I hope Des gets healthy and can start to contribute more this season. She is such a great scorer. Just too bad she hasn’t healed very well. Obviously hampered
Tulsa got close to matching us in terms of volume on 3 attempts: UT had 32, UTa had 29. Difference being that they didn't make them, only 5 makes to our 14.
42 points vs 15.
Another game with 20+ oRBs for the Lady Vols. 52 boards in all.
Wow 102 to 58 and lost and didn't win. Kudos CJ and Volsfan. I unfortunately just woke up 10 minutes ago and missed the game. Glad to see the score be so lopsided again. GLV
Our coaches were all smiles late in the game. They’re ready for some much needed rest.
All that ball movement for Tulsa looks great. But not when you’re down by 40.