Bottom of third. Let's get it back. Lilley sharp grounder to second who throws her out. Mcswain ground or to short. Leach stand up double! Vines hits. Leach to third on passed ball. Vines out pitcher. Inning over.
Bottom of fourth. Geer single past short. Geathers sac bunt. Gregg single past first. Geer scores. 5-2 TN. Aucoin walks. Overstreet long fly out to the fence. Runners advance. Lilley ground out. 1 in. 5-2 TN.
Overstreet another passed ball. She has to clean this up. Erin behind again. Fights back and gets the ground out. Strikeout! Out two. Erin fighting hard the heat and the sun. Strikeout! 1,2,3 inning
Overstreet another passed ball. She has to clean this up. Erin behind again. Fights back and gets the ground out. Strikeout! Out two. Erin fighting hard the heat and the sun. Strikeout! 1,2,3 inning
So that freshman from Florida Barnhill the one who made the top USA softball team beat #2 Michigan today her line was Barnhill: 19 BF, 5 IP, 3 H, 2 K, 0 R Florida won 8-0 by the way
Gregg up. Hit an run. Geathers to second Gregg out. Aucoin walks. Two on. Overstreet works a full count, fouls a few off then strikes out looking. Inning over. 8-2 TN.
Top of sixth. Ground out to Gregg. Strikeout! Great change up. Single to right. Erin behind again. She hit the batter. Two on two out. Karen to the mound. She wants Erin to finish so she leaves her in.