When they're on, Rae and Rennia are lethal.
Rennia reminds me of Jimi Hendrix. She's an artist. Has that cool swag and little smile that says, "I know I'm good. And you can't stop me."
And Rae is just a flat-out warrior. Someone you'd always want on your side when you go to battle.
Like Grant and Admiral...their games complement each other.
Jordan H. Is starting to show why she was so highly-ranked. After a shaky start, she settled down, made great passes, let the game come to her, and made some momentum-changing defensive plays.
Kasi adjusted and started making her move to basket without putting the ball on the floor. If she works on her free throws, she'll be a great asset. Stamina much better, and she did much better keeping hands up on defense. Nice work!
Walker, Salary, others finding their roles nicely.
Hope Jaidan and Keyen got to enjoy the win even if remotely. We miss you.