Girls of Georgia Tech

I hope you all know it is not okay to objectify women based on their looks. Ron Mexico is right. Women can also be intelligent and funny and beautiful on the inside! Shame on all of you drooling over pictures. These ladies are someone's daughters, for goodness sake.

Very true and I respect your opinion. I don't usually post pics on the girls of thread but those 3 were too good not too. However what makes you think women don't think and talk about men in the same manner? Women have just as dirty minds if not worse minds then men do. They just aren't as forth coming about it. Just about every one on this site knows what the girls of thread is all about. You can choose to look at it or you can choose not too. I like looking at attractive women, does that make me a bad person or a pervert, no I don't think so, it just means I'm a human male. It's not like I'm going to meet these girls in person and harass them or stalk them. I don't think the GA Tech girl in the thong was thinking about her father when that picture was taken.
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Very true and I respect your opinion. I don't usually post pics on the girls of thread but those 3 were too good not too. However what makes you think women don't think and talk about men in the same manner? Women have just as dirty minds if not worse minds then men do. They just aren't as forth coming about it. Just about every one on this site knows what the girls of thread is all about. You can choose to look at it or you can choose not too. I like looking at attractive women, does that make me a bad person or a pervert, no I don't think so, it just means I'm a human male. It's not like I'm going to meet these girls in person and harass them or stalk them. I don't think the GA Tech girl in the thong was thinking about her father when that picture was taken.

Probably right and I'm betting it was a paid photo shoot.
She very well may have never stepped foot in a classroom at GT.
I hope you all know it is not okay to objectify women based on their looks. Ron Mexico is right. Women can also be intelligent and funny and beautiful on the inside! Shame on all of you drooling over pictures. These ladies are someone's daughters, for goodness sake.

Is this real or is this supposed to be a joke? I'm not going to apologize for looking at and posting pictures of beautiful women. The V is the most powerful thing in the world. Empires have crumbled because of it.

My wife is probably one of the smartest people I know, I don't take her for granted one bit.
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The force is strong in this one. Yes indeed.
I'm personally ashamed of all of you who contributed to this thread. I'm going to have to confiscate all these photos, so hand them over. Yes, negatives, too, and the ones that didn't yet make it to the forum.

Ron Mexico, I'm especially ashamed of you. Your headcount is higher than just about anyone else. For shame, sir. You can keep your pics, though.
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I hope you all know it is not okay to objectify women based on their looks. Ron Mexico is right. Women can also be intelligent and funny and beautiful on the inside! Shame on all of you drooling over pictures. These ladies are someone's daughters, for goodness sake.

When will we get a "don't like" button?
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There's a huge difference between lusting after someone and acknowledging that someone is physically attractive. I accept that my wife finds Ryan Gossling attractive , he's a good looking guy. She in turn understands that I find certain women attractive. That doesn't mean that either one of us want to have relations with someone else.
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Yall are crazy! This IS one of my favorite forums of the year.

I hope you all know it is not okay to objectify women based on their looks. Ron Mexico is right. Women can also be intelligent and funny and beautiful on the inside! Shame on all of you drooling over pictures. These ladies are someone's daughters, for goodness sake.

And there's the resident party pooper. Noone is forced to open this thread.
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