CBS sucks!!!! Gary Danielson is the freak'n worst announcer I have ever heard in my life. How in the world did this guy go from calling the 12:00 o'clock ESPN game ,wich is usually some Big Ten nobody playing another Big Ten nobody, to primetime. He needs to keep his freak'n opinions to himself. All I heard was Florida this Florida that. If I could have got within 50 ft of this ******* I would have knocked the hell out of him. Whoever makes these decisions for CBS needs to be fired on the spot. First they take Jim Nance who is the best announcer out their off the primetime game now Todd Blackledge. Gary Danielson is a damn moron. I hope his damn dog dies!! I hate the freak'n guy. Honestly I hate him. I watched as long as I could, which was till halftime. I turned the volume down after that. What killed me was the calls. Every dang gone penlty the officals called. If it was agaist Florida it was the wrong call. If it was agaist Tennessee it was the right call. CBS wake up!!! We don't like yankees!!! So why in the hell would you put one announcing.