'24 GA TE Jonathan Echols (USF commit)

That time was 12 months ago. Unfortunately Josh Heupel thinks he’s smarter than everyone else. While Nick Saban is hiring former NFL coaches, Heupel is getting his analysts raises.
Nick Saban hired a former QB that coached TEs at Charlotte. Before that he spent a season at South Carolina. Before that he coached at Colorado St. Totally an NFL coach.


The dude was a 5 star Edge that wanted to play TE. Do you seriously think Heupel wouldn't let him try TE and then try to move him later?
Well, if that's such a common sense approach I am curious why you don't think FSU, Florida, Miami, Clemson, etc tried the same thing? He is headed to USF. That tells you all you need to know about the root of his decision. He knows that schools of that caliber have no intention of giving him a real shot to play TE. And he wants to play TE. It's really not that complicated.
Nick Saban hired a former QB that coached TEs at Charlotte. Before that he spent a season at South Carolina. Before that he coached at Colorado St. Totally an NFL coach.

He’s also had Doug Marrone and BOB on the same staff. Also hired Kiffin. That’s 3. The staff that Kiffin was on had 7 future D1 coaches. Who’s on this staff that’s going to be a D1 coach? You can hire coaches without experience. Johnny hired Cut from a coaching clinic when he was a Birmingham HS coach. Heupels last THREE openings have all been filled by internal promotions. That doesn’t give off the vibe that he’s searching high and low for the best.
That time was 12 months ago. Unfortunately Josh Heupel thinks he’s smarter than everyone else. While Nick Saban is hiring former NFL coaches, Heupel is getting his analysts raises.

You are also putting a lot of stock in the words of Brent Hubbs and Austin Price who quite frankly haven’t been nearly as accurate with their information since Fulmer and Kiffin
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You are also putting a lot of stock in the words of Brent Hubbs and Austin Price who quite frankly haven’t been nearly as accurate with their information since Fulmer and Kiffin

I’m not concerned about them. I was furious at the Albein promotion at the time it happened. The TE situation certainly isn’t entirely his fault but it’s pretty telling that the kid can’t recruit one TE to a school that was ranked 1 at one point 13 months ago. He may be a great coach down the line but this is a win now business and Heupel isn’t in my mind being a good steward of the resources allocated to him.
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Clearly we are trending down right now on the recruiting trail. Overall we're still solid, but big mo is going in the wrong direction for us, and anyone who can't see that isn't being honest with themselves which is also a sign of mental weakness as many have painted others with. I think both sides of the conversation need to come closer to the middle. We're going to be okay in the end, but we are 100% in a downswing at the close of the year and it is not a 4D chess move by design. It's okay and correct to be concerned, but also okay to not burn the place down and form ranks of factions to battle each other over whether or not we're facing the football apocalypse or conversely that everything is going perfectly as planned or to be expected. We are very fortunate that some of our older guys chose to return or we'd be in more immediate trouble. Most of the guys we missed on only hurt the future in like two to four years so we have a little time to make up for it and fill the holes. The most immediate need is an experienced TE. If we can close with that we'll survive another year to try again.
Clearly we are trending down right now on the recruiting trail. Overall we're still solid, but big mo is going in the wrong direction for us, and anyone who can't see that isn't being honest with themselves which is also a sign of mental weakness as many have painted others with. I think both sides of the conversation need to come closer to the middle. We're going to be okay in the end, but we are 100% in a downswing at the close of the year and it is not a 4D chess move by design. It's okay and correct to be concerned, but also okay to not burn the place down and form ranks of factions to battle each other over whether or not we're facing the football apocalypse or conversely that everything is going perfectly as planned or to be expected. We are very fortunate that some of our older guys chose to return or we'd be in more immediate trouble. Most of the guys we missed on only hurt the future in like two to four years so we have a little time to make up for it and fill the holes. The most immediate need is an experienced TE. If we can close with that we'll survive another year to try again.
There's a lot of time left on the clock
I think we all can agree that, to date, JH has elected to promote from within and not rock the boat. Unfortunately, his promotions are now in question. I have no issues with him doing what he feels is necessary to keep that offense from 2022 going, but that ship has sailed. For this to work, JH needs a great, athletic QB, speedy WRs that can create separation, and an OL that can run block. JH is not the wizard who takes less and makes more every season (we all thought he was in 2022). IMO, he has banked his career chips on the shoulders of Nico, a guy who he refused to play most the season. He now has a team with major holes at CB, S, TE, and backup QB. Depending on what happens, he may have major holes on the OL and RB too before it’s all said and done. People are over here talking about signing 4-5 portal guys and being done with it, but if that occurs we are going to be in trouble. We, at minimum, need a TE, 2 DB, a DT, a G/C player, an upgrade at RT, a game changer at WR, and a backup QB. Ideally, on top of that, we’d sign another TE, a pass rusher, and another DB.
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He’s also had Doug Marrone and BOB on the same staff. Also hired Kiffin. That’s 3. The staff that Kiffin was on had 7 future D1 coaches. Who’s on this staff that’s going to be a D1 coach? You can hire coaches without experience. Johnny hired Cut from a coaching clinic when he was a Birmingham HS coach. Heupels last THREE openings have all been filled by internal promotions. That doesn’t give off the vibe that he’s searching high and low for the best.
Okay? We're talking about Heupel hiring a TE coach. Those hires are irrelevant. Rodney Garner is a better coach than anyone on the current Bama staff and hasn't spent a day coaching in the NFL
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And usually 4 star guys that decommitt from a known P5 school to go to a G5 school end up doing so because they have limited options. Golesh is the one who wanted Echols and wanted him at TE. All the kid has done is slide down everyone's rankings as a TE because he isn't one. He didn't do anything to note his senior year. I doubt Heupel and staff are losing sleep over this one. Some kids are encouraged to look elsewhere closer to signing day and I bet that's what happened here.
He is a bad ass athlete though. Making the TE transition in college will be easier with the right coaching. This is a bigger loss than some of y’all think.
We will fill TE position very well

I would rather have a" known" TE from portal than a player of Echol's unknown college level skill
Thus we move forward
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We will fill TE position very well

I would rather have a known TE from portal than a player of Echol's unknown college level skill
If they can land Staes and Davis stays healthy, then you're looking at a more talented pair of TEs on the field next season. They need to land Staes.
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Okay? We're talking about Heupel hiring a TE coach. Those hires are irrelevant. Rodney Garner is a better coach than anyone on the current Bama staff and hasn't spent a day coaching in the NFL

How are they irrelevant? The argument is that Saban is hiring recruiters and coaches who have coached at the highest levels and Heupel is promoting analysts. Also calling Garner better than Steele is a stretch. Steele has just as long a track record of being a big recruiter and shut Heupels defense out in the second half. Also you seem to have ignored the part where I said that big time experience wasn’t necessary and specifically mentioned Cut as a prime example. I simply said Heupel needs to expand his horizons more than who he likes hanging out with.

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