Underachieving quote was from Simmons, not me. I haven’t seen Sr film. I think Mitchell is staying, he has that 0-1 Tech body with burst which is so sought after. He isn’t polished by no means but the building blocks are there. I like Logue and Norton but sometimes you get hits from other guys you can’t turn away and having 5 DL means you might can spare one for say, a 5 star OL that is trending hard to Ga right now, not that Logue or Norton isn’t wanted or thought highly of. I hope they all stay like I’ve said. I know I’m pretty old fashioned in some thoughts, but your word is your word. If I promise you something, I’m doing my best to keep that so I don’t like the culling, at all. I couldn’t call a kid who has trusted me, been committed for a year, and tell him he can’t come any longer. Yeah, I’d be fired, quickly.