Question. How much help did you give your friend on this? You obviously have access to the internet and in about 2 minutes on Google I found 3 organizations that help with this type in Memphis. If the liver failure was due to a drug I can promise you there is a class action lawsuit out there somewhere that could have provided the funding as well.
What I'm saying is that people need to quit whining about the government not taking care of them and start taking care of themselves.
In Texas, any hospital that receives funding from public funds (i.e. from taxpayers) cannot turn people away for lack of funds and I assume the same is true in Tennessee. I do know that UT Hospital wrote off the balance after medicaid of my mother's last stay there.
Why do you think illegals get insurance? They don't, they just follow the procedures outlined above.
it was in ohio. they did nothing for her. after 3 years they did allow hospice to come in and dope her up to end her pain. then the great government we have took everything she had. everything. basically both her kids who helped her everyway they could are now bankrupt and all of her assets were sold off and they still owe money. hospitals in phoenix have to take illegals, it is the law. they don't pay for it we do. she was taking a estrogen pill that caused her liver to fail. there were problems with doctors saying it was the pills and other various things. one said it was because she drank to much booze, and i'll admit she did drink, but she wasn't a alcohalic. so there you have it in a nutshell. they consulted lawyers and they basically said the pill states it can cause liver problems, but there wasn't much that can be done. with the illegals my wife witnessed it first hand she was a nurse in phoenix.