Game Thread: Fla at Lady Vols; Thurs Jan 11; 7PM; SEC Network ----- Win; 88-81

CJ, occasionally we need to realize, this forum is a media event. I rarely rise to that level of awareness, but that just is. I really try to keep it on the light side and occasionally play devils advocate. Rarely. I prefer to raise Kellie , staff and players at every chance. It can be diifficult when they execute poorly. They seem to be trending forward!
I'm looking for any bright spot I can find poo
I have been tough on Kellie, but I do hope she rises to the challenge
this last game she did one thing I have been posting non-stop about,,,called a timeout to interrupt a run (it for the most part did)

and they didn't have to go into a halftime rant before the team responded and uprighted itself (It turned it around in the 2nd qtr)

I give credit for both to Kellie.
NO, I don't think calling timeout was prompted my/or/by this site's postings
But yes, she has heard it from several medias and I believe between all of them, one got through to her
And I hope beyond hope that the Kellie's change in tactics is not an anomaly, but a beginning of a wisdom

I look for the girls to continue to get stronger and more dominant moving forward..
And the test that looms is at TAMU on Sunday,, where they haven't lost a home game yet.
time for the first one ;o)
Bless his heart
Oh, and "bunch of girls" is no longer an insult,,,welcome to the 21st century

who DO people change their screen name,,,hmmm

6 wins in a row, three hard fought against SEC...Hope she keeps coaching this poorly

His avatar is score50,,,not IQ50
though maybe that is,,,,nm
Hard fought is the problem, all unranked teams.
It's borderline ridiculous. Is she lazy,to slow, or that's what's she's coached to do?
Be careful pointing out flaws in this team, jumper will come along and enlighten you on what a fool you are and how he knows everything.
I noticed that about Striplin, not great with the help defence.

If I might point out another thing that upset me much more, Tess on multiple occasions, not putting a body in anybody and just standing there flatfooted while her man grabs the rebound.

Powell is 6 inches shorter but she goes all out for rebounds. She permanently has my respect for her effort and demeanor.
I noticed that about Striplin, not great with the help defence.

If I might point out another thing that upset me much more, Tess on multiple occasions, not putting a body in anybody and just standing there flatfooted while her man grabs the rebound.

Powell is 6 inches shorter but she goes all out for rebounds. She permanently has my respect for her effort and demeanor.

Powell has explosive hops, she can go and get rebounds. Tess is probably jumping but you just can't tell.

But the energy Powell plays with is impressive.
Can someone please teach Striplin that she has got to play help defense?
I honestly think we can credit the slow starts for the defensive play in the post of both Karoline and Sarah. They are both a little weak on defense. We could get off to better starts with Jill or Tamari taking one of their places in the starting lineup. I'd look for another slow start Sunday as neither of them can handle Barker, Coulaby, or Ware. We may get pounded before we go to Tamari and Jill.
Someone mentioned how profusely Rickea was sweating last night, more than usual. I remember a game last year where that was the case and afterward at the presser she could hardly speak for sniffling, sneezing and nose wiping. Possibly heavy sweating is tied in to the allergies and we know she resorted to a med she usually doesn't take before last game. The notorious E TN pollen is obviously a problem for her, though you would think they'd have medication for that nailed by this point. Whatever the case, she was pretty lethergic esp the first qtr, alot of standing around on the perimeter.

RJ is missing some really easy shots she never used to miss but every reason to think that will turn around. But as KJH said at the presser, we're so spoiled by her that an 18/8 stat sheet looks meh for her. I'd argue except for last night, she has been pretty great since she's been back. But she was disappointed in herself last night, once again she patted her chest in apology and ownership in the postgame video.

After the captains meeting, the female ref went on some strange tear about something to do w Rickea's uni, rumored to be over the color of her tights? Which were the same white ones she and everyone else have worn all yr. RJ had walked away, not sure she was even aware at that point. But it sent Catherine Green, the operations mgr, the trainer and the managers literally sprinting to the locker room then back to the other side where the team was gathered for the firework introduction. Possibly made her change tights on the spot. Just a strange WTF from a ref who wanted to be part of the game fm the get go.

Good observation about some catches TK made. One in particular she really went up, gathered it in with one hand, collected herself and scored. TK is probably playing about as well as she was at the end of the last full year she played. There's still lots of room for improvement in mobility, etc, but that was the case before she got sick. This is a huge development for us.
I also noticed TK do a great job going to get a high pass to her where she had to move her feet to get. That was a turnover in the past. I’m a massive TK and RJ fan. If LSU can have a Bayou Barbie at UT I can have my Hill Honeys.
I also noticed TK do a great job going to get a high pass to her where she had to move her feet to get. That was a turnover in the past. I’m a massive TK and RJ fan. If LSU can have a Bayou Barbie at UT I can have my Hill Honeys.
Kaiya, IMO, feeds her best bc she feeds her high instead of middle,,,thus TK doesn't bring the ball down to her gather-pocket
I honestly think we can credit the slow starts for the defensive play in the post of both Karoline and Sarah. They are both a little weak on defense. We could get off to better starts with Jill or Tamari taking one of their places in the starting lineup. I'd look for another slow start Sunday as neither of them can handle Barker, Coulaby, or Ware. We may get pounded before we go to Tamari and Jill.
Absolutely. It is so obvious to almost anyone that this combo doesn't work on defense. I like both players, but they should mostly be in the game at different times or when we have a huge lead. The other issue at the beginning of the games is that even the relatively better defenders don't seem to have much intensity until later in the game. So, as the opposing guard blows by Jewel it leaves Sarah and Karoline to defend against the speedster, which is not going to happen. My fear is that I can hear Kellie talking to the media now, stating that there is no need to change the starting line-up due to their being on a 6-game winning streak. No, we have won despite the starting lineup by other line-ups making up the deficit. Kellie, I am begging you to see the obvious here and do something before we get a loss that will hurt our chances to go to the tourney 😢!
Absolutely. It is so obvious to almost anyone that this combo doesn't work on defense. I like both players, but they should mostly be in the game at different times or when we have a huge lead. The other issue at the beginning of the games is that even the relatively better defenders don't seem to have much intensity until later in the game. So, as the opposing guard blows by Jewel it leaves Sarah and Karoline to defend against the speedster, which is not going to happen. My fear is that I can hear Kellie talking to the media now, stating that there is no need to change the starting line-up due to their being on a 6-game winning streak. No, we have won despite the starting lineup by other line-ups making up the deficit. Kellie, I am begging you to see the obvious here and do something before we get a loss that will hurt our chances to go to the tourney 😢!
This to me there are two places Coach Kellie must grow this year in coaching :
- The importance of the starting unit
- Subbing with purpose in close games and in turning-point situations

To me she has to change her mindset of, "I can start who I want" to "I will start those who give me the best minutes in important times".

I understand the concept of rewarding your girls who practice hard, but not at the cost of giving early advantage to the game-foes.

Instead of simply rewarding those who practice the hardest,, if this indeed is her mental process,,it has to be changed to,,"I will get the full effort out of EVERYONE in practices"...And if she can't get his done, THIS, is the missing link in her administration and it must be addressed....Someone in her staff has to be able to get the best out of the players she may be having difficulty getting the best out of in practice!..And it is very easy to figure out who they are,,,simply,,,If she is rewarding starting by the effort in practice,,then the ones not starting ,are the ones needing attitude checks and a new overseer.
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Absolutely. It is so obvious to almost anyone that this combo doesn't work on defense. I like both players, but they should mostly be in the game at different times or when we have a huge lead. The other issue at the beginning of the games is that even the relatively better defenders don't seem to have much intensity until later in the game. So, as the opposing guard blows by Jewel it leaves Sarah and Karoline to defend against the speedster, which is not going to happen. My fear is that I can hear Kellie talking to the media now, stating that there is no need to change the starting line-up due to their being on a 6-game winning streak. No, we have won despite the starting lineup by other line-ups making up the deficit. Kellie, I am begging you to see the obvious here and do something before we get a loss that will hurt our chances to go to the tourney 😢!
Absolutely. It is so obvious to almost anyone that this combo doesn't work on defense. I like both players, but they should mostly be in the game at different times or when we have a huge lead. The other issue at the beginning of the games is that even the relatively better defenders don't seem to have much intensity until later in the game. So, as the opposing guard blows by Jewel it leaves Sarah and Karoline to defend against the speedster, which is not going to happen. My fear is that I can hear Kellie talking to the media now, stating that there is no need to change the starting line-up due to their being on a 6-game winning streak. No, we have won despite the starting lineup by other line-ups making up the deficit. Kellie, I am begging you to see the obvious here and do something before we get a loss that will hurt our chances to go to the tourney 😢!
I think there's a counter argument here, and that's what you give up on offense if you start Jill and TK instead of Strip and Puckett. You make it much easier for poor Rickea to get mauled if you limit outside threats. You invite packing the paint. Starting Sara, in spite of defensive limits, was absolutely the right decision against Fla. The gators never backed off double and tripling RJ and Sara was able to have a field day. Also, heavy traffic down low like Jill and TK takes away some of RJ's space to operate. Forces her more to the perimeter where she's not quite as effective and is prone to t.o.s

Some of this seems to be addressing the wrong problem, or not the complete problem. As you mentioned, Jewel is getting blown by alot. It's great to have a backstop for that, but Jewel also has to get better defensively and in a hurry. As do all our perimeter defenders. Given that problem, I'd be more likely to want to start TK as a rim protecter, but we really don't know her minute limitation. I'd way rather have her late game than early if that's still the tradeoff.

I'm not saying sticking w Sara and Strip is the right decision every game. Or at all. But offense vs defense is a real dilema as is the use of TK's mins. I don't think this is an obvious open and shut case. To some extent, this team is always going to be most likely to win by simply outscoring the other team so outside shooters are essential.
I think there's a counter argument here, and that's what you give up on offense if you start Jill and TK instead of Strip and Puckett. You make it much easier for poor Rickea to get mauled if you limit outside threats. You invite packing the paint. Starting Sara, in spite of defensive limits, was absolutely the right decision against Fla. The gators never backed off double and tripling RJ and Sara was able to have a field day. Also, heavy traffic down low like Jill and TK takes away some of RJ's space to operate. Forces her more to the perimeter where she's not quite as effective and is prone to t.o.s

Some of this seems to be addressing the wrong problem, or not the complete problem. As you mentioned, Jewel is getting blown by alot. It's great to have a backstop for that, but Jewel also has to get better defensively and in a hurry. As do all our perimeter defenders. Given that problem, I'd be more likely to want to start TK as a rim protecter, but we really don't know her minute limitation. I'd way rather have her late game than early if that's still the tradeoff.

I'm not saying sticking w Sara and Strip is the right decision every game. Or at all. But offense vs defense is a real dilema as is the use of TK's mins. I don't think this is an obvious open and shut case. To some extent, this team is always going to be most likely to win by simply outscoring the other team so outside shooters are essential.

Some very good points. Most of the players in our 8-player rotation are poor man defenders--mostly because they lack quickness,
and in one or two cases a lack of defensive intensity is also an issue. There's not much that can be done about it except play more zone, and
Harper did play some zone last year. I haven't seen this year's games, so don't know if she's mixed in any zone. I would. Otherwise, if we're
playing man, good help defense is crucial--because we have players who get beat regularly off the dribble. Good help defense requires ball awareness: You have to know where the ball is; you can't just stare at the back of your mark. You've got to use your peripheral vision to keep an eye on the ball and be ready to move if you are in a position to help a teammate who's been beaten. It's fundamental basketball--and everybody has got to do it.

Agree about Puckett: You need an outlet for Jackson, who's going to be doubled a lot. She is our best shooting outlet.

Also agree about Key: Whatever her max minutes are, you want her playing more in the second half than the first---and especially
late in games (4th quarter) that are tight. You don't wear her out in the first half. It's all "duh" stuff.
The double or infinite NV posters (how ever it may be) are coming out in numbers.

There are a handful of misconceptions spreading in an effort to negate the huge momentum TN has built dominating three SEC opponents in the 2nd half.
Make no mistake these games have not been close in the 2nd half for the scoreboard watchers. Tennessee took control in the 3rd quarter in each contest and bullied their way to a dub.

The first was TN didn’t have the athletes to compete with SEC teams, and after playing 3 of the top 5 or 6 ATHLETIC SEC teams in the first three weeks of SEC play that was proven to be false. Next, Jewel Spear as I stated never should’ve been used as a spot up shooter, and now with her getting majority of her touches at the top of the key to drive, facilitate, or take a jumper with space she has scored 41 points in 2 games. Elite=Former ACC leading scorer as a sophomore. The next phase is to allow Spear to be the primary ball handler full court and let Jasmine play off ball to change the flow of the game and run the offense in a two man game with Rickea J spreading the floor with three shooters.
Now people are trying to pick apart her defense which also has been solid. TN has problems with the type of defense they are playing. Even with strong one on one defenders like Jordan Horston and Jordan Walker they gave up a lot of points in this system.
TN had success with full court trap and has completely went away from it after one bad quarter (1st) against Auburn because they didn’t have the right personnel on the court to make it work.
The last thing, people stop acting like Rickea Jackson can’t handle contact or physical play in the post. She proved this was false during the summer playing grown women and being team USA best player in the AmeriCup games. Rickea suffered a setback that could happen to any player which forced her to miss 8 games. Rickea has that dawg mentality. Give it a break. We on go mode NVs.
Let’s GBO🍊.
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The big problem playing A&M is going to be their power in the post positions. They are very strong and are going to be more than Sarah and Karoline can handle. It will be completely different from Florida or Auburn and more like a double dose of Kentucky's Petty who severely abused Karoline until TK righted that situation. Barker, Coulaby, and Ware will be able to do the same thing. Just hoping we don't let it go on to long and get to far behind this time. Unlike Kentucky A&M is a team that will be very hard to make up a double digit deficit. Were going to need TK and Jill to give us great defense on the inside. Of the points they average 35 are coming from these three players and 13 more from Rogers. This is where were going to need to make a difference to win. Four players is about 70 percent of their scoring.

There are cures for Verborrhea whether it be the written or verbal variety. For the latter,

a small piece of duct/duck tape across the lips will suffice. For the former,

some people prefer to cover the keyboard, while others have found that tying

the thumbs of the perpetrator together is most effective.


*In Spain, public bathrooms are often labeled WC, from the 19th century British euphemism, Water Closet.
I think there's a counter argument here, and that's what you give up on offense if you start Jill and TK instead of Strip and Puckett. You make it much easier for poor Rickea to get mauled if you limit outside threats. You invite packing the paint. Starting Sara, in spite of defensive limits, was absolutely the right decision against Fla. The gators never backed off double and tripling RJ and Sara was able to have a field day. Also, heavy traffic down low like Jill and TK takes away some of RJ's space to operate. Forces her more to the perimeter where she's not quite as effective and is prone to t.o.s

Some of this seems to be addressing the wrong problem, or not the complete problem. As you mentioned, Jewel is getting blown by alot. It's great to have a backstop for that, but Jewel also has to get better defensively and in a hurry. As do all our perimeter defenders. Given that problem, I'd be more likely to want to start TK as a rim protecter, but we really don't know her minute limitation. I'd way rather have her late game than early if that's still the tradeoff.

I'm not saying sticking w Sara and Strip is the right decision every game. Or at all. But offense vs defense is a real dilema as is the use of TK's mins. I don't think this is an obvious open and shut case. To some extent, this team is always going to be most likely to win by simply outscoring the other team so outside shooters are essential.
My thinking is that one or the other should start not both. The Center position should rotate with Jill and TK and the four with Karoline and Sarah. We can go with both Karoline and Sarah against the small lineup teams, but not teams with a strong five or strong post players all together. Karoline and Sarah are almost the same player both can hit the three and play the four as stretch player. Neither is a center and Jill isn't either, but she comes closer to being able to do that position than either of them. I think the matchup with the A&M bigs may be to much for them to handle as a duo. If we see that they are not able to handle it a quick move to TK or Jill for one of the positions should be in order.
My thinking is that one or the other should start not both. The Center position should rotate with Jill and TK and the four with Karoline and Sarah. We can go with both Karoline and Sarah against the small lineup teams, but not teams with a strong five or strong post players all together. Karoline and Sarah are almost the same player both can hit the three and play the four as stretch player. Neither is a center and Jill isn't either, but she comes closer to being able to do that position than either of them. I think the matchup with the A&M bigs may be to much for them to handle as a duo. If we see that they are not able to handle it a quick move to TK or Jill for one of the positions should be in order.

Could be true. We tend to look at one game and perceive that’s how it’ll always be when it comes to TN players.
In Striplin’s start last season against Petty she finished with 12 pts / 6 rebs. TK was out last season so Striplin and Jill got all the minutes at C. Petty has gotten significantly better this season and so has Karo.
This season, Karo is averaging 11.3 pts per game. Has had solid play and some difficult games. That was just a bad game for Striplin. Tennessee has seen the transfer from Auburn who is now at Texas A&M and what Jackson did vs. her was dominate in the paint in a win. The year before that in Auburn the player had a lot better performance. Again, this proves things are closer to even than Texas A&M having any sort of advantage in the paint.
RJ, Puckett, Jill, Tamari, and Karo is arguably the best backcourt depth in the SEC. 3 out of the 5 averages double figures.
Lineup combinations and matchups do matter so I understand there must be adjustments.
But I wouldn’t take one game and say a player was abused when a lot goes into the game such as officiating, playing time, scheme, etc.
TN averages 90 points with RJ healthy.
One of the two in Sara or Karo should be instant offense off the bench.
Either of the two could still average close to double figures coming off the bench.
It’ll not only make the team better but allow this team to reach its ceiling.
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There's not much that can be done about it except play more zone, and
Harper did play some zone last year. I haven't seen this year's games, so don't know if she's mixed in any zone.
I believe we played a little zone against Florida to try to stop their penetration, but they started hitting 3s so we had to get out of it pretty quickly. Not great considering Florida is a mediocre 3-point shooting team at 31.2%. That said, TAMU is a terrible 3-point shooting team at 27.0%, so maybe we'll show more zone tomorrow.
As you mentioned, Jewel is getting blown by alot. It's great to have a backstop for that, but Jewel also has to get better defensively and in a hurry.
She still has a ways to go, but I think she's improved a ton since the start of the season. I've noticed her defensive box-outs are much more consistent, too.
She still has a ways to go, but I think she's improved a ton since the start of the season. I've noticed her defensive box-outs are much more consistent, too.
Jewel’s improvement in pretty much every aspect of her game over the season has been so heartening. Still work to do, but I’m excited to see her continue to grow.

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