Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga

I don't understand what most of your points are. It seems like you're just trying to be a contrarian. She had a gun too? What is the point? You said she got her butt kicked. I explained how she didn't and you say, "she had a gun too at one point." So what? She still didn't get her butt-kicked. She barely lost what started as an unfair fight. It also doesn't matter if she loses a fight. She's still the hero because the story is about her.

He didn't stay at the Citadel at the end? What does that have to do with anything? That is a completely unimportant detail.

Every movie is about a protagonist who has to overcome an obstacle to gain a reward. It doesn't matter who has the idea to go back to the Citadel. That can be any character. The hero is the one on the quest. Max is a guy who came along unwittingly on the ride, and ends up regaining his humanity and doing heroic things.

Basically every movie has 8 beats. The plot doesn't really start until the hero makes a choice (the 3rd beat) that takes us to the fun and games. The choice is Furiosa escaping the citadel. The joyful defeat (8th beat) is when the hero doesn't get what he/she wanted, but still gets something. Furiosa wanted the green place. She ends up with the Citadel. She is the main character.
I never said she wasn't the main character. never said she wasn't the hero. you seem to be inventing arguments to misunderstand.

my only contention is what counts as woke. apparently that bar is way way lower than I ever thought. I thought Fury Road was a good/great movie that wasn't woke, and went through and pointed out examples from the movie that were tropes, common plot points, from other non-woke movies. and I am not sure how the pieces as I, and even you, explained them made the movie woke.

I found the max/furiosa relationship to be like many other action flicks where the unplanned partnership comes through. not a 'women better than men, down with the patriarchy' tortured plot.

idk maybe that's still woke, but like I said that bar is apparently so low I didn't even register it. which just raises the question of why raise the point that its woke, from either a pro, or anti woke standpoint.
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I enjoyed it. Not as good as Fury Road but nothing is. I wish Miller had made Furiosa first then Fury Road. That would have been a better way to go out.
The War Rig scene was the best time I've had at the movies since Fury Road came out. I was literally, grinning the whole time. I also agree with you, that Furiosa could have been made 1st and then Fury Road but I thought the storylines, characters, and "feel" blended right into where FR began. It's the best prequel I've ever seen.

I saw online where Miller had another Mad Max story in the works (Wasteland) but it's not complete or no time line to begin filming. He's 80 years old so hopefully he's part "Eastwood" and gives us one more Mad Max movie.
This is from a chud channel on YT. I didn’t watch it and I’m not gonna link them (I’m actually a little annoyed it even appeared in my feed). The title says it all. These clowns have already forgotten the biggest movie of 2023 was the biggest “Girl Boss” movie ever. It’s a clear example of why these anti-woke snowflakes completely lose the plot.
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The War Rig scene was the best time I've had at the movies since Fury Road came out. I was literally, grinning the whole time. I also agree with you, that Furiosa could have been made 1st and then Fury Road but I thought the storylines, characters, and "feel" blended right into where FR began. It's the best prequel I've ever seen.

I saw online where Miller had another Mad Max story in the works (Wasteland) but it's not complete or no time line to begin filming. He's 80 years old so hopefully he's part "Eastwood" and gives us one more Mad Max movie.

I like the order of the movies because we got the version of Fury Road that we got.

The trick with prequels is that you know everything that has to happen to get to the previous movie, and they somehow still made this so riveting.

I think their mistake was making it R. If you can't take the kids, it's hard to succeed at the box office. Fury Road is one of the greatest movies of all-time and it didn't do well at the box office. Furiosa is a very good movie, but in this climate, it doesn't matter.

I pray to God that I get Wasteland before my my man ages out.
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This is from a chud channel on YT. I didn’t watch it and I’m not gonna link them (I’m actually a little annoyed it even appeared in my feed). The title says it all. These clowns have already forgotten the biggest movie of 2023 was the biggest “Girl Boss” movie ever. It’s a clear example of why these anti-woke snowflakes completely lose the plot.

How about just liking stuff that's good and disliking stuff that's bad, and waiting until you actually see it to judge it? This culture of pre-judging stuff because you hate women/representation is bizarre.

Remember when the female cast Ghostbusters movie was voted down by droves of male users before it even came out? Remember when the Little Mermaid trailer was the most disliked trailer of all time? People have diseased minds.

The other thing...the biggest gripe is that Hollywood doesn't do anything new. No original ideas. These guys want the same old Mad Max movie about a wanderer with a Mel Gibson type up front? Why? We've already seen that 3.5x. We already know his origin story.

The beauty of the Mad Max franchise is that it never gets stale because each movie is true to the world Miller built without over-doing the same themes. He takes little nuggets from older movies and builds on them. For example, the history man was a big part of this movie but history men have only been mentioned in passing in previous movies. Strong women were a component of the very first movie in 1979 when Hollywood was almost entirely a damsel-in-distress factory. By movie 3 we have kick ass girl boss villain. We didn't see an actual city until movie 3, and then in movie 4 we find out there are actual strongholds with cooperative warlords. They made 5 movies somehow without blowing up the death star multiple times.

This movie was fkn awesome. This is the Odyssey in a post-apocalyptic future with a lead who starts the story as vulnerable as they come and grows into a force. Gimme that.
I like the order of the movies because we got the version of Fury Road that we got.

The trick with prequels is that you know everything that has to happen to get to the previous movie, and they somehow still made this so riveting.

I think their mistake was making it R. If you can't take the kids, it's hard to succeed at the box office. Fury Road is one of the greatest movies of all-time and it didn't do well at the box office. Furiosa is a very good movie, but in this climate, it doesn't matter.

I pray to God that I get Wasteland before my my man ages out.
We watched Furiosa on Monday and Fury Road last night. After watching them back to back like that, I think they're both on the same level as far as entertainment value and the stunts performed. Furiosa did feel like it dragged some towards the end but I actually liked the War Rig better in Furiousa. I also thought the war rig chase scene was on par with the pole battle scene from Fury Road. It's the 1st movie in years that I want to go see again at the theater. Hollywood just doesn't make action movies like that anymore.
We watched Furiosa on Monday and Fury Road last night. After watching them back to back like that, I think they're both on the same level as far as entertainment value and the stunts performed. Furiosa did feel like it dragged some towards the end but I actually liked the War Rig better in Furiousa. I also thought the war rig chase scene was on par with the pole battle scene from Fury Road. It's the 1st movie in years that I want to go see again at the theater. Hollywood just doesn't make action movies like that anymore.

Really, the biggest difference is the CGI and the thought and detail that went into it. The real, black iron war rig looks 10x cooler than the CGI chromed out war rig.
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We watched Furiosa on Monday and Fury Road last night. After watching them back to back like that, I think they're both on the same level as far as entertainment value and the stunts performed. Furiosa did feel like it dragged some towards the end but I actually liked the War Rig better in Furiousa. I also thought the war rig chase scene was on par with the pole battle scene from Fury Road. It's the 1st movie in years that I want to go see again at the theater. Hollywood just doesn't make action movies like that anymore.
Supposedly Miller wants to make another. Pretty sure I read that somewhere
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It’s too expensive to go to the movies when you know it’s going to be on one of the streaming services in a few months.

Haters were cheering the demise of Disney last summer while turning a blind eye to the buildings crumbling around them everywhere.

Before the pandemic we were seeing 4-5 Billion dollar box offices per year. Then everyone got used to staying home and it takes a cultural phenomenon like Mario or Barbie to bring people out.
Definitely think the cost is part of it. Spending upwards of $45 to take 2 people to a movie is absurd
Definitely think the cost is part of it. Spending upwards of $45 to take 2 people to a movie is absurd
Me and my wife went to Tinsetown, in Oak Ridge, Monday afternoon. It was $7+ tax, which is reasonable.

I quit going to Regal theaters and it's been years since I went to an evening movie.
Just some cool details I love about this movie:

The use of the whistle is of course a nod to Thunderdome

I love the line, "No one's gonna scum us!" It's perfect. This is why I say Miller stays true to the world he built while keeping it fresh. The Wasteland is full of fun terminology, and they're not just resting on the dictionary of the past 4 movies. There's only a little of that, "Like when they say 'fang it!'" which is the language of the War Boys, so of course they used it again. Literally any other franchise, and we would have had Dementus asking, "Who runs Gas Town?"

Furiosa wears a muzzle

The line "do you have it in you to make it epic?" which everybody has seen in the previews, is probably a question of self-reflection by George Miller. Most Mad Max movies happen over a few days timeline. I think Thunderdome was probably a few months timeline. This was the first epic.
That’s not a bad deal I guess. How does that affect box office? Are you allowed to go see the blockbusters on opening weekend? I have a family of 5. Is that $13 x 5? But also is there really that many movies I want to go watch in the theater to make it worth it? As it is, if I take my wife and kids to a movie I’m looking at dropping $100 for about 2 hours of entertainment. Granted I wouldn’t take my kids to every movie I want to see but then those are also the ones I’m content to wait for.

People are paying for multiple streaming platforms and these movies are arriving within a few 90 days in some cases.

Really they need to start holding off for about a year to release them to streaming to make people feel like it’s too long to wait. At the same time people pay for the streaming services because the movies come quickly. They’ve kinda painted themselves into a corner.
If you get Regal Unlimited during their Halloween or Black Friday sale, it’s $13 per person. My wife and I have it for date night. You can go see everything except for Fathom events. You can see as many movies as you want, as long as there’s no overlap.
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I honestly don't know what people want from Hollywood. We were saying superhero movies overdid it but maybe we're just kinda done with action movies, period?

Action movie, R-rated, has-been actors, POS money-grab sequel from a franchise that was never very good...Bad Boys 4 basically doubled up on Furiosa's opening weekend.

We get the Hollywood we deserve.
But what about the refreshments? Can’t watch a movie at the theater without popcorn!
We earn points and rewards. My wife and I share a drink and a popcorn almost every visit. I usually spend less than $2.50 (we upgrade to large).
If you get Regal Unlimited during their Halloween or Black Friday sale, it’s $13 per person. My wife and I have it for date night. You can go see everything except for Fathom events. You can see as many movies as you want, as long as there’s no overlap.
Is that $13 annually or monthly?

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