Ghosts..... Have you ever seen them?

By the way who else here watches Ghost Hunters/ Ghost Adventures?

Ghost Adventures is the far superior of the two.

Ghost Hunters was quite good when they first started the show and did mostly local places. Once they started travelling to famous 'haunted' places it became much more of a production as opposed to seeming somewhat legitimate.
Go to Shiloh by yourself, fort pillow, elm wood cemetery in Memphis, I installed burial vaults and you bet your ass ghost are real! A lot of weird things happened to me while working in cemeteries, apparitions, sounds, objects moving by themselves. I have the utmost respect for ghosts .
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Go to Shiloh by yourself, fort pillow, elm wood cemetery in Memphis, I installed burial vaults and you bet your ass ghost are real! A lot of weird things happened to me while working in cemeteries, apparitions, sounds, objects moving by themselves. I have the utmost respect for ghosts .

I don't doubt you heard things and all but that doesn't mean they were ghosts. The human mind is a very powerful machine that can fill in details where details don't exist.
I don't doubt you heard things and all but that doesn't mean they were ghosts. The human mind is a very powerful machine that can fill in details where details don't exist.

Yeah, I was extremely skeptical until we moved into our house. After doing some digging wish I'd never bought the place. Taps and ghost hunters wanted to do a show but I said no. A shaman was going to do the sage thing and wouldn't come in. The Catholic Church down the street refused to come but gave me a list of things to do and it works for a good while then I have to do it over.

My mind didn't make a penny fall by itself and roll through two rooms and end in front of me and my brother standing on end. No one else was home. Just one example
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So what's the big stuff.

People usually have to see it to believe, my brother refuses to come to my house anymore. Funny 6'4" 320 lb sissy. lol. Had a friend over to stay with my son who was 13 and did t want to go to gatlinburg. He made it until 3 am took my son to my mothers and said he would never be back. 10 year marine and police officer. Didn't believe either but refuses to come back. I fondly got it out of him but it started with a couple black figures and voice coming for the dungeon When he went in there he said he was drawn to the back corner and was slapped across the face and by the time he got to my moms 10 minutes away he had 3 claw marks down his back.

Our first experience was the dishes broken in the kitchen floor all of them. We fixed that by removing the doors of the cabinets. Still not on there 18 years later.

When my son was little I don't remember how old. My wife and daughter were harmonizing in our bedroom amazing grace. He came out of his room like he was sleep walking smashed a mason jar on the wall and was talking some wild jibberish. His eyes were as black as coal
. There are a ton of stories and my neighbor before
she passed told me after I confronted her about deaths in the house that there had been. She lived here and actually built the house and one next door

I will say bad stuff does happen at 3 am but not just 3am
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We actually moved out at one point because it got so bad but couldn't sell and had to move back. Shortly after the church told me how in detail to do an exorcism on the house and property. We live on the trail of tears and one of the bloodiest confederate war sites in our state. As well as the meanies told woman to ever live in these parts lived here. She actually chained and tortured her granddaughter in the dungeon when she misbehaved
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People usually have to see it to believe, my brother refuses to come to my house anymore. Funny 6'4" 320 lb sissy. lol. Had a friend over to stay with my son who was 13 and did t want to go to gatlinburg. He made it until 3 am took my son to my mothers and said he would never be back. 10 year marine and police officer. Didn't believe either but refuses to come back. I fondly got it out of him but it started with a couple black figures and voice coming for the dungeon When he went in there he said he was drawn to the back corner and was slapped across the face and by the time he got to my moms 10 minutes away he had 3 claw marks down his back.

Our first experience was the dishes broken in the kitchen floor all of them. We fixed that by removing the doors of the cabinets. Still not on there 18 years later.

When my son was little I don't remember how old. My wife and daughter were harmonizing in our bedroom amazing grace. He came out of his room like he was sleep walking smashed a mason jar on the wall and was talking some wild jibberish. His eyes were as black as coal
. There are a ton of stories and my neighbor before
she passed told me after I confronted her about deaths in the house that there had been. She lived here and actually built the house and one next door

I will say bad stuff does happen at 3 am but not just 3am
Do you still live in the house and do you give tours or allow people to come and try to weather it out?
Thinking about going with some buddies to tour the bell witch cave this weekend. Either that or the waverly hills sanatorium in Louisville.

Anybody have reviews on either? Any weird things happen while yall were there?
We went 15 to 16 years ago. It was fun until we went to the grave yard. out of nowhere my son 2 at the time got screaming diarrhea we went to the van to change his pull up and found the keys locked inside. My spare under the body had fallen off without my knowledge. Great time to discover it. A group of outlaw bikers pulled in to the cemetery and I asked them if the had a slim Jim. Lol. Walked down the road to a church to use the phone because yep you guessed it also locked in the car. The sheriff dept came and unlocked the door before the gate closed for the night with five minutes to spare we took off down the road and heard a clunk not thinking anything about it went to upload the pictures I had taken on my digital camera I had gotten two days before and yes once again you guessed it. The clunk was my new digital camera 120 miles away

My wife has since wanted to go back but I refuse. That was the trip from hell. All joking aside
We went 15 to 16 years ago. It was fun until we went to the grave yard. out of nowhere my son 2 at the time got screaming diarrhea we went to the van to change his pull up and found the keys locked inside. My spare under the body had fallen off without my knowledge. Great time to discover it. A group of outlaw bikers pulled in to the cemetery and I asked them if the had a slim Jim. Lol. Walked down the road to a church to use the phone because yep you guessed it also locked in the car. The sheriff dept came and unlocked the door before the gate closed for the night with five minutes to spare we took off down the road and heard a clunk not thinking anything about it went to upload the pictures I had taken on my digital camera I had gotten two days before and yes once again you guessed it. The clunk was my new digital camera 120 miles away

My wife has since wanted to go back but I refuse. That was the trip from hell. All joking aside
It seems the demon may be still latched to you/your family? Was this before or after the exorcism on the house?
I don't doubt you heard things and all but that doesn't mean they were ghosts. The human mind is a very powerful machine that can fill in details where details don't exist.

I was a huge skeptic before I started that job, now I just have more respect for the dead, I definitely worked hard, the old cemeteries in outlying towns of north MS and West Tn where yellow fever and other diseases killed a lot of people are extremely active, elm wood near downtown Memphis where my Moms twin who died at birth was buried is extremely active, I had the easiest setup (tent, chairs, artificial turf, 2 ton vault) at elmwood one day that couldn't have gone any worse, swinging a 2 ton vault over a 6 foot deep hole in the ground is dangerous enough and not easy by any means, but this was after 1 year and I was very experienced with close to 600 burials under my belt, I barely made this funeral, the lid which weighs 700 pounds slid off for no reason 10 minutes before the family arrived, my tent suddenly blew over, my truck wouldn't start to move it out of the way, everything that could go wrong did.
I'm pretty healthy and strong and that morning I never felt so exhausted and clumsy, not a drinker(at the time) although I was battling my own demons, I felt a presence of something and couldn't get it together, after the funeral all was well and actually ended up havin a good night.
Anyone have a story? I'll share one of mine once I get a chance to sit down.

Earlier in this thread I posted about some experiences my family had in a house we lived in. I figured since you asked, I would add one more.

My 3 sons and I civil war reenacted for a number of years when they were growing up. It was a great hobby and one we all fondly look back on. We had the opportunity to travel together, enjoy primitive camping, march into many battles and escort the ladies to formal dances from time to time. During this time we went to Shiloh, Selma, Andersonville, Vicksburg, Gettysburg, and Fredericksburg along with many other major battle fields. I included all of this to set the stage for the account of something that I experienced while reenacting.

Fort Clinch-

We manned this fort a number of times for historic weekends. Our unit was a Provost Company attached to a brigade. The first time we went, my sons and I arrived late on Friday night. There was no one else up and around, so we found our way to the actual Brig that was located just inside of the fort. The brick building had two fireplaces, 3 cells, an officer’s quarters and several tables and bunk beds in the main area.
We lit a candle and with it being so late at night the boys each chose a bunk.

I made my way into the small officers’ quarters right off the main room. It was furnished with a period desk and chair along with a rough cut 4 post rope bed against the wall. We all settled in and within a few minutes my sons were all sleeping. I took off my slouch hat and wool Sargent’s jacket hanging them on the bedpost and then laid down hoping to sleep, but still needing to unwind from the long trip.

I laid there restlessly facing the wall. It was shortly after this that I heard the distinct sound of footsteps in the brig’s main room. The head of the bed was toward the door, so I rolled over and could see my sons all still in their bunks. I rolled back toward the wall and tried to settle back in. A few minutes later, the footsteps started again.

It was strange in the fact that the steps were made by shoes wearing steel heel taps. This was normal in the civil war, but reenactors did not wear them as you would slip and fall very easily. Well I laid there and listened as the footsteps continued in the small main room. The steps were slow and deliberate. They were very loud as the taps struck the uneven brick floor of the brig.

As I continued to face the wall, the steps grew closer and they seemed to halt just inside the door to my room. I was a bit disturbed and really wanted to roll over but somehow could not bring myself to do so.

A few seconds later I heard a man’s voice. It came from the direction of the doorway. I would say standing behind me close to the headboard. I heard a breath and then in a tone that I can best describe as someone leaning in and trying to wake you without waking up others in the room, I heard… “First Sargent… First Sargent… Can you help us?”

I sat bolt upright with feet to the floor. There was no one there, no sounds of movement or footsteps leaving the room… nothing. I sat a minute trying to get my wits about me. I reached over to the headboard’s bedpost to get my slouch hat and tobacco. Looking at my uniform jacket hanging there, I noticed that my infantry blue, 1st Sgt stripes were clearly visible the way the jacket was hanging.

At this point I got up, checked on the boys and went outside. I sat on one of the front porch benches for the next few hours. I checked on the boys a time or two and waited for more of our unit to arrive.

Shortly after dawn, I saw a man approaching in civil war attire. He came up on the porch and greeted me. He worked for the park and was one of the fort historians. He looked puzzled and asked if we had slept in the brig. I told him yes, we had come in late and just bedded down. I asked it that was ok? He said yes, but most of the regular reenactors would not have slept there.

I asked around later and was told a number of stories about hearing footsteps, voices and conversations going on in the cells at night. Also people getting touched or seeing things move. One Captain stated that several years back, he woke up in the brig’s officers’ quarters and saw a rough looking, under-fed soldier sitting against the wall in his room. The man had his knees pulled up to his chest with his torn old hat in both hands and was just staring at the Captain.

We spent the entire weekend manning the brig with about 15 other guys from our unit. We heard talking and footsteps every night, but with that many people there, I did not take much into account. I never mentioned what I heard until I told my sons and my wife about this when we got home.

I heard a lot of stories over the years while reenacting. I also saw and heard a number of not easily explained things.

EDIT: For anyone interested... here is a link with some photos of the Fort....

One picture is of the inside of the Brig where we stayed. It is the picture with the 4 men around the table. You can see the two cell doors on the wall behind them.
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