
The award is given every year before the spring game. The winners tend to be available this time of year. No timing gimmicks.

He deserves it. Do it now, and get it out of the way...

I'll applaud the man if I'm in the stadium when they call him onto the field.
Those bitching about this are being very, very petty. And anyone who thinks this will disrupt the OW game or the team have not been paying attention to how Kiff is running the show. The team will be respectful to him and the coaching staff will as well. I wish some of our "fans" would do the same. He is gone and with just cause. But this award is given at the OW game every year. No black helicopters involved.
Looks like I'll have to rethink attending the Orange and White game. Heading to Atlanta in advance of Heat-Hawks Game 1 suddenly seems far more appealing than it did earlier.
Maybe they could do it WWE style to rile up the troops. Have Fulmer step to the mic to give his acceptance speech...then all of the sudden Major's music comes over the loud speaker. Let Johnny hit him with a steel chair from behind, throw the Neyland trophy to the ground and stomp it into a million pieces.

The place would go nuts!
Maybe they could do it WWE style to rile up the troops. Have Fulmer step to the mic to give his acceptance speech...then all of the sudden Major's music comes over the loud speaker. Let Johnny hit him with a steel chair from behind, throw the Neyland trophy to the ground and stomp it into a million pieces.

The place would go nuts!
Suddenly, I see images of a fallen Rickey Steamboat, a smashed Pro Wrestling Illustrated Wrestler of the Year Trophy, and hear Jim Ross yelling "AT WHAT PRICE, LEX? AT WHAT PRICE? LUGER HAS JUST ANNIHILATED STEAMBOAT!!!"
Maybe they could do it WWE style to rile up the troops. Have Fulmer step to the mic to give his acceptance speech...then all of the sudden Major's music comes over the loud speaker. Let Johnny hit him with a steel chair from behind, throw the Neyland trophy to the ground and stomp it into a million pieces.

The place would go nuts!
I'm only for that if Jim Donnan and Mike DuBose get to pound away on Fulmer's prone carcass while Majors soaks in the crowd's appreciation.
I'm only for that if Jim Donnan and Mike DuBose get to pound away on Fulmer's prone carcass while Majors soaks in the crowd's appreciation.
I'd throw Ray Goff in there too, but he could drive around downtown Knoxville forever and never find the stadium.
Of course, the two guys who ran Fulmer's outdated rump out of the SEC should apply the finisher. Saban and Meyer could execute a Doomsday Device before Prince Phillip of Peach Bowls is tossed in the bed of a beat up truck and taken back to Winchester, hopefully to never be seen or heard from again.
he deserves it, specially with his .700+ winning percentage...i'm sure it won't be the last time to see him in neyland...
I would assume Vicki will be playing Miss Elizabeth's role or would she be Scary Sheri?
lol Lex, you crack me up.

As far as Fulmer goes, I'll just politely abstain from booing and hope that's the last time we see him on the field, unless it's coaching another team (which won't happen).
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I'm happy for Phil and looking foward to seeing him and our boy Kif talk for the first time. love the respect Kif has got for Phil
let it go. he deserves any accalaids he gets from this point forward. i find it hard to believe it's a charity award given to a guy that's 2nd all time in wins, has a national title, two SEC titles and COY awards.

it ended, rightfully so. but it's not like in his 17 years he didn't accomplish anything.

hear, hear
he deserves it, specially with his .700+ winning percentage...i'm sure it won't be the last time to see him in neyland...

Deserves it????? The Tide, Gator and Dog ally lost right at 70% of his games against better competition since '01. That win percentage came against the nobodies. The only thing he deserves is the 'Outlaw Award' for running a lawless program.

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