(hatvol96 @ May 17 said:
I agree completely. If Fulmer would challenge the media instead of complaining/whining, he would come across as a much stronger personality.
As I read the one quote above, Fulmer was in fact taking the media to task for minimizing the good while highlighting the bad.
Part of this to me is that the sports media in particular is made up of so much hipocrisy. Sports reporters recognize that they are basically entertainment reporters. Sports is not "news." Yet they want to be treated as news reporters in a lot of respects, and usually when it suits them.
The reality is that, if you have a successful program, then the sports reporters will laud you for a long time and keep your reputation going in the "right" direction. But at the first sign of trouble, they look for more cracks in the armor. UT had a bad season last year and expectations have been dashed a bit, so the sports "reporters" are now earning their keep by finding even more that's wrong with the program.
The irony is that, if UT has a fantastic year, then all will be forgiven and the sports "reporters" will talk about Fulmer getting things back under control, turning it around, and everyone will go right back to writing about the recruiting juggernaut at Tennessee, the tradition, the fans, etc., etc.
Bottom line to me is that, regardless of whether you like the current regime or dislike the current regime, the last place to look for input as to whether the team is successful or going in the right direction is the sports media. Might as well ask Joan Rivers on the red carpet what she thinks because that in essence is what you are going to get, anyway.