Don't be surprised to see some commentary in the next few days that shows past examples of Gibson explaining the Bush Doctrine in pretty much the same way she did.
It's clear she knows as much about it as Bush does.Charlie Gibson asks her: "Do you agree with the Bush Doctrine?" It's obvious she has no idea what he's talking about. He eventually explains it to her. It's painful to watch.
ABC News/YouTube - Sarah Palin Holds Forth on Bush Doctrine, Pakistan
Honestly, I don't blame Palin for not knowing as she obviously has no serious interest in foreign affairs, nor need she as governor of Alaska. But I still can't believe that McCain chose this person to replace him as POTUS.
What do you guys think?
So you ask a question about an ambiguous topic that you do not understand and expect an answer. Whats the purpose of the question?
Just as I suspected - many interpretations of the Bush Doctrine and Gibson's is but one of many.
Not surprising at all. There is no clear cut Bush Doctrine. The Bish Doctrien is a creation of Limbaugh/conservative thinkers and the liberal media.
It can be just about anything depending on what side of the aisle you are on...
This is a non-issue, and really, I'm surprised the left would try to reach on a story like this.
Actually, have already heard it. Can't link it because don't remember where. But he has done it.
I really am amazed more people aren't honest about how sorry of a question that was. For her to say "in what respect" made complete sense.
Gibson isn't running for office, it doesn't matter.
I agree. The backlash is already starting. Krauthammer (a tool, himself) wrote essay in WaPo trashing Gibson, and both media critics of NYT and LAT were very critical of the interview.