"Fulmer wants to see balanced coverage"

Too bad Fulmer isn't as perfect as the posters on this board... The VOLS could win the NC every year if only guided by the expertise of all the second-guessing arm chair quarterbacks and malcontents around here. :banghead:

To think, we would never have a bad play call again, never again have an 18 year old prima donna run afoul of the law, never have to gripe about any given comment being misconstrued by the media, and never have to settle for anything less than a title in any given year! We would be perfect!
(Vol 4 Life @ May 17 said:
Too bad Fulmer isn't as perfect as the posters on this board... The VOLS could win the NC every year if only guided by the expertise of all the second-guessing arm chair quarterbacks and malcontents around here. :banghead:

To think, we would never have a bad play call again, never again have an 18 year old prima donna run afoul of the law, never have to gripe about any given comment being misconstrued by the media, and never have to settle for anything less than a title in any given year! We would be perfect!
I'd settle for him being as good at his job as Bob Stoops or Pete Carroll are.
(hatvol96 @ May 17 said:
I'd settle for him being as good at his job as Bob Stoops or Pete Carroll are.

well there's a chance he may be able to perform as well as Pete Carroll if the toughest competition he had to face every year was Cal, Oregon, or UCLA until he had to play in the NC game and Bob Stoops pretty much only has to beat Texas every year to make it to the NC game as well
(IBleedOrange @ May 17 said:
well there's a chance he may be able to perform as well as Pete Carroll if the toughest competition he had to face every year was Cal, Oregon, or UCLA until he had to play in the NC game and Bob Stoops pretty much only has to beat Texas every year to make it to the NC game as well
Well, given that Fulmer couldn't beat Vandy with a bowl bid on the line, I'll stand by my earlier statement.
(hatvol96 @ May 17 said:
Well, given that Fulmer couldn't beat Vandy with a bowl bid on the line, I'll stand by my earlier statement.

you know......i was going to try and make some witty reply to that statement but i find it rather difficult to defend Fulmer nowadays(i dont consider myself an apologist of his but i still do support him as long as he is UT's coach)....especially when somebody brings up the Vandy loss :banghead:
(orange+white=heaven @ May 17 said:
It would be nice if the good got as many columns in the paper as the bad.
That is not realistic and I'm sure Fulmer knows that. So maybe in that sense the quote is a little inane.

Still, It didn't seem to me he was really whining about how he and his team have been treated.More of a commentary on the climate of how college athletics is covered in general.

I dunno, maybe I'm being an apologist. Hat, did I set your 'fulmerite' detector off?
That comment has been made about Munoz winning the "Academic euvalent of the Heisman." Do they have a big ceremony on ESPN and a big presentation about it the week before? Is the academic Heisman synonymous with college football? No. Not to dismiss academics as a good thing, but really, it's football first for us as long as grades are decent.

I am agreeing with those of you who believe that viewing this article as a knock on Fulmer is wrong. As I said earlier, 'tis the seaon to bash UT's football leadership. The sports media are looking for negative things to report on you right now and it will take winning, pure and simple, to get some positive coverage.
(lawgator1 @ May 17 said:
I am agreeing with those of you who believe that viewing this article as a knock on Fulmer is wrong. As I said earlier, 'tis the seaon to bash UT's football leadership. The sports media are looking for negative things to report on you right now and it will take winning, pure and simple, to get some positive coverage.
Thank you lawgator for watch....ing our backs. (oh lord, I almost said the 9 letter bad word,...timeclock).
(Lexvol @ May 17 said:
100% correct. CPF is somewhat of an enigma. He has some "gravitas" to use a silly media word. There are a lot of people who have deep loyalty to him that I cannot really explain.

For example, a recent article on the Scout website indicated that Jim Clausen flew to Knoxville, HE FLEW to KNOXVILLE to personally tell CPF that Jimmy would be going to Notre Dame. In the conversation CPF encouraged Mr. Clausen, and praised Casey for what he accomplished at UT ( Mr. Clausen is now blaming himself for Casey's inability to make it in the pros by the way). The tone of the article suggested that father Jim was apologetic that little Jimmy would not be suiting up for the Big Orange.

Anyway, how is it that CPF inspires such actions, and yet seems so ineffective lately? How can CPF inspire such actions, and still cry over the mess that he helped create?
Good post. I missed that article. I don't want to mention that dill pickle brand name ever again but I want to go on record here and now that if Little Jimmy doesn't cut it at Nortre Dame and gets beat out at QB by the half dozen All-American QB's there that we DO NOT let the guy come crawling to K-Town like we did his brother Rick. :disappointed:
Everyone who gets into head coaching understands the media scrutiny and expectations at the Div. I level. Otherwise don't take the job.

I don't remember Fulmer complaining about the glowing press coverage he got after winning the N.C. in 98. Media coverage is a two-way street, Fulmer only wants it one way though.
(oklavol @ May 18 said:
Everyone who gets into head coaching understands the media scrutiny and expectations at the Div. I level. Otherwise don't take the job.

I don't remember Fulmer complaining about the glowing press coverage he got after winning the N.C. in 98. Media coverage is a two-way street, Fulmer only wants it one way though.
now, i didn't get that impression at all from reading this...i think he's just frustrated that ALL you hear about is the negative stuff...he never said that it wouldn't be reported...he did state that it's not like any of the stuff that has been reported wasn't true or anything, he, like many others, just wants equal coverage for the good stuff other kids do.

He does have a point...go on ESPN.com right now...click on the college football page, and i'd just about guess that right now, there are at least 3 stories in their headlines section that are about less than desirable incidents occuring at various universities....it's all that ever gets reported these days. and to that he is correct.

now his delivery of the point, as i stated earlier, could have been better...no doubt, but i didn't get the impression that he wanted to supress the negative stories coming out in the media...
OK, i was wrong, it was only two...

• ABC to broadcast 12 prime-time Saturday games
• Irish AD: NFL overtures forced Weis extension
• Florida, Georgia want change to Cocktail moniker
• Notre Dame looks at more neutral site games
• Former Virginia coach Blackburn dies at 93
• Ex-Hog Poole pleads not guilty to second-degree battery
• Horns' Taylor charged with felony drug possession

But you get the idea...
My message to Fulmer: "Toughen up, buttercup. If you don't like the heat, quit taking $2.5 million a year, and get the hell out of the kitchen."

Players doing community service does not get headlines. But if you are a public figure, you should know full well that this is the way it goes.
'Crimedawg wants to see a balanced offense'

(you know when I first saw this thread I thought it was gonna be about our secondary)
(JasonCajun @ May 18 said:
My message to Fulmer: "Toughen up, buttercup. If you don't like the heat, quit taking $2.5 million a year, and get the hell out of the kitchen."

Players doing community service does not get headlines. But if you are a public figure, you should know full well that this is the way it goes.

Of course he knows that this is how it goes. That's why he's speaking up about it in the first place. Some of you just miss the point completely. :disappointed:
Nice to see yet another thread bound for the "depository."

Bottom line: media exists for one and only one purpose (sorry to burst any Utopians' idea of bias-free, fair and equal coverage): to SELL. Sell advertising, sell newspapers, sell airtime. . . .that's it. Unfortulately, people don't tune in to find out how well students have done on the SAT, or who quit smoking, or who helped an older lady pump gas yesterday. We want to see the gory news that is, in my opinion, reflective of only a very, very tiny percentage of our society. Watch "Bowling for Columbine" for a nice example.

IMO, Fulmer was simply pointing this out in the middle of the dog-days of the offseason as he's tired of hearing about all the negatives. Some people around here (funny how the same names keep coming up, eh?) have misconstrued the tone of the article and are completely missing his point.
(hatvol96 @ May 17 said:
Not nearly as foolish as those who blindly defend everything the current head football coach says and does.

Name one time I have blindly defended anything he has said or done! I have stated the mistakes I think he has made. This article is nothing and yet because you hate him you will try to make it out to be bad. You and a small group are all that hate CPF. The rest of us understand that we had a bad year. CPF has gone above and beyond to accept full responsibility many times and has made changes he believes are needed to correct things. Yet it is and never will be enough. Again, I find it quite funny you will defend head coaches who let their school get put on major probation and yet bash a guy who only led his school to a NCAA championship without getting the probation. What do you have against nice people? I think you must have been picked on a lot as a kid or something and now (like many lawyers I know) because you have a law degree all of the sudden you want to be what you used to hate. Poor kid...
(VolBeef88 @ May 18 said:
Name one time I have blindly defended anything he has said or done! I have stated the mistakes I think he has made. This article is nothing and yet because you hate him you will try to make it out to be bad. You and a small group are all that hate CPF. The rest of us understand that we had a bad year. CPF has gone above and beyond to accept full responsibility many times and has made changes he believes are needed to correct things. Yet it is and never will be enough. Again, I find it quite funny you will defend head coaches who let their school get put on major probation and yet bash a guy who only led his school to a NCAA championship without getting the probation. What do you have against nice people? I think you must have been picked on a lot as a kid or something and now (like many lawyers I know) because you have a law degree all of the sudden you want to be what you used to hate. Poor kid...
I can assure only a small number of people have ever tried to "pick on" me. They all came to regret having done so. There's no deep rooted psychological reason for my feelings about Fulmer. I simply think he's a pious, sanctimonious, ineffectual dolt. It's that simple.
I think by stating CPF Has gone above and beyond is stretching it! He always has a spin,excuse or doesn't see the forrest for the trees approach! I think thats what most are tired of! I do not like "bashing" CPF but he brings it upon himself. I have said on here before he is right for UT and UT for him. But he alone has let our program decline! Any further decline should be blamed on Hamilton! You got an OC up there who acts and speaks more like the head coach and its time to call a spade a spade!
(hatvol96 @ May 18 said:
I can assure only a small number of people have ever tried to "pick on" me. They all came to regret having done so. There's no deep rooted psychological reason for my feelings about Fulmer. I simply think he's a pious, sanctimonious, ineffectual dolt. It's that simple.

Looking at his record then I guess there are only a few good coaches in the history of NCAA football.
(crimedawg12 @ May 18 said:
I think by stating CPF Has gone above and beyond is stretching it! He always has a spin,excuse or doesn't see the forrest for the trees approach! I think thats what most are tired of! I do not like "bashing" CPF but he brings it upon himself. I have said on here before he is right for UT and UT for him. But he alone has let our program decline! Any further decline should be blamed on Hamilton! You got an OC up there who acts and speaks more like the head coach and its time to call a spade a spade!
Come on Dawg. You well know that Philip Fulmer is the Greatest Living American. He is a model of responsibility. He would never allow a close friend, let's say an offensive coordinator, to twist in the wind while he does everything he can to deflect criticism from himself. He would never act as an informant against another school in order to get the NCAA off of his back regarding the recruitments of Eric Locke and Albert Means. He is the only coach in America who can win at Tennessee. We should all wear the knees out of our pants praying that he never leaves.

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