"Fulmer wants to see balanced coverage"

If a coach has time to read what the media says about him and comment on it, he's got too much time on his hands. Time and time again I see some of the best in the business go out there and say they could care less what is in the paper and deny they even read the paper. These guys get paid to lead and train. As many here have said, the media gravitates on tragedy. It sells. Many whine about Iraq war coverage and blame biased national media. Well the same thing happens at the local level. See the top 5 stories...all about murder, robbery, rape, kidnapping, etc.

And if CPF wants better coverage, invite the media to open practices. Invite them in for one-on-one interviews with the whole staff. Have some TV crews do some documentaries. Do some stories on the community services the players do after hours, etc. Humanize them. Don't make this some Donald Rumsfeld/Dick Cheney tightly held 'mum's the word' double super secret program. You close the door to the media, they get suspicious. Then they start snooping. Keep them busy with open door items.
Sometimes I have no real argument, so I just use the cliche "at least I don't blindly follow Fulmer just because he is coach." What does that cliche mean when you use it hatvol. I assure you I have never blindly followed anybody, especially not the football coach at UTK. At the same time, you are all the way on the other end of the specturm, and its just as bad. If some people blindly follow Fulmer...then you are BLINDLY argumentative over every little thing he does. I think either extreme is ignorant and ridiculous. Therefore you are in the same boat at the hated appologists. Get your butt in the middle of the spectrum and view things with an unbiased open mind.
(Orangewhiteblood @ May 18 said:
Of course he knows that this is how it goes. That's why he's speaking up about it in the first place. Some of you just miss the point completely. :disappointed:

Because they want to miss it OWB. They are emotinally based.
(VolBeef88 @ May 18 said:
Looking at his record then I guess there are only a few good coaches in the history of NCAA football.
Let's see where his career record ends up. I notice all the Fulmerites can't say he's "the winningest coach in college football" anymore. Pretty soon, they won't be able to say he's in the top 5, 10, 15,........
(therickbol @ May 18 said:
Sometimes I have no real argument, so I just use the cliche "at least I don't blindly follow Fulmer just because he is coach." What does that cliche mean when you use it hatvol. I assure you I have never blindly followed anybody, especially not the football coach at UTK. At the same time, you are all the way on the other end of the specturm, and its just as bad. If some people blindly follow Fulmer...then you are BLINDLY argumentative over every little thing he does. I think either extreme is ignorant and ridiculous. Therefore you are in the same boat at the hated appologists. Get your butt in the middle of the spectrum and view things with an unbiased open mind.
The middle of the road is for the cowardly and the meek. Take the facts, interpret them, then stake out a position.
(hatvol96 @ May 18 said:
The middle of the road is for the cowardly and the meek. Take the facts, interpret them, then stake out a position.

I think his point was that things are not always "all bad" or "all good." An interesting point has been made that those who have chosen to blast Fulmer with every post they type lump themselves into the same class as the blind defenders of our coach. Both views are foolish. By "middle of the road," I think he means to see the positives, as well, and not to crash a very valid argument about the media by your negative bias towards Fulmer.

As far as your "cowardly and meek" comment, I certainly wish that more politicians in America would scoot themselves to the center aisle. It is often, throughout history, the Extremist that is the cause of such atrocities as racism, religious persecution, war, and genocide.
Except for ending Slavery, Facism,Nazism and Communism. War hasn't solved a thing!
(crimedawg12 @ May 18 said:
Except for ending Slavery, Facism,Nazism and Communism. War hasn't solved a thing!
Good call Dawg. The "middle of the road" types would have looked for "negotiated compromises."
(kiddiedoc @ May 18 said:
I think his point was that things are not always "all bad" or "all good." An interesting point has been made that those who have chosen to blast Fulmer with every post they type lump themselves into the same class as the blind defenders of our coach. Both views are foolish. By "middle of the road," I think he means to see the positives, as well, and not to crash a very valid argument about the media by your negative bias towards Fulmer.

As far as your "cowardly and meek" comment, I certainly wish that more politicians in America would scoot themselves to the center aisle. It is often, throughout history, the Extremist that is the cause of such atrocities as racism, religious persecution, war, and genocide.
There's a huge difference between Extremism and taking firm positions. The "middle of the road" is too often a convenient resting place for those with neither the fortitude nor the strength of conviction to make decisions. A moderate view does not equate to what I consider a "middle of the road" position. If a person has taken in the relevant facts, interpreted them, and come out believing in a position that falls between the two most divergent options, I have no problem with that. The people I'm critical of are the who use the cloak of being "moderate" to hide indecisiveness.
Except for ending Slavery, Facism,Nazism and Communism. War hasn't solved a thing!



(hatvol96 @ May 18 said:
There's a huge difference between Extremism and taking firm positions. The "middle of the road" is too often a convenient resting place for those with neither the fortitude nor the strength of conviction to make decisions. A moderate view does not equate to what I consider a "middle of the road" position. If a person has taken in the relevant facts, interpreted them, and come out believing in a position that falls between the two most divergent options, I have no problem with that. The people I'm critical of are the who use the cloak of being "moderate" to hide indecisiveness.

Thats the point. You can take a firm decision to not support the idea that Fulmer is the best coach for UTK. And there is certainly no problem with that. But, when you carry that "firm decision" into the realm of degrading everything Fulmer does (even when there is no warrant for the degrading) then you are placing you in the group of ignorant extremists. Just like the poster said a few posts ago....my point was that you place yourself in the EXACT SAME circumstance as the Fulmerites that you chide and ridicule. You blast them for first of all for following Fulmer, but then you go one step further and blast them for "blindly" making excuses for everything he does. Well, you "blindly" chatise everything he does therefore placing you in the same boat. I do not think that Fulmer is near as good of a coach as his record would lead you to believe. I put him in a similar category with Jerry Green (although not quite as bad). But, just because I have made that "firm decision" does not mean I want to make myself sound ignorant by taking every single word or action by Fulmer and twisting and turning and doing whatever possible to make him sound like he is a 100% idiot. Even if your "firm decision" is that he is a horrendous coach does not mean you should degrade his positive accomplishments. I wonder what your negative take is on the large amounts of charity work that he does? He does a lot of charity work in stopping teenage suicide. I am curious to hear your negative spin about that. I know you have one.
(therickbol @ May 18 said:
Thats the point. You can take a firm decision to not support the idea that Fulmer is the best coach for UTK. And there is certainly no problem with that. But, when you carry that "firm decision" into the realm of degrading everything Fulmer does (even when there is no warrant for the degrading) then you are placing you in the group of ignorant extremists. Just like the poster said a few posts ago....my point was that you place yourself in the EXACT SAME circumstance as the Fulmerites that you chide and ridicule. You blast them for first of all for following Fulmer, but then you go one step further and blast them for "blindly" making excuses for everything he does. Well, you "blindly" chatise everything he does therefore placing you in the same boat. I do not think that Fulmer is near as good of a coach as his record would lead you to believe. I put him in a similar category with Jerry Green (although not quite as bad). But, just because I have made that "firm decision" does not mean I want to make myself sound ignorant by taking every single word or action by Fulmer and twisting and turning and doing whatever possible to make him sound like he is a 100% idiot. Even if your "firm decision" is that he is a horrendous coach does not mean you should degrade his positive accomplishments. I wonder what your negative take is on the large amounts of charity work that he does? He does a lot of charity work in stopping teenage suicide. I am curious to hear your negative spin about that. I know you have one.
Actually if you pull up the thread started some time back about Fulmer's work in preventing teen suicide, I complimented him for his work on that issue and his charity work in general. So, my advice would be to do your homework and know the facts before you make assumptions.
(CSpindizzy @ May 18 said:
If a coach has time to read what the media says about him and comment on it, he's got too much time on his hands. Time and time again I see some of the best in the business go out there and say they could care less what is in the paper and deny they even read the paper. These guys get paid to lead and train. As many here have said, the media gravitates on tragedy. It sells. Many whine about Iraq war coverage and blame biased national media. Well the same thing happens at the local level. See the top 5 stories...all about murder, robbery, rape, kidnapping, etc.

And if CPF wants better coverage, invite the media to open practices. Invite them in for one-on-one interviews with the whole staff. Have some TV crews do some documentaries. Do some stories on the community services the players do after hours, etc. Humanize them. Don't make this some Donald Rumsfeld/Dick Cheney tightly held 'mum's the word' double super secret program. You close the door to the media, they get suspicious. Then they start snooping. Keep them busy with open door items.

You make good points. If the media had better access to practice and to coaches, perhaps you would hear more positive or neutral things about the team. But as it stands right now, if you can't report on practice, you have to report on something. I think the local media here handles Fulmer with kid gloves.
(JasonCajun @ May 18 said:
You make good points. If the media had better access to practice and to coaches, perhaps you would hear more positive or neutral things about the team. But as it stands right now, if you can't report on practice, you have to report on something. I think the local media here handles Fulmer with kid gloves.

I always catch grief on this site for recommending opening practices back up. The most frequent excuse that I get is that everybody closes practices these days, and people always bring up the Peach Bowl loss to Clemson. IMO if you don't change your audibles and play calling tendencies for eight years, you may as well hand your playbook over to the other team anyway.

I theorize that last year may not have been a disasterous season if the press had knowledge of the Vols sloppy practice habits. That is speculatory, and I realize it may not carry much water, but what in the world is there to hide? I think that CPF is treated very fairly by the KNS. It just seems that he has been more than defensive lately. I just remember how proud I was when he went on the attack at media days last year. I am looking for him to step up and lead with a little attitude, quit making excuses and be proactive about this programs problems. No more, but certainly no less.
(therickbol @ May 18 said:
Thats the point. You can take a firm decision to not support the idea that Fulmer is the best coach for UTK. And there is certainly no problem with that. But, when you carry that "firm decision" into the realm of degrading everything Fulmer does (even when there is no warrant for the degrading) then you are placing you in the group of ignorant extremists. Just like the poster said a few posts ago....my point was that you place yourself in the EXACT SAME circumstance as the Fulmerites that you chide and ridicule. You blast them for first of all for following Fulmer, but then you go one step further and blast them for "blindly" making excuses for everything he does. Well, you "blindly" chatise everything he does therefore placing you in the same boat. I do not think that Fulmer is near as good of a coach as his record would lead you to believe. I put him in a similar category with Jerry Green (although not quite as bad). But, just because I have made that "firm decision" does not mean I want to make myself sound ignorant by taking every single word or action by Fulmer and twisting and turning and doing whatever possible to make him sound like he is a 100% idiot. Even if your "firm decision" is that he is a horrendous coach does not mean you should degrade his positive accomplishments. I wonder what your negative take is on the large amounts of charity work that he does? He does a lot of charity work in stopping teenage suicide. I am curious to hear your negative spin about that. I know you have one.

I believe you have hit the nail on the head.
Mercy....i can't beleive this hasn't been moved over to the depository yet....

Negativity is a breeding ground for the media no doubt.Winning can cure alot of ills. My final thoughts are I respect your opinions whether or not you support coach Fulmer,just don't be a bandwagoner if UT has a great season this year. :dunno:
(utfantilidie @ May 18 said:
Negativity is a breeding ground for the media no doubt.Winning can cure alot of ills. My final thoughts are I respect your opinions whether or not you support coach Fulmer,just don't be a bandwagoner if UT has a great season this year. :dunno:

can i get an "amen!" (even though i think you meant to put "WHEN UT has a great season this year") :yahoo:
f a coach has time to read what the media says about him and comment on it, he's got too much time on his hands. Time and time again I see some of the best in the business go out there and say they could care less what is in the paper and deny they even read the paper. These guys get paid to lead and train. As many here have said, the media gravitates on tragedy. It sells. Many whine about Iraq war coverage and blame biased national media. Well the same thing happens at the local level. See the top 5 stories...all about murder, robbery, rape, kidnapping, etc.

And if CPF wants better coverage, invite the media to open practices. Invite them in for one-on-one interviews with the whole staff. Have some TV crews do some documentaries. Do some stories on the community services the players do after hours, etc. Humanize them. Don't make this some Donald Rumsfeld/Dick Cheney tightly held 'mum's the word' double super secret program. You close the door to the media, they get suspicious. Then they start snooping. Keep them busy with open door items.

i concur

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