GOP Debate The Sequel!


But I do think he needs to make an appearance at the next one.

I thought this as well, before the first debate. After seeing clips from whatever clown show that was lastnight, Trump would be wise to stay away.
Anyone notice the pandering to Hispanics last night? Why did the GOP do this? Because Trump, in polling with Hispanics, does far better than any other GOP candidate. The GOP knows this is a problem and last night was their lame attempt to pander in hopes that one of their candidates can gather a fraction of the Hispanic support that Trump has. They have no shot at winning without it.
Seriously, no substance but a 360 degree vicious cycle. I will give you the Democrat part but you think wasting 3 minutes on drapes is substance? or candidates talking about their 5 year old accomplishment of winning an election is substance? This debate was filled with stupid meaningless sidebars eating up time with no control. The only mic they threatened to cut off was Burgum's.

Substance? JB is sleeping with a teacher union member, followed up by Pence stating he is also sleeping with a teacher. Save us all from this BS of 2nd graders. There was a morsel of substance, nothing more nothing less. Democrats can easily out do that and I hate to say it.

Don't fool yourself with throwing shade on the Democrats because it isn't even close. China won the debate last night because they are in the heads of those candidates and that is the only thing all of them agree, with one exception.

Ok some of it was terrible but the democrat debates normally center around feelings and free handouts for everyone.
Missed the second debate. Sounds like I was better off for it. Probably write in my name next November. Y’all should do the same. One bag of Buc-ees Beaver Nuggets for those that do. Unabashed buying of votes. Don’t care. Somebody’s gotta end the insanity.
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His poll numbers keep going up. He has no incentive to debate.
Trump should be miles ahead of Biden in the polls. The Biden administration is awful. It should be a cake walk. There are still too many people that will vote for anybody but Trump.

Is the RNC going to back him?
Will the big donors?
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Trump should be miles ahead of Biden in the polls. The Biden administration is awful. It should be a cake walk. There are still too many people that will vote for anybody but Trump.

Is the RNC going to back him?
Will the big donors?

Oh, I think people are really starting to feel the squeeze of Bidenomics...

Problem is, this nation is so politically polarized Hitler could run against Stalin and the party faithful would mark the appropriate box for their candidate.

If people voted their wallets like they did 30 years ago (or 40) Trump would win in the largest landslide since Reagan in 84. I'm not even sure Biden would carry his home state.
Missed the second debate. Sounds like I was better off for it. Probably write in my name next November. Y’all should do the same. One bag of Buc-ees Beaver Nuggets for those that do. Unabashed buying of votes. Don’t care. Somebody’s gotta end the insanity.

This is the same mentality the Republicans in congress have. Victor Davis Hanson (sp) said one thing about democrats is the come together meanwhile we continue to lose. Your post is an example of why. It's up to you but it still serves as the example.
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That has what "debates" have become. They need to come up with a fair format and have the other mics off when somebody has the floor. If a debater yells to interrupt then they should be penalized floor time. We need some decorum.
Political decorum went out the window when Pelosi tore up the state of the union on national tv... that ended all high road either side could take
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I didn't watch and glad I didn't since everything I've read says it was a 💩 show like everything in politics now days
Trump should debate. The adult in the room will draw a contrast for voters.

I think he is afraid of that. The I'm so far ahead excuse doesn't hold water.

He doesn't have the big donors and some states are done with him.
Sadly for the 7 on the stage, they are not taking advantage of him not being there. If he’s there, 4-7 needs to leave as they serve no purpose in a debate as he’ll take up too much of the energy and attention.
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Anyone notice the pandering to Hispanics last night? Why did the GOP do this? Because Trump, in polling with Hispanics, does far better than any other GOP candidate. The GOP knows this is a problem and last night was their lame attempt to pander in hopes that one of their candidates can gather a fraction of the Hispanic support that Trump has. They have no shot at winning without it.
Hispanics traditionally have more family, conservative values. Strong Catholic faith, family values and work ethic.
Sadly for the 7 on the stage, they are not taking advantage of him not being there. If he’s there, 4-7 needs to leave as they serve no purpose in a debate as he’ll take up too much of the energy and attention.

There are 4 that just there to increase their name recognition for 2028 after Micheles first term.
This is the same mentality the Republicans in congress have. Victor Davis Hanson (sp) said one thing about democrats is the come together meanwhile we continue to lose. Your post is an example of why. It's up to you but it still serves as the example.
You’re not wrong. And I think that’s what’s so frustrating about it all. The R party needs to get on the same sheet of music or keep losing elections.

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