Fuad Reveiz is the Man!

Is it true George Cafego called Reveiz "Frank" because he didn't think "Fuad" was an actual name?
The point is Dooley is not the coach anymore Butch is time to move on.

Vol fans have every right, nay, have the responsibility to ridicule Dooley and the Bamboo Brain Trust for a generation or more.

They were, quite simply, the worst coaching staff we've had in three generations, and that is saying something when you look at his predecessor currently coaching at his "dream job."

Every Vol fan has the god-given right to playfully insult, ridicule, and otherwise make fun of Barbara's son from now until time immemorial.

Heck, when they got the blocked punt yesterday, I asked if anyone let Dooley back in Neyland.

Fortunately, the Vols that came out after halftime resembled NOTHING like a team coached by Barbara's son.
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That's absurd. The man simply accepted the job that was offered to him and then did his best. His best wasn't good enough so now he's gone. It's not like he came here to intentionally sabotage the program.

Some of you seriously need to grow up.
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That's absurd. The man simply accepted the job that was offered to him and then did his best. His best wasn't good enough so now he's gone. It's not like he came here to intentionally sabotage the program.

Some of you seriously need to grow up.

Sure, that's one way to look at it if you are a stick in the mud. And it would be hard to come up with a better way to intentionally sabotage the program than Dooley's "best" efforts.

Actually, your post reminded me that Vol fans should also include Hambone in said playful insults, ridicule, and fun poking.
That's absurd. The man simply accepted the job that was offered to him and then did his best. His best wasn't good enough so now he's gone. It's not like he came here to intentionally sabotage the program.

Some of you seriously need to grow up.

He's still a Doofus whether he did his best or not (which is debatable). :)
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He is beyond doofus and deserves all the criticism and hate that can be mustered.

However more deserving, and unfortunately overlooked, are the powers that be that signed off on the hire and then supported his sorry azz through 3 seasons.

And who would have gladly kept his sorry azz had he managed to win just one more game last year.
Fuad is terrible at sports radio. I am pretty sure he attended the Emmitt Smith School of Sports Broadcast Journalism winning the Sugar Ray Leonard Award for Unintelligible Sports Radio Dialogue. Even Bob Kesling listens and shakes his head, "What did Foooyad just say?"

He pretty much garbles and mumbles his way through the call-in shows seamlessly transitioning between speaking in tongues and some unfamiliar alien language.

It was total bush league to spend most of the call in show putting Dooley down in that manner. The fact that Fuad couldn't think of a different turn of phrase any of the twenty times he used the exact same put down was "Totally Fuad."

Hopefully, he got it out of his system yesterday so he can get back to apparently attempting to talk about football from a kicker's perspective from here on.
Fuad is terrible at sports radio. I am pretty sure he attended the Emmitt Smith School of Sports Broadcast Journalism winning the Sugar Ray Leonard Award for Unintelligible Sports Radio Dialogue. Even Bob Kesling listens and shakes his head, "What did Foooyad just say?"

He pretty much garbles and mumbles his way through the call-in shows seamlessly transitioning between speaking in tongues and some unfamiliar alien language.

It was total bush league to spend most of the call in show putting Dooley down in that manner. The fact that Fuad couldn't think of a different turn of phrase any of the twenty times he used the exact same put down was "Totally Fuad."

Hopefully, he got it out of his system yesterday so he can get back to apparently attempting to talk about football from a kicker's perspective from here on.

I will take any and every opportunity to ridicule Dooley. I absolutely love these people saying that I am childish or "bush league" for doing so. If I were bashing Kiffin or perhaps calling Johnny Majors a drunk, then well, that would be just fine. Dooley deserves every insult any of us decides to throw his way and I will do my part to see he gets them.
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I have no problem with fans ridiculing Dooley, just like I feel Kiffin and Fulmer are fair game for where they left the program upon their departure.
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That's absurd. The man simply accepted the job that was offered to him and then did his best. His best wasn't good enough so now he's gone. It's not like he came here to intentionally sabotage the program.

Some of you seriously need to grow up.

Says the man on a football message board. What have you given to the Vols that even comes close to what Fuad gave?
He has every right (way more so than you) to say what he wants about Dooley.
Now. Back under your rock.
Yeah,that was a real pro move..name calling on the radio..not surprised you approve..make it your ringtone man..
That's absurd. The man simply accepted the job that was offered to him and then did his best. His best wasn't good enough so now he's gone. It's not like he came here to intentionally sabotage the program.

Some of you seriously need to grow up.

I know many people who would argue that he did his best. The way he treated many people was inexcusable. People who do their best are teachable and willing to learn and take advice.
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Fuad can say what he wants. He and the rest of his family are a big part of the history of UT football.

As for Derek Dooley, he took the job and I am quite sure he did the best he can, but it wasn't good enough. He took UT's money, and he can accept criticism from UT football legends for not doing a good job.
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Everything Dooley did while at Tennessee was bush league. Some folks act holier than thou and ridicule others from speaking their mind. I actually thought Doofus was rather nice considering the direction he was leading our program. He may have tried his best but a public state figure that makes 2 million a year and cant do no better than that deserves what he gets. His spoiled, pampered ass was sharp with the tongue and quick to throw someone under the bus. I think you call a spade a spade if you so desire. Dooley and Kiffin set us light years behind. I will not ever say anything nice about eithers coaching skills as long as I live. I love Tennessee football. We have had 3 straight loosing seasons for the first time ever. I'll never get over it and move on. We are the winningest program in the last 75 years and Dooley did nothing but add loses and win 4 SEC games while there. You can get over it if you choose. I have a burning competitive desire that burns deep and hate my Vols being losers. The coaches associated deserve all the ridicule they get for doing their best when the best was as good as Dooleys. Doofus is a mild...rather nice term for his time at Tennessee. I can come up with some dandies if you would rather hear those!!
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That lady from west Tennessee that called in to complain about Faud calling that SOB doofus.....can go make me a sandwich :).

be careful about what she puts in that sandwich and claim's it's meat. :eek:lol:
I think that Dooley was bad at his job. I think that many here disagreed with the way he did his job, but I do believe that he tried. I don't blame Dooley for taking the job and the salary.

Kids are killing themselves because of bullies. I know where these kids are learning how to be hateful; they learn bullying from adults. I doubt Dooley is that fragile, but I do believe that using derogatory names and making fun of Dooley is the very thing that so many people are telling children not to do.

Having said all of that... I very much want Kiffin to be fired. Hypocrisy? Probably.

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