near sighted take this wasLmao you’re right and there’s no sense of urgency to hire the in-house smart choice for DC and allow him to bring in Gardner and Williams. This is what pisses ppl off. The guy is under contract and an SEC vet who can recruit with the best but is average as a coach. UT has a way of always making themselves look like a fool. You need the Auburn transfers to fill voids, but they’re being idiots and allowing this mid major hire to drag his feet with 2 days til signing day. Lmao
He will go there and be used like Pitts then go on to be a pro. This kid has it and without Brady, that LSU offense was a colossal failure.
He's not even a good dc. His recruiting sucked too. He couldn't get anyone unless he paid them. The guy's a con man.We hired Garner for one thing. Steele was never going to be the DC once Hype was hired. For once, we didn’t make a coach keep anyone to save money. You miss Pruitt. He was a dumb ass. A good DC not ever a head coach. He’s from freaking Sand Mountain. Go look it up. Pretty racist area.
If they get caught at LSU, they sit... the penalties go up for every failed test as well including suspension for the rest of the season. If you want to smoke, LSU is definitely not the place to go.
Of course, not going to class has consequences as well. Now imagine both things at the same time.
Looks like he didn't make it into UF on academics. Wonder if UT less rigid academically? You'd think we'd be on his short list since he was team mates w/ Bailey? He could be a real weapon for JH offense. I've been trained to think we can't have good things happen to us at UT, but just wondering if anyone has any insights here?
Exactly. These are not the types you want to build a "new culture" with. Hard pass on both.I have a serious question: With all of the problems our program is currently facing, why would we add Gilbert or the Kendrick kid from Clemson? Both appear to have "issues" away from the playing field as "reported" in both posts about these players.
Just asking . . .
I have a serious question: With all of the problems our program is currently facing, why would we add Gilbert or the Kendrick kid from Clemson? Both appear to have "issues" away from the playing field as "reported" in both posts about these players.
Just asking . . .