Exactly. Of course the advice would not be better. Not one thing of value to be gained by any of them wasting one nanosecond of time on this board. So don't. In addition to the extra study time (to gain 'incites'), perhaps an additional ball handling drill?
I believe there is heartfelt good intent amongst the "defenders" of players who may take heat here, but frankly, its just silly. People inside the program do not belong here. Imagine a player or parent following a group of fans out of the arena after the game as they walk to their car and straining to overhear them discussing what they just watched. And being oh so hurt if their eavesdropping picks up harsh opinions. Registering and logging into a fan board is no different.
Do not go fishing for insults, you will surely catch them. It's why most players do not, and should not, use public social media in season. Focus on what's actually important. What you came here to do is important. What we say about it is not.
A bit more disturbing to me is the rampant over personalization and over dramatization of all this. We are not "haters", that's absurd. I don't know these people, nor do I pretend to nor want to. It gets a little creepy when folks set players up as victims and themselves as the great rescuers. A little too much involvement, real or imagined, for my comfort into the players' off court lives.