Who cares? It's 2015. One's sexual orientation is wholly irrelevant, and has absolutely nothing to do with whether one is a good ballplayer, a good coach, or a good person in general. Bigots, on the other hand, may perchance be good ballplayers or good coaches, but they most assuredly are not good people.
That said, I do not in any way think Geno has one iota of a problem with a player's sexual orientation, and I'm sure he has had a fair share of lesbian players. Geno wants fantastic ballplayers; I'm fairly confident their sexual orientation is a non-issue for him. (Now, if he were recruiting an outstanding, elite player whose parents happened to be anti-gay, would he use that information against his competition? I don't know; I'd hope not. But as far as Geno being anti-gay himself or ibalking at or refusing to sign lesbian players . . . no way in hell do I buy that.) I am just as sure that Holly feels (and Pat before her felt) the same way -- sexual orientation is a non-issue. If a ballplayer is excellent at what she does and has a personality and skill set to fit the coach's system and is cooperative, driven, and teachable, why would any coach turn such a player away simply because that player happens to be gay? Holly wouldn't. Geno wouldn't. The vast majority of decent coaches wouldn't. It appears to be more of an issue for a small segment of irrational and homophobic "fans" than it ever was or would be for 95% of the coaches out there (dumba**es such as Rene Portland aside).