Game Thread: Fla at Lady Vols; Thurs Jan 11; 7PM; SEC Network ----- Win; 88-81

The possession total in this game Florida 83 and Tennessee 80. Their scoring efficiency was 0.99 per possession.
Tennessee had a scoring efficiency of 1.10 which is very good offense. I like the 80 possessions even though they got three more.
Team now at 79.1 ppg for the season and giving up 71.3
Were making 74.4 percent of our free throws.
Bad stat 16.7 turnovers per game while only forcing 12.5 by opponents.
Were making 31 percent of threes and opponents 34.9
Of course with Rickea Jackson were averaging close to 90 ppg and without 72
Don't any of you remember Pat Summitt and all the national championships? At least a time when the Lady Vols were an elite program? How about when we were top 10 in the country just a couple months ago? Of course be happy and enjoy every win but Kjh has done nothing to elevate this program. We're not even in the top 25. Kellie looks good...she's nice....likeable etc...but she doesn't WIN anywhere near the level a program with the history and resources of UT should. Not even a top 25 team when we were what...7th to start the season? Sweet 16. Wow. What a high water mark. The depths this program has fallen to is shameful and an insult to the legacy Pat built no matter how cute or nice Kellie is. Demand and expect more.
Yes we all remember the glory days and venerate them. But don't any of you remember the last decade or so starting with the back end of the Holly tenure and rebuilding from that diaster?

If you just skip that history as ya'll love to do, then yes, we should be outraged at "only" beating SEC teams by however many points. Unfortunately, that history did happen, that damage did get done and recovering from it is not as simple as waving a magic wand over a photo of Pat.

So yeah, I remember well when we would have crushed this team 20 yrs ago but I also remember when we would have lost to them anytime in the last 10 yrs. Also, I'm kinda old and I've learned to, as Warren Zevon said, enjoy every sandwich.
Well, I think the game plan worked the way it needed to and FL will likely be the template going forward. Teams are going to do everything to take away Rickea and that will open spaces up for others - like Puckett and Spear. We said Spear would get cooking once she did not have to be the #1 option.

Rickea was interesting. She made some twisting turning fall away shots but missed the few open looks and easy put backs she had. She has been a little off the last 2 games. Maybe her allergies have her feeling a little lethargic. All that matters is that she pulls out the superwoman cape when needed. She has just had to be good, not great in these opening conference games.

Ditto your oomments on Sara. Red hot from 3 point land and claimed a few big rebounds as well. Let's hope this is her season turning point.

The resurgence of Key continues. She made some tough catches in the paint that weren't happening earlier in the season and she knocked down mid-range jumper!

I agree that a better transition to the road games is crucial. Reducing a deficit is a lot easier when you have the home crowd on your side and tougher when they are against you.

I am no expert but I would think avoiding double digit deficit would be a good thing to do in these upcoming games.
Someone mentioned how profusely Rickea was sweating last night, more than usual. I remember a game last year where that was the case and afterward at the presser she could hardly speak for sniffling, sneezing and nose wiping. Possibly heavy sweating is tied in to the allergies and we know she resorted to a med she usually doesn't take before last game. The notorious E TN pollen is obviously a problem for her, though you would think they'd have medication for that nailed by this point. Whatever the case, she was pretty lethergic esp the first qtr, alot of standing around on the perimeter.

RJ is missing some really easy shots she never used to miss but every reason to think that will turn around. But as KJH said at the presser, we're so spoiled by her that an 18/8 stat sheet looks meh for her. I'd argue except for last night, she has been pretty great since she's been back. But she was disappointed in herself last night, once again she patted her chest in apology and ownership in the postgame video.

After the captains meeting, the female ref went on some strange tear about something to do w Rickea's uni, rumored to be over the color of her tights? Which were the same white ones she and everyone else have worn all yr. RJ had walked away, not sure she was even aware at that point. But it sent Catherine Green, the operations mgr, the trainer and the managers literally sprinting to the locker room then back to the other side where the team was gathered for the firework introduction. Possibly made her change tights on the spot. Just a strange WTF from a ref who wanted to be part of the game fm the get go.

Good observation about some catches TK made. One in particular she really went up, gathered it in with one hand, collected herself and scored. TK is probably playing about as well as she was at the end of the last full year she played. There's still lots of room for improvement in mobility, etc, but that was the case before she got sick. This is a huge development for us.
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Don't any of you remember Pat Summitt and all the national championships? At least a time when the Lady Vols were an elite program? How about when we were top 10 in the country just a couple months ago? Of course be happy and enjoy every win but Kjh has done nothing to elevate this program. We're not even in the top 25. Kellie looks good...she's nice....likeable etc...but she doesn't WIN anywhere near the level a program with the history and resources of UT should. Not even a top 25 team when we were what...7th to start the season? Sweet 16. Wow. What a high water mark. The depths this program has fallen to is shameful and an insult to the legacy Pat built no matter how cute or nice Kellie is. Demand and expect more.
Why can’t these people see this????
Why can’t these people see this????
Why can't people who see "the depths this program has fallen to" not also see the process of digging out of it? Just wave a magic wand, do a Pat chant and we're magically back? If only it were that simple.

Two things (or more) can be true. We can remember the old days,also remember the tough decade or so since, and still be happy we didn't lose to a mid SEC team. Hell, I can be sad it's taking so long and even doubtful we'll ever get back to the glory days under Kellie and STILL be glad we didn't lose to Florida last night.

The part that gets me is the "insult to the legacy" crap. I harbor no illusions that I have any power whatsoever to affect Pat's legacy, esp not by being glad we won this game. That is just fan board silly and embarrassingly self important to me.
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Well, I think the game plan worked the way it needed to and FL will likely be the template going forward. Teams are going to do everything to take away Rickea and that will open spaces up for others - like Puckett and Spear. We said Spear would get cooking once she did not have to be the #1 option.

Rickea was interesting. She made some twisting turning fall away shots but missed the few open looks and easy put backs she had. She has been a little off the last 2 games. Maybe her allergies have her feeling a little lethargic. All that matters is that she pulls out the superwoman cape when needed. She has just had to be good, not great in these opening conference games.

Ditto your oomments on Sara. Red hot from 3 point land and claimed a few big rebounds as well. Let's hope this is her season turning point.

The resurgence of Key continues. She made some tough catches in the paint that weren't happening earlier in the season and she knocked down mid-range jumper!

I agree that a better transition to the road games is crucial. Reducing a deficit is a lot easier when you have the home crowd on your side and tougher when they are against you.

I am no expert but I would think avoiding double digit deficit would be a good thing to do in these upcoming games.
Key was maybe 3 inches below the 3 point line! That was further than mid jumper!
Key was maybe 3 inches below the 3 point line! That was further than mid jumper!
True! TK has a great stroke. Still can't get over her progress the last few games, please dear bball gods let it continue.

Whatever happens w KJH in the future, her journeys with Jordan Horston, Rickea Jackson and Tamari Key have been Master Classes in coach/player patience and trust.

Wishcasting forward, KJH could be rewarded by having TK be her amazing FIFTH straight 1st round W pick after returning next yr. Something I never would even allowed myself to think just a month ago.
Someone mentioned how profusely Rickea was sweating last night, more than usual. I remember a game last year where that was the case and afterward at the presser she could hardly speak for sniffling, sneezing and nose wiping. Possibly heavy sweating is tied in to the allergies and we know she resorted to a med she usually doesn't take before last game. The notorious E TN pollen is obviously a problem for her, though you would think they'd have medication for that nailed by this point. Whatever the case, she was pretty lethergic esp the first qtr, alot of standing around on the perimeter.

RJ is missing some really easy shots she never used to miss but every reason to think that will turn around. But as KJH said at the presser, we're so spoiled by her that an 18/8 stat sheet looks meh for her. I'd argue except for last night, she has been pretty great since she's been back. But she was disappointed in herself last night, once again she patted her chest in apology and ownership in the postgame video.

After the captains meeting, the female ref went on some strange tear about something to do w Rickea's uni, rumored to be over the color of her tights? Which were the same white ones she and everyone else have worn all yr. RJ had walked away, not sure she was even aware at that point. But it sent Catherine Green, the operations mgr, the trainer and the managers literally sprinting to the locker room then back to the other side where the team was gathered for the firework introduction. Possibly made her change tights on the spot. Just a strange WTF from a ref who wanted to be part of the game fm the get go.

Good observation about some catches TK made. One in particular she really went up, gathered it in with one hand, collected herself and scored. TK is probably playing about as well as she was at the end of the last full year she played. There's still lots of room for improvement in mobility, etc, but that was the case before she got sick. This is a huge development for us.
The Tennessee allergy crud is affecting my region of Tennessee and making people miserable. On my second round of steroids and antibiotics. Jackson playing through that last night says one thing to me. She is giving her all for Tennessee and her coach. We have a very good coach and team. They play harder and better when they are appreciated. Loved Pat but, she ain’t coming back. In the words of CSNY “love the one your with” and Jimmy B “it’s raining…play on through”
Why can’t these people see this????
A better question,,why can't you negavols lighten up and see the "donut instead of the hole" for once
This team played two prior games dismally for the first half
This game they didn't wait for half-time to wake up.
That is progress.

There are 3 types of posters on this site
Negavols (you, Darth)- Posters who's only goal is to see what's wrong

Posivols (777)- posters who only post rainbows and lollipops

Those two are minorities

Realistvols (me, glv, madtown, 90% of the posters)- posters who post both neg/pos but try to limit our neg bursts to those that need to be focused on... Who lived the glory days and realize they aren't now, but believe they can still be regained... Who try not to personalize our posts and try to stay within the rules of this site...In a word, "real" fans.
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The Tennessee allergy crud is affecting my region of Tennessee and making people miserable. On my second round of steroids and antibiotics. Jackson playing through that last night says one thing to me. She is giving her all for Tennessee and her coach. We have a very good coach and team. They play harder and better when they are appreciated. Loved Pat but, she ain’t coming back. In the words of CSNY “love the one your with” and Jimmy B “it’s raining…play on through”
My son suffered greatly from pollen allergies his whole life growing up in e tn. We tried everything and every doctor; something would work for a little while than quit working. He lives in another state now but says when driving home he starts feeling the allergy attack when he gets within 100 miles of ET. Then he's under seige the whole time he's here. Living in a desiduous forest is lovely but has it's price.

I'm just glad RJ apparently didn't check out the pollen scale before she chose the LVs!
Don't any of you remember Pat Summitt and all the national championships? At least a time when the Lady Vols were an elite program? How about when we were top 10 in the country just a couple months ago? Of course be happy and enjoy every win but Kjh has done nothing to elevate this program. We're not even in the top 25. Kellie looks good...she's nice....likeable etc...but she doesn't WIN anywhere near the level a program with the history and resources of UT should. Not even a top 25 team when we were what...7th to start the season? Sweet 16. Wow. What a high water mark. The depths this program has fallen to is shameful and an insult to the legacy Pat built no matter how cute or nice Kellie is. Demand and expect more.
You da man. Finally someone said it like it is. Thank you very much. People on this thread think a sweet 16 is a high ceiling. I like Kellie, it’s certainly not a personal thing. I’m sure she is a great mother, great wife, daughter and human being. I just think she hasn’t done enough to keep a job at a program like Tennessee.
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You da man. Finally someone said it like it is. Thank you very much. People on this thread think a sweet 16 is a high ceiling. I like Kellie, it’s certainly not a personal thing. I’m sure she is a great mother, great wife, daughter and human being. I just think she hasn’t done enough to keep a job at a program like Tennessee.

I don't disagree with yours and others wanting a higher national ceiling than a sweet sixteen NCAA finish and maybe an SEC Championship every 3 yrs, however lets not portray Kellie like she is running the program into the ground. The program has not been at the elite status for awhile now and Kellie inherited a program that had been basically allowed to hit bottom.

Not sure Kellie is the coach to get it back to elite again, only time will tell, but if she can get it back to a high respectable level that would be a good accomplishment then maybe another coach could get it over the top. Just saying....
Someone mentioned how profusely Rickea was sweating last night, more than usual. I remember a game last year where that was the case and afterward at the presser she could hardly speak for sniffling, sneezing and nose wiping. Possibly heavy sweating is tied in to the allergies and we know she resorted to a med she usually doesn't take before last game. The notorious E TN pollen is obviously a problem for her, though you would think they'd have medication for that nailed by this point. Whatever the case, she was pretty lethergic esp the first qtr, alot of standing around on the perimeter.

RJ is missing some really easy shots she never used to miss but every reason to think that will turn around. But as KJH said at the presser, we're so spoiled by her that an 18/8 stat sheet looks meh for her. I'd argue except for last night, she has been pretty great since she's been back. But she was disappointed in herself last night, once again she patted her chest in apology and ownership in the postgame video.

After the captains meeting, the female ref went on some strange tear about something to do w Rickea's uni, rumored to be over the color of her tights? Which were the same white ones she and everyone else have worn all yr. RJ had walked away, not sure she was even aware at that point. But it sent Catherine Green, the operations mgr, the trainer and the managers literally sprinting to the locker room then back to the other side where the team was gathered for the firework introduction. Possibly made her change tights on the spot. Just a strange WTF from a ref who wanted to be part of the game fm the get go.

Good observation about some catches TK made. One in particular she really went up, gathered it in with one hand, collected herself and scored. TK is probably playing about as well as she was at the end of the last full year she played. There's still lots of room for improvement in mobility, etc, but that was the case before she got sick. This is a huge development for us.

Severe allergy sufferer here. K-town is death because it is a valley, surrounded by tree covered mountains so pollens stay trapped in the area and reach lethal levels.

People think of sneezing and stuffy nose but if you really sensitive, pollen season means you feel like you have a low grade flu all the time and a lot of "brain fog".

When I was living there, winters weren't too bad. It was during the spring, when tree and grass pollens were in full bloom, that I was reduced to a puddle of mush.

Rickea really should have been allergy tested (maybe she has) to identify what here sensitivities and once you know that, you can start working on managing the problem
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Why can't people who see "the depths this program has fallen to" not also see the process of digging out of it? Just wave a magic wand, do a Pat chant and we're magically back? If only it were that simple.

Two things (or more) can be true. We can remember the old days,also remember the tough decade or so since, and still be happy we didn't lose to a mid SEC team. Hell, I can be sad it's taking so long and even doubtful we'll ever get back to the glory days under Kellie and STILL be glad we didn't lose to Florida last night.

The part that gets me is the "insult to the legacy" crap. I harbor no illusions that I have any power whatsoever to affect Pat's legacy, esp not by being glad we won this game. That is just fan board silly and embarrassingly self important to me.

The other thing that is never mentioned and overlooked is the level of talent of the other teams now vs when Pat coached - before UConn, definitely before LSU / SC and many other teams that can win on any given night. I remember La Tech days (yes, I am old) and maybe 4 teams that were capable of winning everything. We were better than the best then - and that is thanks to Pat, but Pat also elevated women's college basketball where it is the competitive product we see now.
You da man. Finally someone said it like it is. Thank you very much. People on this thread think a sweet 16 is a high ceiling. I like Kellie, it’s certainly not a personal thing. I’m sure she is a great mother, great wife, daughter and human being. I just think she hasn’t done enough to keep a job at a program like Tennessee.
No one is saying sweet sixteen is good enough. The statistic I presented of only seven programs reaching sweet sixteen the last two years and only ten programs having at least two sixteens and one round of 32 over the last three years was presented to show Kellie has us consistently back among the top programs in the country.
Lots of programs make a splash with an elite 8 one year and out in the first round the next year. Kellie is rebuilding our program for the long haul. I think an elite eight would be a great goal for this year.
I like the direction this program is moving in and I like that Kellie has continued Pat’s dna of good students athletes and good young women.
We should take pride in this program, the coaching staff and especially the young women who “wear the orange”.
People who actually know Collegiate WBB would laugh at us hearing some of the junk put out here.
You da man. Finally someone said it like it is. Thank you very much. People on this thread think a sweet 16 is a high ceiling.

What thread? This thread? You mean this Tennessee-Florida game thread? Titled "Game Thread: Fla at Lady Vols; Thurs Jan 11; 7PM; SEC Network", because it's about the Tennessee-Florida game? Where folks came to comment on the game between Tennessee and Florida? Which Tennessee won?
Yes we all remember the glory days and venerate them. But don't any of you remember the last decade or so starting with the back end of the Holly tenure and rebuilding from that diaster?

If you just skip that history as ya'll love to do, then yes, we should be outraged at "only" beating SEC teams by however many points. Unfortunately, that history did happen, that damage did get done and recovering from it is not as simple as waving a magic wand over a photo of Pat.

So yeah, I remember well when we would have crushed this team 20 yrs ago but I also remember when we would have lost to them anytime in the last 10 yrs. Also, I'm kinda old and I've learned to, as Warren Zevon said, enjoy every sandwich.
I saw a werewolf drinkin' a piña colada at Trader Vic's
His hair was perfect
Severe allergy sufferer here. K-town is death because it is a valley, surrounded by tree covered mountains so pollens stay trapped in the area and reach lethal levels.

People think of sneezing and stuffy nose but if you really sensitive, pollen season means you feel like you have a low grade flu all the time and a lot of "brain fog".

When I was living there, winters weren't too bad. It was during the spring, when tree and grass pollens were in full bloom, that I was reduced to a puddle of mush.

Rickea really should have been allergy tested (maybe she has) to identify what here sensitivities and once you know that, you can start working on managing the problem
Unfortunately, due to warming, it's almost always spring in E TN fm November til May. Will have a few cold snaps in Jan and early Feb, but it's 50 degrees most of the time. Haven't had an actual winter in a few years. Everything blooms incredibly early. Pollen city. And it is miserable for chronic sufferers. I use to live with two of them.
I saw a werewolf drinkin' a piña colada at Trader Vic's
His hair was perfect
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Don't any of you remember Pat Summitt and all the national championships? At least a time when the Lady Vols were an elite program? How about when we were top 10 in the country just a couple months ago? Of course be happy and enjoy every win but Kjh has done nothing to elevate this program. We're not even in the top 25. Kellie looks good...she's nice....likeable etc...but she doesn't WIN anywhere near the level a program with the history and resources of UT should. Not even a top 25 team when we were what...7th to start the season? Sweet 16. Wow. What a high water mark. The depths this program has fallen to is shameful and an insult to the legacy Pat built no matter how cute or nice Kellie is. Demand and expect more.
Time moves on friend. The LVs last NC and final four appearance happened in the 2007-08 season.

The only player from that team who is still playing professionally is CP3 (who is now pondering retirement).

When Kellie started as LV HC 5 years ago, the players she was recruiting were 7-to 8 years old when that last final four appearance happened (and they probably were not tracking WCBB all that closely).

Today, the players being recruited would have been 2 to 3 years old and you get the idea.

As tweens and teens, these players have not been in a world where the LVS had been the dominant force and biggest brand in WCBB.

Now, the LVs beginning the season highly ranked (for two years in a row) and then quickly falling from the 25 is a legit criticism.

For this year, those projections envisioned a full strength Tamari, a faster transition from Spears and Wells and they certainly did not foresee playing 8 games without our AA candidate or losing wells to a season ending injury.

The LVs are now on a win streak and getting closer to the team that was anticipated in the preseason (though without Wells and Key now being about 70%?.
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Time moves on friend. The LVs last NC and final four appearance happened in the 2007-08 season.

The only player from that team who is still playing professionally is CP3 (who may or not retire).

When Kellie started as LV HC 5 years ago, the players she was recruiting were 7-to 8 years old when that last final four appearance happened (and they probably were not tracking WCBB all that closely).

Today, the players being recruited would have been 2 to 3 years old and you get the idea.

As tweens and teens, these players have not been in a world where the LVS had been the dominant force and biggest brand in WCBB.

Now, the LVs beginning the season highly ranked (for two years in a row) and then quickly falling from the 25 is a legit criticism.

For this year, those projections envisioned a full strength Tamari, a faster transition from Spears and Wells and they certainly did not foresee playing 8 games without our AA candidate or losing wells to a season ending injury.

The LVs are now on a win streak and getting closer to the team that was anticipated in the preseason (though without Wells and Key now being about 70%?.
Honestly team is just a couple players short of being elite in this season of women's basketball. She has to be able to get those players and has thus far failed. You add a post like say Betts or Brink and one more elite scorer then you suddenly can beat anyone and the record is certainly more like undefeated or 14 and 1. . Boyd and Cooper are the type of speed players you need and Brooks 2025 is going to be a super star. Those three are the real beginning to bringing us back. Will she be able to add three top players from 2025 and will Blakes number 10 in 2024 decide on Tennessee or Southern Cal. If all that happened and she can find an elite post player were better in 2025 than we are now. How much depends on her ability to recruit 2025 or to survive this season at all.
Jackson's misses on her jump shot were mostly 6-10 inches on the long side. She didn't miss short and she didn't miss side to side. She'll hone this in easily.

Tess is more troublesome, her misses are more scattered and it seems to me that she is trying to speed up her shot and I think she's overclocking it.
Honestly team is just a couple players short of being elite in this season of women's basketball. She has to be able to get those players and has thus far failed. You add a post like say Betts or Brink and one more elite scorer then you suddenly can beat anyone and the record is certainly more like undefeated or 14 and 1. . Boyd and Cooper are the type of speed players you need and Brooks 2025 is going to be a super star. Those three are the real beginning to bringing us back. Will she be able to add three top players from 2025 and will Blakes number 10 in 2024 decide on Tennessee or Southern Cal. If all that happened and she can find an elite post player were better in 2025 than we are now. How much depends on her ability to recruit 2025 or to survive this season at all.

Agreed. I would add that there were legitimate hopes that Hollingshead would become that missing star player. This season, she has had a few good games and made some clutch plays but she has been far from dominant.

The offensive growth of Striplin has been a bonus but as we have seen in the last few games, she is not a great defender in the post--which reflects that she is a more natural 4 playing post.

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