shouldn't the dang law of averages catch up at some point? Can we really lose em all? Every dog has its day. Maybe this is finally ours?

This was our moment.
It really was our day, the time the odds FINALLY caught up and gave us a break. I would never detract from this glorious moment, but in a way it was just meant to be. Ordinarily, the bad possesions in the last minute would have done us in, but not this time.
And that last call on Ole Ang? It was clearly the correct call, but I bet that call goes the other way at least 7 or 8 times out of 10.
But you definitely make your own luck and we were right there to accept every gift fate doled out.
Does anyone remember the NCAAT game where Tasha Butts was fouled in the last seconds - Mulkey thought at first Tasha was given the foul, but when she realized her own team fouled & Tasha was going to win the game at the free throw line, she dropped to the floor & spun around on her heel! Classic Mulkey, Vol Nation went nuts over it! In truth, the call was really, really, really close

I love seeing Kim in agony
Speaking of calls, I do remember this vividly and you could add 10 more reallys to the close call. God love Tasha Butts, hope she's doing ok.
Ya know, Kellie credited the comeback to her team keeping their composure and staying even keeled, not getting too high or too low.
It's often said the team reflects their coach and in this aspect, KJH and RJ really reflect each other. Announcers have been commenting lately about the incredibly even keel RJ keeps on court. A second or so of celebration, just a quick standstill, is about all you ever get from her oncourt. So calm, lol almost regal in her bearing and it's such a great counter to JH's emotional presence. I thought RJ made Robyn Benton and her mugging look like an absolute fool in the KY game just by being so focused and locked in, and so much more successful lol. Does not need the "hey look at me" sillyness to be noticed.
Same for Tess Darby, a real calming presence in the oncourt huddles. Really nice game by Tess btw, her best against an elite team.
All the oncourt cool makes the celebration all the more sweet. Have looked at the all videos 10 times at least. Oncourt stoic RJ lets Big Personality RJ take over and that imitation of the Angel Dance was 80 kinds of awesome. Probably my favorite though was when RJ and JH broke from the courtside interview and danced across the court in front of the screaming LV fans, high fiving the fans all the way into the tunnel. Then that little moment between them in the hallway. Such a sweet full circle moment, and freaking FINALLY!
I've said before, best case scenerio is the Kellie/RJ story becomes the one we get tired of hearing over and over during the post season. Let it BE!!!