Friday weigh in thread (suns out guns out challenge 8/31/2025)

I've accidentally lost 2 pounds over the last week and a half or so, mostly from not having time to eat. Not a sustainable model going forward, but with the end of the semester approaching and ~5 weeks off before spring semester roars back, I'm motivated to get an organized and semi-disciplined program of diet and exercise going.

Classes for my major (Ecology and Environmental Biology) include a lot of off-campus labs involving scrambling up and down mountain trails. I kept up pretty well through the first 7-8 weeks but ran out of gas toward the end, before the weather drove us back indoors. Keeping up with 19-year-old Zoomers isn't easy for this Boomer! I plan to get in better cardiovascular and strength shape before I find myself back out on a mountain bald, gazing at (very) fresh bear scat. lol
remember, you don't have to out run the bear. just your slowest friend.
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I have went up to 225 while I have been strength training the last 16 weeks.
bench up from 255 to 295 Shooting for 300 max next week
squat up to 360 pretty easily (never had done more than 313) shooting for 400 next week
deadlift is 360 (previous high was 330) lower back isn't great but shooting for 400

Hope to report back at an 1100 lb total by the end of next week.
Damn Thanksgiving lol

Week 1: 180.2
2: 182.1
3. 183.2
4. 182.0
5. 180.2
6. 178.0
7. 180.8
8. 182.4
9. 181.2
10. 181.0
11. 179.4
12. 177.4
13. 176.6
14. 176.0
15. 177.0
16. 173.0
17. 170.4
18. 171.6
Too many Thanksgiving leftovers. Also bought a huge Costco Pumpkin Pie and polished it off in two days.
I actually weighed myself on Monday and I was 171.6 so I am happy about bringing my weight back down
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Some years ago before retiring I was riding a desk about 60 hours a week and I got up to 240, I'm 6'2" so that was a lot.

I cut out processed sugar, white flour and all meat except fish and lost exactly one pound a week for 50 weeks. The graph was exactly a straight line. I still stay in the range of 195 to 205 never gained all that weight back.
I have went up to 225 while I have been strength training the last 16 weeks.
bench up from 255 to 295 Shooting for 300 max next week
squat up to 360 pretty easily (never had done more than 313) shooting for 400 next week
deadlift is 360 (previous high was 330) lower back isn't great but shooting for 400

Hope to report back at an 1100 lb total by the end of next week.
Follow up on lifting maxes
Bench 305
Squat 385
Deadlift is still at the 360 (pulled a muscle in my calf and didn't max)

Now I am working to cut weight currently now 225, planning to drop to 200 within a couple of months while preparing for my next Murph.
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Stupid Costco Pumpkin Pie 😡
Lol don't feel too bad(Pumpkin pie is always my weakness this time of year)... I'm stuck at 250 lbs on the dot and have been for the past few months after losing 35 lbs to start the year. I blame reverting back to binge eating....My actual New Years resolution is to actually stick to a diet plan and exercise more like I did to begin with this year starting out.
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So not a Friday, but New Year’s Day. Joined the local YMCA this morning and seriously need to lose weight. First time I’ve ever been a member of a gym. I’m a 5’11” dude and in 2017, I went from 237 to 194 lbs by counting calories. Took 7 months.

End of 2017 - 194 lbs
2018 - 204
2019 - 205
2020 - 212
2021 - 218
2022 - 221
2023 - 225

This trend is not fixing itself. My clothes don’t fit. I feel gross and I’m not happy with the way I look. My 15yo son and I are getting up at 6:30 tomorrow morning to start a new pattern. Will post progress here.

Plan is to get down to at least 195 and to also change the proportions of my body. Cheers to ask of you for progress in 2024!
So not a Friday, but New Year’s Day. Joined the local YMCA this morning and seriously need to lose weight. First time I’ve ever been a member of a gym. I’m a 5’11” dude and in 2017, I went from 237 to 194 lbs by counting calories. Took 7 months.

End of 2017 - 194 lbs
2018 - 204
2019 - 205
2020 - 212
2021 - 218
2022 - 221
2023 - 225

This trend is not fixing itself. My clothes don’t fit. I feel gross and I’m not happy with the way I look. My 15yo son and I are getting up at 6:30 tomorrow morning to start a new pattern. Will post progress here.

Plan is to get down to at least 195 and to also change the proportions of my body. Cheers to ask of you for progress in 2024!

Good for you! I hope you stick with it. I lost 75 pounds in 2021, and I have been able to keep that weight off for 2 years. I won’t give any unsolicited advice, but if you want a few pointers during your weight loss journey, feel free to ask! Good luck! I’ll be rooting for you here!
Good for you! I hope you stick with it. I lost 75 pounds in 2021, and I have been able to keep that weight off for 2 years. I won’t give any unsolicited advice, but if you want a few pointers during your weight loss journey, feel free to ask! Good luck! I’ll be rooting for you here!
I’d never turn down free advice. I’m on a plan, but might be able to incorporate some of your pointers into my plan!
My post covid/depression(unfortunately) weigh in sad 😔 245.....from 255lbs

I sure didn't expect to lose ten pounds in a week,but I'll keep it off with exercise when I feel better,and get this crappy taste out of my mouth.
Covid has done something awful to my sinuses and it's been tough to get adequate exercise for me. Still getting in movement, but not too happy.
I’d never turn down free advice. I’m on a plan, but might be able to incorporate some of your pointers into my plan!

The biggest game changers for me were:

1). Stop drinking alcohol when dieting. Alcohol is just empty calories and inhibit muscle growth.

2). Eat 3 full, healthy meals that are high in protein, and do not snack! I used to have a bad habit of munching on chips or cookies late at night. When I quit doing that, weight fell off of me like needles on a pine tree.

3). Find a low-impact cardio exercise that you enjoy, like swimming, rowing, or walking uphill. Actually, just walking for 60 minutes per day has amazing health benefits, but you nearly double the calories burned if you walk uphill or on stairs. I injured myself doing high-impact cardio like burpees and high-knees, and that set me back. Now I make sure I get my 10k steps in every day, and that usually takes two 30 minute walks, or three 20 minute walks each day.

4). If you are lifting weights, remember your rest days! Do not lift if you are still sore, even if it’s been 2-3 days. Your body needs to recover. Just take a few walks instead, and lift the next day. Not only do your muscles need to recover, but your mind needs to recover from lifting as well. Lifting too frequently can negatively impact your strength gains, and injuries can really set you back as far as your goals go.

5). Don’t get discouraged if you have a week where you only lost a half a pound or less. Losing weight takes time. Don’t think of it as a quick fix. It’s a lifestyle change, creating healthy habits.

Ugh, when I started this message, I wanted to keep it brief, but I knew I’d fly off the rails! Sorry if this is too much rambling. Good luck to you!
Obviously, I was not good over the holidays.
I have some work to do

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