If this were a private group of the few folks I'd trust to keep my comments between us, I would say a lot about this situation. But it's not.
I will say that Talaysia obviously has a lot of skills and quickness and desire to do anything necessary to win. I am SO glad she's a Lady Vol! It's just that when push comes to shove, her natural-athlete instinct is to try to do it ALL, street-ball style. She makes a decision that she's going to try to score, and no matter how many opposing defenders collapse on her she usually approaches the situation as if she is the only player on her side of the ball.
But even on those occasions she does -- often too late -- decide its not going to work and then tries to get rid of the ball, everyone else on our team has moved out of the way to clear space for Cooper to work, and then they are not recognizing quickly enough to come back to help when she gets in trouble.
Cooper is giving a quick glance to see if anyone is around to help, and when they're not, it's Chuck City.
This is something that should be fixed in the next huddle after the FIRST time this happens. No way should Talaysia have been allowed to stay in there to chuck that many bad shots. It was only getting that third foul which put her on the bench for a bit. There should have been a time out well before that to talk everyone through the situation.
I get that Kim wants the team to have a certain amount of autonomy out there. But she's got to know when to say "that's enough." There comes a point at which long-term damage can be done to a player's confidence if they are left in to flounder too long. I was feeling last night that Cooper was dangerously close to reaching that point. I don't feel like she did, thank goodness, but if I were Kim I'd be concerned for her.