Friday weigh in thread (suns out guns out challenge 8/31/2025)

I've stayed around 265 the last couple of months. I'm starting to tone up more from what I can tell. Eating what I did on vacation didn't seem to affect it. I walked enough to balance it out.
That's my current focus: add muscle mass to increase metabolism (and reduce size even without weight change.) And drop some weight via diet.

I have a ferocious physical therapist pounding me into shape twice a week!
Jan 6 - 155.6
Jan 13 - 152.8
Jan 20 - 151.9
Jan 26 - 151.3
Feb 3 - 150.3
Feb 10 - 148.4
Feb 17 - 149.7
Feb 24 - 149.4
(Started bulking)
March 3 - 149.3
March 10 - 150.1
March 17 - 150.9
March 24 - 151.7
March 31 - 152.9
April 7 - 153.6
April 14 - 154.0
April 21 - 152.8
April 28 - 153.3
May 5 - 153.4
May 12 - 154.0
May 19 - 154.1
May 26 - 155.0
(Started cutting)
June 2 - 152.6
June 9 - 151.9
June 16 - 150.7

Well, that’s the end of my cut. I wanted to get below 150, but…close enough. I am now going on a 2.5 week vacation, where I do not plan on weighing myself the entire time. In fact, I probably won’t weigh myself for about a month, because when I come back from vacation, I really don’t want to know how much I will have gained. I’ll do a 2 week mini-cut, then see where I’m at.

I think I’ll just want to maintain my weight somewhere between 150 and 155 after this vacation. I’ve done massive weight loss over time, bulking, quick cutting, and maintaining, and by far the most pleasant experience for me is maintaining. At 155 pounds, I’m at 15% body fat and in good shape physically as long as I’m consistent with my workouts. I don’t need to get jacked. Being consistently healthy is much more important in the long run.

You have to restrict yourself in so many different ways when trying to lose weight, even when trying to gain weight. In fact, in my opinion, gaining weight is harder than losing weight because you don’t want to gain weight too fast. The window for error is so much smaller when gaining weight. I don’t feel restricted when maintaining. I can eat whatever I want, just have to have reasonable portions. So you’ll hear from me again in about a month. Good luck to everyone!
Jan 6 - 155.6
Jan 13 - 152.8
Jan 20 - 151.9
Jan 26 - 151.3
Feb 3 - 150.3
Feb 10 - 148.4
Feb 17 - 149.7
Feb 24 - 149.4
(Started bulking)
March 3 - 149.3
March 10 - 150.1
March 17 - 150.9
March 24 - 151.7
March 31 - 152.9
April 7 - 153.6
April 14 - 154.0
April 21 - 152.8
April 28 - 153.3
May 5 - 153.4
May 12 - 154.0
May 19 - 154.1
May 26 - 155.0
(Started cutting)
June 2 - 152.6
June 9 - 151.9
June 16 - 150.7

Well, that’s the end of my cut. I wanted to get below 150, but…close enough. I am now going on a 2.5 week vacation, where I do not plan on weighing myself the entire time. In fact, I probably won’t weigh myself for about a month, because when I come back from vacation, I really don’t want to know how much I will have gained. I’ll do a 2 week mini-cut, then see where I’m at.

I think I’ll just want to maintain my weight somewhere between 150 and 155 after this vacation. I’ve done massive weight loss over time, bulking, quick cutting, and maintaining, and by far the most pleasant experience for me is maintaining. At 155 pounds, I’m at 15% body fat and in good shape physically as long as I’m consistent with my workouts. I don’t need to get jacked. Being consistently healthy is much more important in the long run.

You have to restrict yourself in so many different ways when trying to lose weight, even when trying to gain weight. In fact, in my opinion, gaining weight is harder than losing weight because you don’t want to gain weight too fast. The window for error is so much smaller when gaining weight. I don’t feel restricted when maintaining. I can eat whatever I want, just have to have reasonable portions. So you’ll hear from me again in about a month. Good luck to everyone!
I’m curious, why don’t you just use how your clothes fit? Overall, narrowly-specific number goals seem quite arbitrary, unless you’re a wrestler or a jockey.

(Truly, not mocking, just curious)
I’m curious, why don’t you just use how your clothes fit? Overall, narrowly-specific number goals seem quite arbitrary, unless you’re a wrestler or a jockey.

(Truly, not mocking, just curious)

I’m a numbers guy. I like keeping track, seeing the trends, setting goals, and reaching them. It has kept me motivated these last two years. I know weight is not the only important measurement for health, but I also got some blood work done recently, and my cholesterol and lipid levels are the best they’ve ever been. Tracking my weight and what I eat so closely has helped me reach that.

When bulking, you really have to keep track of your weight very closely, because if you gain weight too fast (more than 0.75 pounds per week), it means you’re gaining too much fat. You want to gain mostly muscle on a bulk and minimize the fat gain. It’s been quite a challenge, but a good experience. I’m not planning on doing it again for a while. I’ll just attempt to “maingain” and see how that goes the next few months. I always have to change my routine every few months. It’s how I stay motivated and prevent boredom. Everyone has different things that work for them. What I have done these past 2 years works well for me.
+7 over my 2 week vacation. I wish now I had done some cutting like @KoachKrab127 before, but I figure it's either cut before or cut after, or more likely in my case both. So it's back to the strict program for me starting tomorrow, hopefully back to my target in 2 or 3 weeks.

Had a similar big week when I first started this back in Jan. Seems after a couple of weeks of indulgence, my body reacted to the new restrictions pretty quick. Glad to be back below my goal. I'm totally on the same page as @KoachKrab127 , maintaining is by far the most satisfying and easiest for me too.

Had a similar big week when I first started this back in Jan. Seems after a couple of weeks of indulgence, my body reacted to the new restrictions pretty quick. Glad to be back below my goal. I'm totally on the same page as @KoachKrab127 , maintaining is by far the most satisfying and easiest for me too.

Everyone taking the holiday weekend off or something?
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Since January, I went from 285 to my current weight of 258. I'm thrilled that I've lost 27 pounds in 6 months. Not eating as much and not feeling hungry as well as a little bit of exercise has went a long way.
Smart choices and portion size are 90 percent of the battle
Outstanding progress so far
Smart choices and portion size are 90 percent of the battle
Outstanding progress so far

Thank you! 👍Many years ago I lost about 90 pounds to get to 220. I kept it off of a little over ten years. I had a lot go on and gained 60 of it back and that's been 6-7 years maybe? So yeah, it feels wonderful both physically and mentallyto put in the work to get to this point,and I don't plan on stopping until I'm around 235 since I'm 6'3.
Thank you! 👍Many years ago I lost about 90 pounds to get to 220. I kept it off of a little over ten years. I had a lot go on and gained 60 of it back and that's been 6-7 years maybe? So yeah, it feels wonderful both physically and mentallyto put in the work to get to this point,and I don't plan on stopping until I'm around 235 since I'm 6'3.
So much can be summed up by “stop eating crap.” Plus exercise and not eating 3 people’s worth of not-crap, of course, but to start with, just stop eating crap.
I worked three hours on the new pollinator garden beds starting around 11 with only one break. (I had planned to start at 8, but it just wasn’t hot enough.)

I just got on the scales out of curiosity, and I lost 3.2 pounds. Since this morning. After drinking a beer in about 3 minutes. 🥵 🤪
I haven't posted in this thread in a while. I wanted to focus on a few things without worrying about the actual weight number. I started a new diet that has helped me to lean out quite a bit.

-I eat meat, veggies and a limited amount of almonds 6 days a week, nothing fried or sweet. Also, can have a glass of dry, red wine per day. Day 7 is a free for all, eat what I want and as much as I want. It's Tim Ferris' diet plan.
-Started going to a gym that does a large class style lifting and cardio
-trained for the Murph and completed my first one, only threw up 3 times the last mile, but I finished.
-After the Murph, I've continued on with the pull-ups after a workout. Started able to do around 3 in a row and am now at around 20 in a row. Probably my favorite workout now.
-Doing a full Murph every couple of weeks to try to get my time under 40 minutes.

Through the process I've lost around 18 lbs but gained a good amount of muscle. roughly sitting at 212 today. Looking to get down to around 200 soon.
I haven't posted in this thread in a while. I wanted to focus on a few things without worrying about the actual weight number. I started a new diet that has helped me to lean out quite a bit.

-I eat meat, veggies and a limited amount of almonds 6 days a week, nothing fried or sweet. Also, can have a glass of dry, red wine per day. Day 7 is a free for all, eat what I want and as much as I want. It's Tim Ferris' diet plan.
-Started going to a gym that does a large class style lifting and cardio
-trained for the Murph and completed my first one, only threw up 3 times the last mile, but I finished.
-After the Murph, I've continued on with the pull-ups after a workout. Started able to do around 3 in a row and am now at around 20 in a row. Probably my favorite workout now.
-Doing a full Murph every couple of weeks to try to get my time under 40 minutes.

Through the process I've lost around 18 lbs but gained a good amount of muscle. roughly sitting at 212 today. Looking to get down to around 200 soon.

I don't think that I really want to know what a Murph is, but I have to ask: what is a Murph? And do you pay extra for the vomiting? -or maybe they reimburse you, IDK

I don't think that I really want to know what a Murph is, but I have to ask: what is a Murph? And do you pay extra for the vomiting? -or maybe they reimburse you, IDK
-1 mile run
-100 pull-ups
-200 push-ups
-300 body squats
-1 mile run

All for time. My time was 50:43.

It was my first one so I did the mile run, 10 rounds of 10/20/30 splits and finsihed with the 1 mile run.

Some people add a 25 lb vest. Going to try it next year and hope to hit 40 min
-1 mile run
-100 pull-ups
-200 push-ups
-300 body squats
-1 mile run

All for time. My time was 50:43.

It was my first one so I did the mile run, 10 rounds of 10/20/30 splits and finsihed with the 1 mile run.

Some people add a 25 lb vest. Going to try it next year and hope to hit 40 min
That’s impressive as hell! But for me,


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