Game Thread: 2023 Women's NCAA Tournament...Round of 16: Lady Vols v Va. Tech...Sat @ 6:30 ESPN2

The one theme across most of the Lady Vols losses is the utter lack of focus at the start of the games, a tendency that at times lasted for a whole quarter and other times the entire first half. While the excellence of the opponent may have put added mental pressure, it doesn't account for all of sudden forgetting how to get in position to rebound, missing so many wide-open shots, not playing team defense with several lapses of covering the opponent, and completely forgetting that assists are what makes our offense flow. For the Virginia Tech game, even Kellie said that we had a lack of focus on defense.
Here are some of the examples of how poorly we started in many of our big games:
1. Indiana- Down 8 at the end of the first quarter, 11 at half, and lost by 12.
2. UCLA - Down 12 points at the end of the first quarter, 14 at half, and 17 for the game.
3. Virginia Tech - regular season - down 10 points at the end of the first quarter, lost by 3.
4. UCONN - Down 16 at the end of the first quarter, lost by 17.
5. LSU - SEC tournament - down by 12 after first quarter, won by 2 (our only miracle).
6. Virginia Tech - NCAAs - down by 5 after first quarter, 13 at halftime, and lost by 9.

Notice that in almost all these games, we were in a world of trouble by the end of the first quarter and/or by halftime. In almost all of these games, we showed a lot of grit by making a valiant comeback that eventually ran out of steam except for the LSU game in the SEC Tourney. Despite the ultimate fizzle of our comebacks, we played almost all the teams fairly even in the 2nd half. That look we showed in all of our comebacks was one of determination and focus, something COMPLETELY ABSENT from most of the first half of the games. It is just impossible to sustain a desperate comeback attempt when you down nearly 20 points against great teams. You need to work at never getting in that position to begin with.

There were some positives about this year, including that the team's improvement, the improved chemistry of the team, several players taking a step forward, and some good games against good but not great teams. The one thing that never improved is how we started against the best teams. This will be the most important thing to work on for next year, which is really learning to practice mindfulness. The essence of mindfulness is fully being present the moment, the exact thing that plagued our team in the first quarter/half against the top teams. Our team leaders struggled with this very thing. It is a skill that can be learned with daily practice, either individually or with a group. I imagine the team's sport psychologist would have some good tips. Kellie has repeatedly attributed game issues to a lack of focus, so it is important for her to look at the best approaches to build on this, which the research shows is mindfulness practice. We can amass all the talent in the world, but if we begin our most important games being completely unfocused, it will be to no avail.

Love the Lady Vols, and they have shown the ability to be mindful in game against weaker opponents (especially the first two rounds of the NCAA) and during some of their comebacks. Now they need to figure how to do so for the whole game against quality opponents. Those opponents have consistently had a player or two and at times their entire team being in the zone (another phrase that suggests complete mindfulness) from the beginning whereas we haven't. I hope Kellie has the vision to really work on this.
Last 3 games sums up the season. Win two easy games at home, bench players play well against inferior competition and the board gets excited about Coach KH having them ready for the postseason. Get lined up against VT, who many here believe is the weakest #1 and some already talking OSU/UCONN. Lose by nine again in another benchmark game in the same fashion.
The one theme across most of the Lady Vols losses is the utter lack of focus at the start of the games, a tendency that at times lasted for a whole quarter and other times the entire first half. While the excellence of the opponent may have put added mental pressure, it doesn't account for all of sudden forgetting how to get in position to rebound, missing so many wide-open shots, not playing team defense with several lapses of covering the opponent, and completely forgetting that assists are what makes our offense flow. For the Virginia Tech game, even Kellie said that we had a lack of focus on defense.
Here are some of the examples of how poorly we started in many of our big games:
1. Indiana- Down 8 at the end of the first quarter, 11 at half, and lost by 12.
2. UCLA - Down 12 points at the end of the first quarter, 14 at half, and 17 for the game.
3. Virginia Tech - regular season - down 10 points at the end of the first quarter, lost by 3.
4. UCONN - Down 16 at the end of the first quarter, lost by 17.
5. LSU - SEC tournament - down by 12 after first quarter, won by 2 (our only miracle).
6. Virginia Tech - NCAAs - down by 5 after first quarter, 13 at halftime, and lost by 9.

Notice that in almost all these games, we were in a world of trouble by the end of the first quarter and/or by halftime. In almost all of these games, we showed a lot of grit by making a valiant comeback that eventually ran out of steam except for the LSU game in the SEC Tourney. Despite the ultimate fizzle of our comebacks, we played almost all the teams fairly even in the 2nd half. That look we showed in all of our comebacks was one of determination and focus, something COMPLETELY ABSENT from most of the first half of the games. It is just impossible to sustain a desperate comeback attempt when you down nearly 20 points against great teams. You need to work at never getting in that position to begin with.

There were some positives about this year, including that the team's improvement, the improved chemistry of the team, several players taking a step forward, and some good games against good but not great teams. The one thing that never improved is how we started against the best teams. This will be the most important thing to work on for next year, which is really learning to practice mindfulness. The essence of mindfulness is fully being present the moment, the exact thing that plagued our team in the first quarter/half against the top teams. Our team leaders struggled with this very thing. It is a skill that can be learned with daily practice, either individually or with a group. I imagine the team's sport psychologist would have some good tips. Kellie has repeatedly attributed game issues to a lack of focus, so it is important for her to look at the best approaches to build on this, which the research shows is mindfulness practice. We can amass all the talent in the world, but if we begin our most important games being completely unfocused, it will be to no avail.

Love the Lady Vols, and they have shown the ability to be mindful in game against weaker opponents (especially the first two rounds of the NCAA) and during some of their comebacks. Now they need to figure how to do so for the whole game against quality opponents. Those opponents have consistently had a player or two and at times their entire team being in the zone (another phrase that suggests complete mindfulness) from the beginning whereas we haven't. I hope Kellie has the vision to really work on this.
Numbers don’t lie. Good breakdown…otherwise in those comebacks, when the game got close again those other teams found ways to extend the lead again and win. Commentators last night quoting believe it was Soule during a timeout when we cut it down to 3 or 4….”that was their run”. We got it to one and then they ran away again.
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The one thing that never improved is how we started against the best teams.
Except against the very best team where we led 19-10 at the end of the first quarter. IMO our lapses against good teams were pretty evenly distributed. I'm sure someone will do a statistical analysis.
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Well… flop or not Walker put her hands on her.
Some are defending Walker saying the girl pushed her around all night. I don’t care - I find this unacceptable.
If you find it unacceptable quit watching it. It was a fiscal game. If you had watched the game entirely you would have seen that. Jackson was thrown around all game with no calls. Walker's play was just one that got caught on TV and they kept showing it. Let it go. It's over. If you think it was dirty play go watch another sport where there is no contact.
If you find it unacceptable quit watching it. It was a fiscal game. If you had watched the game entirely you would have seen that. Jackson was thrown around all game with no calls. Walker's play was just one that got caught on TV and they kept showing it. Let it go. It's over. If you think it was dirty play go watch another sport where there is no contact.

I’ll watch what I want to and think what I want. Pushing and shoving is one thing and throwing hands is another. If you can’t agree to disagree hit the ignore button. At any rate we won’t be seeing it from Walker again.
Except against the very best team where we led 19-10 at the end of the first quarter. IMO our lapses against good teams were pretty evenly distributed. I'm sure someone will do a statistical analysis.
The main games that it wasn't true is when the team probably didn't feel the pressure due to having nothing really to lose against the #1 team USC and the #2 team at the time, Stanford. You must be disregarding the statistics above to think that the pattern typically is evenly distributed throughout the game when so many games we were outscored tremendously in the first half and stayed even or outscored the opponent in the second half. I do agree that there were completely off the mindful grid in other quarters (the 3rd against Ohio State, the 2nd against USC-e) but the prevailing patten was the one we exhibited last night.,
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Eh honestly watching the Walker thing again this morning she really didn’t even make contact. Some dramatics on both player’s account. Just a physical game and a lot of emotions.

People making way too much out of something that was nothing. If Soule was actually harmed she would have laid on the floor for 20 minutes.

What happened in the NAIA championship line was a sucker punch. This was nothing.
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f we had had one of our star players to show out the way Amoore did...
Makes my fingertips burn to type it, but Creme was right about Amoore outshining Jackson on offense. Rickea did not have a good tourney offensively relative to what she usually does. Usually cool as a cucumber, she seemed a little nervous and quite tenative all 3 games. Yep she got thrown around like a ragdoll but its not the first time and certainly won't be the last. I don't think we helped her much, seemed to go away from the screens and cuts that help her get to her spots. It was encouraging how hard she played and how well she played on D even tho the O wasn't clicking.

This summer, while Kea puts up thousands of 3 pt shots and works on her handle, I need the coaching staff to keep working on exactly how to use her versatility on offense. I'm not sure they ever got completely on top of that and alot of her success against the SEC was just her talent.

And I'm SO glad she's coming back, in case I haven't said that enough. My ballgame buddy is already counting the days.
Came out flat. Stood on offense. Missed multiple open threes. Unforced turnovers that killed momentum. Fundamental errors (dribbling off foot, passing to teammate not looking, fouling 3-point shooter, losing handle on ball, etc.). Missed layups & 2-footers. Digging a point-deficit hole.
This is where I wish KJH would use a time out. We talk so much about time outs to stop a run but I wish she'd call one when the O stagnates to refocus, reiterate, take a deep breathe. Then call a play. McGuff did this to great advantage, almost always scoring out of the t.o.
It was a fiscal game
All about the budget?
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Eh honestly watching the Walker thing again this morning she really didn’t even make contact. Some dramatics on both worries account. Just a psychical game and a lot of emotions.

People making way too much out of something that was nothing. If Soule was actually harmed she would have laid on the floor for 20 minutes.

What happened in the NAIA championship line was a sucker punch. This was nothing.
Had the roles been reversed would that have been the feelings? No call, bad look by Walker with the extra at the end.
Gets fans caught up believing they know the players and coaches. “They look so happy”

They do and did, you’re just blowing smoke. This team got along well all season after a rough start. They played hard with good body language and did really well during SEC play.

Did we all want more? Yes.

Am I proud of a Sweet 16 berth? Yes. This was one of the most difficult and parity filled seasons of women’s basketball in history. To make the final 16 teams is a huge accomplishment and clearly something poll voters thought we weren’t capable of all season.

Your constant negativity is 🤮🤮🤮
Had the roles been reversed would that have been the feelings? No call, bad look by Walker with the extra at the end.

Yes. Watch the video. It’s mostly Soule dramatically throwing her head and body around and Walker barley touching her. Like a fight when you brush against your sibling and they fall on the floor and act like they are dying to mom.

In this day and age if there was something there it would have been reviewed. Soule obviously knew it was nothing or she would have been complaining. No doubt.
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Gets fans caught up believing they know the players and coaches. “They look so happy”
If you don't think having the high profile player who got very publically benched turn down the pros to come back signifies everything about the culture, I don't know what to tell you. We don't have to pretend to know them when Rickea says she feels it's healthy, safe and loving and wants to do it again. That speaks for itself.

There's plenty to criticize about KJH, but pretending she hasn't put together a huge cultural win is just silly. Definitely needs more than that to get back where we want to be, but that foundation is inarguably in place.
Makes my fingertips burn to type it, but Creme was right about Amoore outshining Jackson on offense. Rickea did not have a good tourney offensively relative to what she usually does. Usually cool as a cucumber, she seemed a little nervous and quite tenative all 3 games. Yep she got thrown around like a ragdoll but its not the first time and certainly won't be the last. I don't think we helped her much, seemed to go away from the screens and cuts that help her get to her spots. It was encouraging how hard she played and how well she played on D even tho the O wasn't clicking.

This summer, while Kea puts up thousands of 3 pt shots and works on her handle, I need the coaching staff to keep working on exactly how to use her versatility on offense. I'm not sure they ever got completely on top of that and alot of her success against the SEC was just her talent.

And I'm SO glad she's coming back, in case I haven't said that enough. My ballgame buddy is already counting the days.

Goes to the blueprint on how to beat Tennessee. Take RJ or JH out of the game and let someone else beat you by stepping up. Outside of LSU where Walker hit 19, we don’t have players like other teams that step up when your Top player(s) are off or schemed out of the game.
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Yes. Watch the video. It’s mostly Soule dramatically throwing her head and body around and Walker barley touching her. Like a fight when you’re brush against your sibling and the fall on the floor and act like they are dying to mom.

In this day and age if there was something there it would have been reviewed. Soule obviously knew it was nothing or she would have been complaining. No doubt.
I’ve seen the video many times, the extra at the end by Walker was brought on to herself. Her saving grace was that it wasn’t reviewed.
Soule sold it, but Walker definitely took a swing/push to the upper chest. The first one could have been interpreted as accidental, but the last one was flagrant, unnecessary and beneath her. I'm sure JW was caught up in emotion and regrets it, but it happened no matter what rationalization we come up with.
If you don't think having the high profile player who got very publically benched turn down the pros to come back signifies everything about the culture, I don't know what to tell you. We don't have to pretend to know them when Rickea says she feels it's healthy, safe and loving and wants to do it again. That speaks for itself.

There's plenty to criticize about KJH, but pretending she hasn't put together a huge cultural win is just silly. Definitely needs more than that to get back where we want to be, but that foundation is inarguably in place.

Great post and very true. You cannot deny the culture shift. Everything is more positive. Including the win totals. I’m sorry but people have quickly forgotten how bad it got the last few Holly years.

The program is in a much, much better place than it was 4-5 years ago.

Do I think Kellie can get us to another Natty? I have my doubts. Do I think she will give everything she has to try? I have no doubts.

Great person, big heart and keeps her word. Someone I would play for. I’m proud we have a coach with some integrity and leadership. She has a very good team returning next season and based on player retention during her career I have no doubt the majority of the roster returns. Maybe 1 transfer max 2 and I only say that because it’s 2023 and almost nobody gets away with 0 transfers.
That was a tale of two halves. If we play the first half like the second half i believe we win the game.

Some observations:

*Our team seem shell shocked at the beginning
*They didn't give up
* i know this may be an unpopular opinion but i think Kellie put them in a position to win but she HAS TO SEE we have some deficiencies and we need to address them.
* We need leaders that can take us to the finish. Those leaders could be on the team now that Rickea has experienced that sorta stage and the others for more experience
*We miss TK and we NEED her to come back in great shape and take a step forward from her junior year.
* we need to upgrade the roster with 2-3 spots. A consistent PG, another shooter/scorer, and a post. Love the girls on the roster but we need to be better at positions when we get stuck in ruts.

I am still supporting the team and we could have a pretty decent core coming back and upgrade some spots and we could be pretty good. Oh schedule 1 or 2 cupcakes early so we can get a better flow.

I know none of us can be hurting as much as the girls and Kellie and Co.

As always Go LVs and let's get better in the gym , in the portal, and have a great 24' class!

We haqve another shooter on the bench. A five-star...for another day or two anyway.
We wasted her talent and her year
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Not into consolation prizes, but of all the games on the day ours was the closest. Everyone is acting like we got blown out of the gym. We got just a little outplayed and a little out coached by a very good basketball team. A 9 point loss. Seemed like more but it really wasn’t. We had our chances but VaTech just wanted it more. That’s what March is all about.

Have to hope this feeling makes them come back better, stronger and ready to win. Remember that undefeated season Kellie played? I want some of that energy. After a tough season (yes even with the Natty win) they wanted to come back and BTHO of everyone they played. And they did. Lol.
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