Ghosts..... Have you ever seen them?



This resembles the last woman who was seen running from Louder, if you ask me :crazy:
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Yeah, I was extremely skeptical until we moved into our house. After doing some digging wish I'd never bought the place. Taps and ghost hunters wanted to do a show but I said no. A shaman was going to do the sage thing and wouldn't come in. The Catholic Church down the street refused to come but gave me a list of things to do and it works for a good while then I have to do it over.

My mind didn't make a penny fall by itself and roll through two rooms and end in front of me and my brother standing on end. No one else was home. Just one example

I'd have dropped mud on the spot.
Anyone seen any lately? This is a great thread that shouldn't get buried
No, but not for lack of trying. We went to Savannah around Halloween and visited the Andrew Lowe house and several other of the famous haunted spots there, but didn’t experience anything. They told us take tons of pictures because people often catch things in them, but didn’t notice anything when going through ours either. With that said it was super fun and our guide was awesome.
No, but not for lack of trying. We went to Savannah around Halloween and visited the Andrew Lowe house and several other of the famous haunted spots there, but didn’t experience anything. They told us take tons of pictures because people often catch things in them, but didn’t notice anything when going through ours either. With that said it was super fun and our guide was awesome.

I've been on a ghost tour in Savannah before and took a bunch of pictures. There were some orbs in some of the pictures. We didnt notice anything
I've been on a ghost tour in Savannah before and took a bunch of pictures. There were some orbs in some of the pictures. We didnt notice anything
Nice, we did the ghosts and gravestones tour and it was a blast. Definitely recommend it for anyone who visits Savannah.
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Now that I think about it I do have a story, I guess I don’t really consider it a “ghost” story, but it’s worth sharing and you can take what you will of it. Back in May my grandmother passed away, I was very close to her and it was a difficult time. 2 or 3 days after she passed away I was at her home with my mother and she had this old antique chest in her house that she had left to me. I always loved the look of it and she knew that. Anyway, we are taking the contents out of this chest and one of them is this old wind up music thing. I had set it on the edge of her tv stand and went back to another room to continue to sort through things with my mother. I will say conservatively 5 minutes went by of no one even in the room where I had left that thing when it starts playing music, it played the entire way through like someone had wound it all the way up. I recorded the tail end of it as I was caught off guard by it happening and it didn’t quickly cross my mind to capture it. Only me and my mother where in her house at that time and she was in the same room as me, and keep in mind that antique chest probably hadn’t been opened for years. I took it as my grandma just stopping in to tell me it was okay though.
Another question regarding the paranormal, do you believe animals can see/hear/sense ghosts or other entities that we can not?

The other night I woke up in the middle of the night for no reason. I wasn't dreaming, I don't think there was a loud noise or anything, just woke up. I looked over at my bedroom door and my dog was up out of his bed probably 6 inches from the door staring at it. No idea why but he was very focused on that door and very alert. Like he was convinced something was on the other side of the door.

For the record I do not believe my apartment is haunted in any way. Only one thing strange has ever happened here and that was one night I got out of bed to use the bathroom and as I walked back into my bedroom I heard a growl come from the living room. I checked around (and yes I was scared like a little girl) and saw nothing. But when I went back to my bedroom I heard a loud truck drive by so I just chalked it up to that. Maybe it was just starting up and revved its engine or something so that's what I heard.

But I still can't come up with a good explanation as to why my dog would be so intently focused on my door at that time in the middle of the night.
I'm sure it was discussed at some point later on in this giant thread, but I am going back and reading everyones stories. That growl is often associated with demonic activity. I hope it didn't bother you anymore.
306 N. Main St. in Fayetteville, Tennessee is haunted AF. Lived there as a kid. Entire family's sitting in the front room with the exception of my youngest brother, who would have been about 1.5/2 at that point and was asleep in his playpen. Gas stove in the kitchen (ya know, click click click whoosh) comes on all by itself. My bed would regularly go from up against the wall to being put in the center of the room while I was sleeping in it. Dad said he saw a little boy that wasn't one of us standing at the window in the front room, when he looked again the kid was gone.

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