Girls of Mizzou

Bro get lost!

You have NO reason to even comment on anything Mizzou anymore. Your pussy ass school refuses to continue the rivalry. So please stop trying to drag MU through the mud simply because your rear is sore. Good luck in the Bevo12 for the next couple years.... until you will be introduced as full members in the MWC.

Why would KU continue the basketball rivalry? Hate that Mizzou only one 94 games and KU won 171. Hate that.

Enjoy your meth and your puppy mills.
Great. Mass stereotypes of how women look based on geographic location. You people are ****ing idiots.
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No eye candy in Missouri; plenty of this kind of candy though:


After seeing your posts, I'm sure you have sampled it quite a bit.
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Having graduated from Tennessee, and having spent an extensive amount of time in Austin, it's clear you have no clue what you're talking about.

Then again, maybe that's where they get the saying, "Mizzou Girls are the Best!"...

Oh wait, nobody says that.
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So by living in Knoxville and Austin, what exactly qualifies you to comment on the girls of Mizzou???

I never said they were definitively the best in the B12. Obviously Texas has smoking chicks, but the Mizzou girls are/were SOME of the best in the B12.

I never said they were the best in the SEC, but I do still maintain that they are heads and tails better than Tennessee.
So by living in Knoxville and Austin, what exactly qualifies you to comment on the girls of Mizzou???

I never said they were definitively the best in the B12. Obviously Texas has smoking chicks, but the Mizzou girls are/were SOME of the best in the B12.

I never said they were the best in the SEC, but I do still maintain that they are heads and tails better than Tennessee.

Sure thing.
Why would KU continue the basketball rivalry? Hate that Mizzou only one 94 games and KU won 171. Hate that.

Enjoy your meth and your puppy mills.

Honestly, the way KU chose to handle the issue of the rivalry's continuation though doesn't warrant much boasting either
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Honestly, the way KU chose to handle the issue of the rivalry's continuation though doesn't warrant much boasting either
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I see nothing wrong with KU ending the rivalry. KU does not need that game. Allen Fieldhouse will continue to sell out and KU can replace that OOC game with another marquis game.

Keeping Mizzou on the schedule would have no upside for KU. Mizzou is not a great basketball team. It does not help KU's RPI enough when KU wins; however, it is a game that is fueled by emotion, so a game that KU has to prepare for and play as if it is a Top 5 matchup. It is a lose-lose situation for the Jayhawks.

This is the exact same reason that Texas is not renewing their football games with A&M.
I see nothing wrong with KU ending the rivalry. KU does not need that game. Allen Fieldhouse will continue to sell out and KU can replace that OOC game with another marquis game.

Keeping Mizzou on the schedule would have no upside for KU. Mizzou is not a great basketball team. It does not help KU's RPI enough when KU wins; however, it is a game that is fueled by emotion, so a game that KU has to prepare for and play as if it is a Top 5 matchup. It is a lose-lose situation for the Jayhawks.

This is the exact same reason that Texas is not renewing their football games with A&M.

Not exactly the reason either's actually responding to the leaving teams as such, but ok.

I meant more of how their athletic department (& chancellor) felt the most appropriate way of announcing being:

"We're sorry to see a century-old conference rivalry end. Missouri's decision may have implications for fans and for the Kansas City area, but it won't affect the long-term strength of the Big 12."

The school's official Facebook and Twitter accounts also posted this: "Missouri forfeits a century-old rivalry. We win."

Say what you want, but it just comes off as petty on their parts
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Not exactly the reason either's actually responding to the leaving teams as such, but ok.

I meant more of how their athletic department (& chancellor) felt the most appropriate way of announcing being:

Say what you want, but it just comes off as petty on their parts
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I do not think the first one is petty; the tweet, from what I have heard, was removed quickly.
I do not think the first one is petty; the tweet, from what I have heard, was removed quickly.

nope. the Facebook comment version was there at least long enough to get 4,000 likes (might still be)

If KU news is the official twitter account of KU's athletic department, then also no, the comment's still there
just combining those

(& Turner Gill's

Kansas coach Turner Gill, asked simply for his thoughts, went out of his way to make a statement.
I would just kind of make one little statement. I don't see us playing them in the future. I think the rivalry for Kansas and Missouri is something that belongs in the Big 12 Conference.

yeah it looks more and more like it was, especially if the whole school seemed to make it its official policy on the matter essentially "F--- you; hope the door hits you on the way out"

[just for matters of having them included since quoted from]:

KU fires off barbs at Mizzou after exit - Big 12 Blog - ESPN

Kansas is clearly no fan of Missouri's decision to leave the Big 12 for the SEC.

KU chancellor Bernadette Gray-Little released a statement on Sunday after the Tigers' announcement became official.

"We're sorry to see a century-old conference rivalry end. Missouri's decision may have implications for fans and for the Kansas City area, but it won't affect the long-term strength of the Big 12."

The school's official Facebook and Twitter accounts also posted this: "Missouri forfeits a century-old rivalry. We win."

First off, both statements are petty and Gray-Little's statement is wrong, too. I agree that losing a century-old rivalry is awful, and maybe the worst thing about the move, but losing Mizzou hurts the Big 12. Denying that only makes you look bitter and/or oblivious. It's best to just avoid the subject.

Missouri and Kansas look unlikely to continue their rivalry, but Missouri's exits and Kansas' response prove that if this was going to end, I suppose it had to end in ugly fashion.

Kansas coach Turner Gill, asked simply for his thoughts, went out of his way to make a statement.
I would just kind of make one little statement. I don't see us playing them in the future. I think the rivalry for Kansas and Missouri is something that belongs in the Big 12 Conference.

Call it petty if you must, but I can't blame Gill for falling in line with what KU has said all along. It's what he should do at this point. He'll earn a few points from the fan base for the strong stance, and Texas already set this precedent for doing the exact same thing to Texas A&M.
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I am not bothered by the fact that KU will no longer play Mizzou. Are some of the comments childish? It appears so. That still does not change the fact that it is not in KU's interest to continue to play Mizzou.
Man this thread is full of disappoint

WTF are the pics?
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I am not bothered by the fact that KU will no longer play Mizzou. Are some of the comments childish? It appears so. That still does not change the fact that it is not in KU's interest to continue to play Mizzou.

They had better stop worrying about that sorry KU game and get ready for the SEC ass whoopins they are about to receive!!
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They had better stop worrying about that sorry KU game and get ready for the SEC ass whoopins they are about to receive!!
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It would be nice if somehow KU can beat Mizzou in football at the end of the season and take the All-Time lead in the series...for good.
I am not bothered by the fact that KU will no longer play Mizzou. Are some of the comments childish? It appears so. That still does not change the fact that it is not in KU's interest to continue to play Mizzou.

...I don't think I was trying to argue whether or not it was in one school's interests to continue playing another

I'm just saying that - with the way their school recently actually went about it - I don't feel the KU fans are in much more/better a position, currently, to be throwing out any smack regarding the rivalry. that's all.
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I'll be pulling for TAMU to smack Texas and Mizzou to do the same to KU. They're in the league now.
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