Vines steals second.
Geer ball, 2 strikes, passed ball Vines to 3rd.
Ground out to second. Vines scores.
Rowland bloop single, NB misplayed it, Rowland to 2nd.
Passed ball Rowland to 3rd.
Lockman walks on 4 pitches.
Seggern full count then singles to right. Rowland scores, Lockman to 3rd ( slowly to 3rd barely beating the throw).
Bearden ground out to short.
Geer ball, 2 strikes, passed ball Vines to 3rd.
Ground out to second. Vines scores.
Rowland bloop single, NB misplayed it, Rowland to 2nd.
Passed ball Rowland to 3rd.
Lockman walks on 4 pitches.
Seggern full count then singles to right. Rowland scores, Lockman to 3rd ( slowly to 3rd barely beating the throw).
Bearden ground out to short.