Fuad Reveiz is the Man!

If Kiffen had stayed everyone would stilk be singing his praises right now even if he laid an egg just like he did Saturday. As for Dooley, he wasn't SEC head coaching material but I'm sure he tried and did his best just as all of us would have! It had to be tough putting your future in a self centered 22 year old quarterbacks hand who thought he was already NFL caliber only to have him play to spite you!
Fuad is terrible at sports radio. I am pretty sure he attended the Emmitt Smith School of Sports Broadcast Journalism winning the Sugar Ray Leonard Award for Unintelligible Sports Radio Dialogue. Even Bob Kesling listens and shakes his head, "What did Foooyad just say?"

He pretty much garbles and mumbles his way through the call-in shows seamlessly transitioning between speaking in tongues and some unfamiliar alien language.

It was total bush league to spend most of the call in show putting Dooley down in that manner. The fact that Fuad couldn't think of a different turn of phrase any of the twenty times he used the exact same put down was "Totally Fuad."

Hopefully, he got it out of his system yesterday so he can get back to apparently attempting to talk about football from a kicker's perspective from here on.

He called Sal a moron last week and it was equally awesome.

Fuad is a BA and a Vol legend. When he speaks Vols listen.
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From what I have learned through various conversations with those closer to the program than I, calling DD a "doofus" was taking it very, very easy.
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A good Vol Kicker vs. a terrible Head Coach? Hmmm

The guy who put points up wins every time in my book.

The point is Dooley is not the coach anymore Butch is time to move on.

DD will most likely go down as the worst coach in the SEC since the forward pass, he may also go down as one of the biggest pricks in the SEC.
He is gonna catch some flack.
From what I have learned through various conversations with those closer to the program than I, calling DD a "doofus" was taking it very, very easy.

no kidding.

and those within the program (ie the admin and AD) were in position to be aware of this stuff in real time, while the full extent of the doofus dumbazzery is just now coming to light for many of us fans.

they either chose to ignore it, or were totally asleep at the switch and missed it, while doofus kept the football program on its inexorable path of destruction. either explanation is inexcusable.
Fuad was a great Vol. He understands commitment, dedication, dependability, and being prepared.

He earned the right to say what he said. And, by the way, he is right!
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