All sarcasm aside, I think it does a disservice to the players to complain about the refs.
Refs are the singlemost perplexing part of the game.
inconsistent, entitled, arrogant and always right.
One of the most vital jobs of a coach is to properly work the refs.
Coaches have many facets to coaching during a game; players, bench, managing the game, timeouts etc and working refs is just as important as any of them.
CHW killed our program's growth by recruiting high caliber talent and then not improving them and extending their game. But she also left a dagger in our credibility with refs with her defensive body language and raised hands and "I'm hurt" looks and not working them properly.
Refs respect a coach who can make them do their job better without a bunch of theatrics.
"Hey Mr ref, can you watch 21 on the clearing out with her elbow,,,thank you"
"Hey Mr ref, 15 is holding my post"
"That was a good call"
They love to be worked and worked with respect"
they as well respect a coach who understand that they can make mistakes and doesn't jump up and down when they do so....Unless they begin to make mistakes consistently
This is the one part of the game that most of the general public will never see, hear or understand.
I've lived it,,,in every level of basketball and I will tell you, you have to properly work the refs or they will run all over you.
Have you ever seen a "block" called when the defender was absolutely set and stationary because they fell awkwardly...and then the very same thing happens and the defender butt-slides across the floor and the defense gets the call...refs respect and reward technique and skill!
This is no different in coaching...refs dismiss the arguments of a screamer and hear the arguments of a respectful, yet firm, talker. And if the coach is working the refs properly and the calls still stay one-sided...look for the coach to use their first technical to get the refs attention.
If a team is not getting calls look to the coaching. (and in our case, prior coaching).
Not to the players.
The only way a player can influence a ref is by being a good ambassador for the program.