please show me where any democrats, particurally obama, are saying there need to be cuts in SS and medicare. and i keep hearing there will be massive tax breaks for the wealthy, yet i've seen zero evidence to prove this.
Your wish .....
1) According to Fox News, Obama plan would cut Medicare spending by $500 billion.
Sides Sharpen Medicare Attacks, but Both Plans Cut Benefits -
2) The Ryan plan would cut corporate and the top personal rate to 25 %.
News Headlines
In fact, Ryan's plan would cut taxes by $4.2 trillion, according to a chart in the proposal, itself.
A study by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center shows that the wealthiest would receive
all of these cuts -- in fact 117 % of the benefit goes to the top 1 percent of income earners. Indeed, the wealthiest 1 percent would receive a tax cut of roughly half of their current burden, while taxes would go up for 95 percent of the population.
The Flimflam Man -
The Democrats are not making up either the fact that there will have to be cuts in entitlements -- and Obama makes them -- nor are they making up that Ryan's plan does it by placing the entire burden of balancing the budget on cuts to programs while at the same time cutting taxes
dramatically on the wealthiest.
The simple fact is that the TPers got into the House and Ryan came in with this plan and no one else had one. The conservative juggernaut, in their haste to criticize Obama and paint themselves as the level headed ones, insisted that all Republicans vote for the thing, and immediately.
They did not realize what they were signing onto. And now that its been figured out and people are rejecting at on a 4-1 basis, according to the most recent polls, the GOP candidates and soon-to-be candidates are running away from Ryan and his plan as though his head was on fire and he had Ebola virus.
I mean, my gosh, its so unpopular that the Democrats are the ones actually bringing it up for a vote in the Senate, to force the Republican members to either tie themselves to this albatross or further break ranks from the TPers.
Face it, politically speaking, the Ryan plan is an absolute gift to the Democrats in 2012 and an abject disaster for any Republican running for national office.