoes, wallet, keys, cellphone, etc.
So….10 pounds….
Wait….you get on the scale without emptying your pockets and taking off your shoes?

What’s wrong with you? You clearly need to work on you vanity
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Jan 6 - 155.6
Jan 13 - 152.8
Jan 20 - 151.9
Jan 26 - 151.3
Feb 3 - 150.3
Feb 10 - 148.4
Feb 17 - 149.7
Feb 24 - 149.4
(Started bulking)
March 3 - 149.3
March 10 - 150.1
March 17 - 150.9
March 24 - 151.7
March 31 - 152.9
April 7 - 153.6
April 14 - 154.0
April 21 - 152.8
April 28 - 153.3
May 5 - 153.4
May 12 - 154.0
May 19 - 154.1
Jan 6 - 155.6
Jan 13 - 152.8
Jan 20 - 151.9
Jan 26 - 151.3
Feb 3 - 150.3
Feb 10 - 148.4
Feb 17 - 149.7
Feb 24 - 149.4
(Started bulking)
March 3 - 149.3
March 10 - 150.1
March 17 - 150.9
March 24 - 151.7
March 31 - 152.9
April 7 - 153.6
April 14 - 154.0
April 21 - 152.8
April 28 - 153.3
May 5 - 153.4
May 12 - 154.0
May 19 - 154.1
May 26 - 155.0

I forgot to post on Friday.

I am starting a cut today. I’m going on a cruise in July, and I would like to overindulge myself for the 10 day extravaganza. I’d like to lose about 5 pounds so I don’t feel guilty about gaining it back. So hopefully by June 30th, I’ll be just under 150 lbs.
Jan 6 - 155.6
Jan 13 - 152.8
Jan 20 - 151.9
Jan 26 - 151.3
Feb 3 - 150.3
Feb 10 - 148.4
Feb 17 - 149.7
Feb 24 - 149.4
(Started bulking)
March 3 - 149.3
March 10 - 150.1
March 17 - 150.9
March 24 - 151.7
March 31 - 152.9
April 7 - 153.6
April 14 - 154.0
April 21 - 152.8
April 28 - 153.3
May 5 - 153.4
May 12 - 154.0
May 19 - 154.1
May 26 - 155.0
(Started cutting)
June 2 - 152.6

I’ve gone from eating 2600 calories per day to 1900. Looks like I got rid of quite a bit of water weight this week.
I’ve been challenged to post a picture of my progress in a nutrition group on my birthday. 8/30. I’ll be 54.
So I’m throwing it down here.

Who is willing to join me?
Get your flex on people!!
wished I had weighed last Friday -- crud has taken at least 5 unwanted pounds
bloodwork done a week ago showed triglycerides need to come down and thta sodium level was a little low
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Are you optimizing?
cant so any serious stuff until problems w/ back are solved -- severe stenosis, crushed discs, and arthritis that extends to neck . Believe i was a bit over 6-2 in HS and am now a tad shy under 6-0. Former long-distant jogger, then walker, and gave up gym when pandammit struck.
In past 2 years i have three steroid treatments in lower spine, two facet injections and most recently radiofrequency ablation that hasnt proved effective. Also Deal w/ elevated cholesterol and blood pressure and, considering my years of bad diet, have never been diabetic. My goal now is to drop 20 pounds, get spine right and begin exercise program in swimming pool and be able to walk for up to hour again. Im 72
Failed to mentioned that I suffered cerebellar stroke that forced dietary changes
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cant so any seriouts sruff until problems w/ back are solved, severe stenosis, crushed discs, and arthritis that extends to neck . Believe i was a bit over 6-2 in HS and am now a tad shy under 6-0. Former lomg-distant jogger, then walker, and gave up gym when pandammit struck.
In past 2 years i have three steroid treatments in lower spine, two facet injections and moist recently radiofrequency ablation that hasnt proved effective. Also Deal w/ elevated cholesterol and blood pressure and, considering my years of bad diet, have never been diabetic. My goal now is to drop 20 pounds, get spine right and begin exercise program in swimming pool and be able to walk for up to hour again. Im 72
Hubs is also 72. He has dropped 17 pounds in 3 1/2 weeks on South Beach. I’m very proud of him, but I could also strangle him! (185 down to 168, 5’10”-ish or so.

He usually walks a lot, but he caught the crud, which has set off his asthma, and the air quality has been bad the last several days. So he really hasn’t been exercising.

He has a lot of muscle and the metabolism of a kid. SOOO annoying, lol.
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Hubs is also 72. He has dropped 17 pounds in 3 1/2 weeks on South Beach. I’m very proud of him, but I could also strangle him! (185 down to 168, 5’10”-ish or so.

He usually walks a lot, but he caught the crud, which has set off his asthma, and the air quality has been bad the last several days. So he really hasn’t been exercising.

He has a lot of muscle and the metabolism of a kid. SOOO annoying, lol.

Tell him to be careful with that. Genetic speaking people like he and I above 50 are at high risk for NASH disease caused by rapid weight loss.
We really should not drop more than 1-1/2 to 2 lbs a week.
Tell him to be careful with that. Genetic speaking people like he and I above 50 are at high risk for NASH disease caused by rapid weight loss.
We really should not drop more than 1-1/2 to 2 lbs a week.
Whoa, interesting! Thanks for the heads up. Although I'd say at least 5-6 pounds is water weight, but nevertheless.
Jan 6 - 155.6
Jan 13 - 152.8
Jan 20 - 151.9
Jan 26 - 151.3
Feb 3 - 150.3
Feb 10 - 148.4
Feb 17 - 149.7
Feb 24 - 149.4
(Started bulking)
March 3 - 149.3
March 10 - 150.1
March 17 - 150.9
March 24 - 151.7
March 31 - 152.9
April 7 - 153.6
April 14 - 154.0
April 21 - 152.8
April 28 - 153.3
May 5 - 153.4
May 12 - 154.0
May 19 - 154.1
May 26 - 155.0
(Started cutting)
June 2 - 152.6
June 9 - 151.9

I’m going on a cruise in 3 weeks. I want to indulge myself as much as I want on the cruise to get my money’s worth, so I am trying to lose a few pounds beforehand. I’ll probably have to lose a few pounds afterwards as well, but this preemptive strike will make that take less time.

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