Gators v. Vols

Now, now, now, let's be fair here.

The fact of the matter is that the momentum must be swinging in Florida's direction because it's hard to imagine Meyer being worse as a coach than Zook.

That being said, there's a whole lot of swinging to be done before UF gets back on par with UT, and no guarentees that Meyer is the coach that can get it done. It is likely that Florida will improve under Meyer, but it is at least equally likely that Meyer will take a few lumps before he can get Florida back to powerhouse level, if he can.

There's also the possibility that he is only as strong a coach as his offense, and no matter what anybody says, nobody knows whether that offense can succeed game in, game out at the SEC level. Being biased as I am, its hard to imagine UT's defensive speed being defeated by any kind of option attack, but that's just guess work, and we must remind ourselves of the lessons handed down by Nebraska almost a decade ago.

As for the game being played in the Swamp, since 2000 the only home team to win was UT last year. The only games that wern't close in that series was the disaster at Neyland where Casey Clausen played the 2nd quarter paralyzed from the wrist down, and 2003 at the Swamp. So, judging from history, the game will be close, and home field advantage will be less of an edge than it is expected to be.

Then again, judging from history, the game will be settled by an old man in black and white stripes ... :ermm:
The fact that the game is in Gainesville favors the Vols.........we play our best ball on the road. We like disrespect and being spit on coming out of the's what Tennessee is all about and we will listen to the sweet silence of Florida Field at the final gun.
Originally posted by lawgator1@Aug 11, 2005 3:37 PM
UT had to go 2 for 2 on 4th down conversions.  Hardly "outplaying" UF.

I guess Florida "outplayed" UT, then, by allowing them to convert 2 out of 2 fourth downs?

And "categorically denying" that UT won last year??? What kind of crap is that?

Your arguments are beginning to sound as poor as some from a state a little north and to the west of you that starts with "Aler" and ends in "Bammer."
Originally posted by kiddiedoc@Aug 11, 2005 4:33 PM

And "categorically denying" that UT won last year???  What kind of crap is that?


That's French, as in"crap" translating to "'caude i don't wanna."
Vols 2nd home is the swamp.

Anyways, i didnt read this whole thread but it seems like somewhere it was said that the refs gave us the game or something.

I remember a catch in the endzone that wasnt a catch that the refs gave UF a few years back..

The concept of momentum with regard to a football game is a measure of which team has things going there way relative to the other team.

A team on the upswing is a concept of a team's potential/talent/etc. relative to it's own previous position.

Therefore, while Florida may be on the upswing this doesn't necessarily imply a momentum change since the opposing team may also be on an upswing.

Further, the evaluation of momentum is more closely associated with events within a game rather than between games. Since the upcoming game has yet to occur, an evaluation of a change in momentum is essentially moot.

This has been installment #47 in my series of meaningless points posts :p
I'm a little late chiming in here, but a Beano Cook prediction...! And thats a good thing? :eek:lol:

Personally, I hope the gators are favored... If they are, better savor it until kickoff - recent history indicates that it will work against you.

And while you're at it, savor the Urban Myth hype while it lasts too. The UF football program's brief run of success started and ended in the 90s.
Originally posted by volinbham@Aug 11, 2005 5:26 PM
The concept of momentum with regard to a football game is a measure of which team has things going there way relative to the other team.

A team on the upswing is a concept of a team's potential/talent/etc. relative to it's own previous position.

Therefore, while Florida may be on the upswing this doesn't necessarily imply a momentum change since the opposing team may also be on an upswing. 

Further, the evaluation of momentum is more closely associated with events within a game rather than between games.  Since the upcoming game has yet to occur, an evaluation of a change in momentum is essentially moot.

This has been installment #47 in my series of meaningless points posts  :p

I bow down to your superior command of semantics. :bow:
Originally posted by volinbham@Aug 11, 2005 5:26 PM
The concept of momentum with regard to a football game is a measure of which team has things going there way relative to the other team.

A team on the upswing is a concept of a team's potential/talent/etc. relative to it's own previous position.

Therefore, while Florida may be on the upswing this doesn't necessarily imply a momentum change since the opposing team may also be on an upswing. 

Further, the evaluation of momentum is more closely associated with events within a game rather than between games.  Since the upcoming game has yet to occur, an evaluation of a change in momentum is essentially moot.

This has been installment #47 in my series of meaningless points posts  :p

That should have ended this thread.
Originally posted by lawgator1@Aug 11, 2005 3:49 PM
I tell you, I am really starting to sense in these posts a quiet desperation on the part of Vols fans.  Living in Florida, I monitor hurricanes quite a bit (the sotrms, not the team) and in the lingo is the word "wishcasting" as opposed to forecasting.

The tenor of the pro-UT comments on here seem, not always but often, panicked to me.  As I say, there is a desperation in the air... a sense that Florida will prevail ... a worry that UT is due for a down year with some tough road games ... a feeling out there that Fulmer is losing it .. that with Meyer at the helm, Florida will once again dominate.

But who knows?  Maybe I am the one that is wishcasting.  Time will tell....

Any credibility you may have hoped for with us is now completely gone. Unless, of course, that was a joke that I just didn't get. ;)

You come onto our site, scared and wondering why we have such a swagger, and then revert to this garbage? You went from asking why we are so confident, to proclaiming us panicked? You must have slept through the logic classes at UF. With arguments like that, remind me not to hire you if I get in trouble...
Originally posted by OrangeFrenzy@Aug 11, 2005 9:21 PM
Any credibility you may have hoped for with us is now completely gone.  Unless, of course, that was a joke that I just didn't get. ;)

You come onto our site, scared and wondering why we have such a swagger, and then revert to this garbage?  You went from asking why we are so confident, to proclaiming us panicked?  You must have slept through the logic classes at UF.  With arguments like that, remind me not to hire you if I get in trouble...

:lolabove: :lolabove: :lolabove: :laugh1: :laugh1: :laugh1:
Originally posted by lawgator1@Aug 11, 2005 3:37 PM
And in fact, to confirm, total offense in the game last year was UF 421, UT 403 and UT had to go 2 for 2 on 4th down conversions.  Hardly "outplaying" UF.

All that matters is what the scoreboard says at the end of the game.
Originally posted by K-town Vol Fan@Aug 11, 2005 9:42 PM
All that matters is what the scoreboard says at the end of the game.

I would just like to take this moment and say Vols 35-14. The only reason that Florida scores is because they (UT Coaching Staff) are pulling Vol Fans out of the stands to make sure they get playing time. I am going back to my life of desperation now... On the serious side, I would say 28 - 14. Not sure the spread offense will be ready.
Hello all. New poster to this board, but I agree with most in this thread. The UF game will be a challenge this year. I'm afraid we may drop one of the two UF or LSU. I hope and pray I'm wrong and we go 13-0 and are National Champs again. Go Vols!!!
Welcome to the board.

My head tells me that you might be right, but my heart tells me that we'll catch both of those new coaches early on and wail on them.
Originally posted by vols2345@Aug 11, 2005 4:58 PM
Just remember that there is not one UT player on our current squad that has ever lost to Florida.  Just remember that.  Is there a player on your squad that has ever beat Tennessee????

As a HUGE Vol fan dating back to my time in my mom's belly, I hate that my 1st ever post on one of these websites is to correct a fellow UT fan; however, I just couldn't let the above statement stand as is.

I was surprised Mr. LawGator didn't refute this himself, but we do in fact have players on our current squad that have lost to Florida, as do they have players that have beaten UT. We've only won 2 in a row. They beat us 30-13 in '02. Remember that HORRIBLE game in the rain?!?

But I plan to watch us make it 3 in a row on Sept. 17th live and in person! I already have my plane ticket, rental car, and hotel room. If only I had a ticket...
Originally posted by OrangeUAVol?@Aug 12, 2005 12:08 AM
As a HUGE Vol fan dating back to my time in my mom's belly, I hate that my 1st ever post on one of these websites is to correct a fellow UT fan; however, I just couldn't let the above statement stand as is. 

I was surprised Mr. LawGator didn't refute this himself, but we do in fact have players on our current squad that have lost to Florida, as do they have players that have beaten UT.  We've only won 2 in a row.  They beat us 30-13 in '02.  Remember that HORRIBLE game in the rain?!?

But I plan to watch us make it 3 in a row on Sept. 17th live and in person!  I already have my plane ticket, rental car, and hotel room.  If only I had a ticket...

Yeah I noticed what I typed. I meant to say no one on our roster has lost to Florida in Florida.
Originally posted by OrangeFrenzy@Aug 11, 2005 8:21 PM
Any credibility you may have hoped for with us is now completely gone.  Unless, of course, that was a joke that I just didn't get. ;)

You come onto our site, scared and wondering why we have such a swagger, and then revert to this garbage?  You went from asking why we are so confident, to proclaiming us panicked?  You must have slept through the logic classes at UF.  With arguments like that, remind me not to hire you if I get in trouble...

I am not scared, else I would not have come onto the site to begin with. I posted here because there is no point in my going to a board that agrees with 90 percent of what I think already, anyway. I come here because the UT game, in my humble opinion, is enormously important to the Gators' season. Should UF prevail it puts them in the drivers' seat for the SEC East. Same for UT should they win. And so I want to see what you folks think.

And, if push comes to shove, I will readily admit that its fun to taunt a bit. I like to think I do it with some grace and that it is all good natured.

I don't "wonder why you have such a swagger." You have it because you have a good team. But you'd be a fool to say UF does not. The same argument many make here -- that Meyer is too new to know whether he will be successful -- is also grounds to say that he may well be VERY successful. We don't know.

What I can tell you is that Leak is obviously very talented, Wynn has supposedly dropped 30 lbs. and massively improved his attitude and the offense is putting in a scheme that sent Utah to a BCS game. The points people are making about our defense are all very valid. There are a lot of question marks for UF's defensive line. Its like a Chinese fire drill in practice right now, trying to come up with a front four or five that can slow people down, if not stop them.

Do I think UF will STOP the Vols? Hell no. But the goal of a lot of college defenses is to slow the other team down enough that they implode, penalties and what not. Turnovers. I'll admit it -- a bit of luck.

Point is, with our likely strength on offense and at least some talent on defense, there is every reason to think that UF can win if it plays well and perhaps get a favorable bounce here or there.

Kudos to whoever can name this tune and the band (no Goggling the lyrics): :whistling:

Have you got a dark spot in your past?
Leave it to my man he'll fix it fast.
This guy Pepe's got a scar from ear to ear.
He will make your mug shots disappear.

Originally posted by lawgator1@Aug 12, 2005 12:49 PM
I am not scared, else I would not have come onto the site to begin with.  I posted here because there is no point in my going to a board that agrees with 90 percent of what I think already, anyway.  I come here because the UT game, in my humble opinion, is enormously important to the Gators' season.  Should UF prevail it puts them in the drivers' seat for the SEC East.  Same for UT should they win.  And so I want to see what you folks think.

And, if push comes to shove, I will readily admit that its fun to taunt a bit.  I like to think I do it with some grace and that it is all good natured.

I don't "wonder why you have such a swagger."  You have it because you have a good team.  But you'd be a fool to say UF does not.  The same argument many make here -- that Meyer is too new to know whether he will be successful -- is also grounds to say that he may well be VERY successful.  We don't know.

What I can tell you is that Leak is obviously very talented, Wynn has supposedly dropped 30 lbs. and massively improved his attitude and the offense is putting in a scheme that sent Utah to a BCS game.  The points people are making about our defense are all very valid.  There are a lot of question marks for UF's defensive line.  Its like a Chinese fire drill in practice right now, trying to come up with a front four or five that can slow people down, if not stop them.

Do I think UF will STOP the Vols?  Hell no.  But the goal of a lot of college defenses is to slow the other team down enough that they implode, penalties and what not.  Turnovers.  I'll admit it -- a bit of luck.

Point is, with our likely strength on offense and at least some talent on defense, there is every reason to think that UF can win if it plays well and perhaps get a favorable bounce here or there.

Kudos to whoever can name this tune and the band (no Goggling the lyrics): :whistling:

Have you got a dark spot in your past?
Leave it to my man he'll fix it fast.
This guy Pepe's got a scar from ear to ear.
He will make your mug shots disappear.

Hey, I feel ya... UF may very well have a good season. Meyer will definitely see success in the SEC, but probably a bit later than sooner.

I think that what you'll see here when you boil it down to a concentrate, is the belief that there are more questions than answers in FL right now.

3 seasons of 5 losses, definite. UM coaching in the SEC, NOT a definite. UM-tutored spread offense at ATM dismembered by UT-- definite. Spread/Option offense in SEC, NOT a definite. Leak failing to lead his team-- definite. Leak in an option role, NOT a definite. NOW! UM worried because he doesn't have 5 capable receivers to run a spread, 5-receiver offense-- definite. A former backup QB asked to step in and produce at receiver, NOT a definite.

Again... UF may very well be a juggernaut this year. But, IT IS UP TO FL TO PROVE THAT! It is not for you or any other Gator to come here, or onto the national stage for that matter, expecting respect for what you MAY do. In our opinion, you've gotten way too much of that this season already.

And who are you? Just another scurvy brother...
Originally posted by OrangeFrenzy@Aug 12, 2005 12:39 PM
And who are you?  Just another scurvy brother...

Kudos, as promised.

Did you cheat?

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