GOP first debate



Senior Member
Aug 8, 2005
Next week on Fox. A lot of interesting story lines here.

Will all the candidates sign the pledge? Christie now says he will, but I would anticipate some questioning of him in the debate since he has sworn up and down he cannot support Trump.

Trump says he is "tempted" to go to the debate. Very interesting because that would put him on stage with Pence and Christie, who obviously are anti-Trump candidates. I would expect initially for the candidates to say they don't want to talk about that, they just want the party to unite to beat Biden. But am not convinced that would last for a full hour or more.

And how would it look to have Trump on equal footing as DeSantis?

Will also be interesting to see how some of the others try to set themselves apart.
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lol, dumb pledge is dumb.

also I am pretty sure Trump won the nomination in '16. How exactly did he pull out of his own support for himself?

It was in between.

Trump ended up signing a loyalty pledge in September 2015, but by March 2016 said that he was no longer sticking with the pledge. By then, he was one of only three candidates running in the primary.
Christie needs to understand the GOP will never elect him President regardless of how much he flip flops on Trump. Much like Rudy he can’t walk away from the TV and microphones.
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Next week on Fox. A lot of interesting story lines here.

Will all the candidates sign the pledge? Christie now says he will, but I would anticipate some questioning of him in the debate since he has sworn up and down he cannot support Trump.

Trump says he is "tempted" to go to the debate. Very interesting because that would put him on stage with Pence and Christie, who obviously are anti-Trump candidates. I would expect initially for the candidates to say they don't want to talk about that, they just want the party to unite to beat Biden. But am not convinced that would last for a full hour or more.

And how would it look to have Trump on equal footing as DeSantis?

Will also be interesting to see how some of the others try to set themselves apart.

Coming from a lefty loon, you sure keep up w/Fox programming more than any viewers.
I think the real story coming from this first debate is

1. No Trump - Does Desantis fend off the rest of the field to reaffirm his #2 status as best choice and most electable "not Trump". He is going to get all the action. Does he wilt or does he take out a few fringe candidates himself without coming off as smarmy. Key for him is to remain standing and work on the likeability index. If he can do that, he has a big boost and will get a turn in the media that Trumps seemingly endless legal issues have denied him. If Desantis stumbles here when he is the main center of attention, it will be hard for him to gain any traction with fundraisers. His next chance to get any attention will be the Newsom debate but its a long time till then and will likely be too later if he falls here.

2. All Trump - Thats why Trump may show up, even though he doesnt "have to". - because he may see the most dangerous thing is for Desantis is to get some air and momentum. Unless Ron can deliver some knockout blow, which is unlikely against a skilled stage artist like Trump, it is probably an advantage for Trump to show. Even if Christie and others hover about like stinging gadflies, it will still be all attention on the Don and he will seem Presidential while Desantis will be relegated to 2nd importance. If he doesnt show and Desantis (or another candidate) does really well in the debate, they will dog him with being a coward, which will hit hard with his fans.
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I think the real story coming from this first debate is

1. No Trump - Does Desantis fend off the rest of the field to reaffirm his #2 status as best choice and most electable "not Trump". He is going to get all the action. Does he wilt or does he take out a few fringe candidates himself without coming off as smarmy. Key for him is to remain standing and work on the likeability index. If he can do that, he has a big boost and will get a turn in the media that Trumps seemingly endless legal issues have denied him.

2. All Trump - Thats why Trump may show up, even though he doesnt "have to". - because he may see the most dangerous thing is for Desantis is to get some air and momentum. Unless Ron can deliver some knockout blow, which is unlikely against a skilled stage artist like Trump, it is probably an advantage for Trump to show. Even if Christie and others hover about like stinging gadflies, it will still be all attention on the Don and he will seem Presidential while Desantis will be relegated to 2nd importance. If he doesnt show and Desantis (or another candidate) does really well in the debate, they will dog him with being a coward, which will hit hard with his fans.

I also want to see how the audience reacts to criticism of Trump. Do they hoot and holler approval, or will they boo Christie off the stage.

Now, we all know that the opening mantra will be "DOJ weaponization", blah, blah, blah. But Christie has taken too absolute a position not to go the extra step and say Trump is dq'd from office by his behavior throughout the entire mess.
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I also want to see how the audience reacts to criticism of Trump. Do they hoot and holler approval, or will they boo Christie off the stage.

Now, we all know that the opening mantra will be "DOJ weaponization", blah, blah, blah. But Christie has taken too absolute a position not to go the extra step and say Trump is dq'd from office by his behavior throughout the entire mess.

Real question is not criticism from Christie, who is just up there to get back on CNN and be relevant again, or Pence, who just wants to explain/wash his legacy. Nobody who is actually voting in the primary cares what they have to say.

What will be interesting, besides Don/Ron war, is do the other candidates like Vivek, Scott or Haley who are thought to be more running for a cabinet or VP slot actually go after Trump in any real way instead of focusing on destroying Desantis, so they can move up in the sweepstakes.

If they do, they may be wavering in the idea that Trump will be the candidate at the end, and thus no reason to suck up for the job.
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I also want to see how the audience reacts to criticism of Trump. Do they hoot and holler approval, or will they boo Christie off the stage.

Now, we all know that the opening mantra will be "DOJ weaponization", blah, blah, blah. But Christie has taken too absolute a position not to go the extra step and say Trump is dq'd from office by his behavior throughout the entire mess.

None of them besides Christie actually are even attempting to win. All of these "candidates" are still too afraid to go after the one guy they need to beat.

All they're doing is seeking name recognition and fundraising, that's it.

Until they take a shot at Trump - they're wasting space as a GOP candidate, they're just giving an illusion of competition.

Aside from Christie - there is no plan B for R voters. It's trump or die, so we'll get 4 more years of Biden.
early projected winners and losers

Winners: Ramaswamy, Scott, dude from North Dakota
Losers: Pence, Christie, Hutchinson, DeSantis (at expense of winners)

No change: Trump, Haley

Depends on the definitions. But you may well be right in terms of the polling.

But one never knows if or when the rest of the GOP will pivot away from Trump.
Next week on Fox. A lot of interesting story lines here.

Will all the candidates sign the pledge? Christie now says he will, but I would anticipate some questioning of him in the debate since he has sworn up and down he cannot support Trump.

Trump says he is "tempted" to go to the debate. Very interesting because that would put him on stage with Pence and Christie, who obviously are anti-Trump candidates. I would expect initially for the candidates to say they don't want to talk about that, they just want the party to unite to beat Biden. But am not convinced that would last for a full hour or more.

And how would it look to have Trump on equal footing as DeSantis?

Will also be interesting to see how some of the others try to set themselves apart.
0% chance Trump goes.
The GOP requires each candidate to pledge to support the party's eventual nominee.

GOP debate: Where each candidate stands on the RNC loyalty pledge

They have to sign it to get into the debate. Trump has said he won't sign it. He did in '16, but then (shockingly) backed out of it. I know. No way, right?
Or, and I know this is asking for too much in today’s political climate, nominate someone worth a sh1t and maybe, just maybe, people will actually WANT to back that person. What a novel idea!
Depends on the definitions. But you may well be right in terms of the polling.

But one never knows if or when the rest of the GOP will pivot away from Trump.

just predicting who will gain interest from GOP voters and who will lose interest or stay the same. may not show in polling

I don't think Trump loses support until someone emerges from debates or actual voting day - I can see people who say they support Trump voting for someone else (eg. Trump under performing polling in early primary states)

once the cracks appear AND there's an interesting alternative then Trump may yet lose the nomination - I'm not holding my breath though
I also want to see how the audience reacts to criticism of Trump. Do they hoot and holler approval, or will they boo Christie off the stage.

Now, we all know that the opening mantra will be "DOJ weaponization", blah, blah, blah. But Christie has taken too absolute a position not to go the extra step and say Trump is dq'd from office by his behavior throughout the entire mess.
Who cares about the audience. Trump repeatedly got booed during the 2016 primary debates.
just predicting who will gain interest from GOP voters and who will lose interest or stay the same. may not show in polling

I don't think Trump loses support until someone emerges from debates or actual voting day - I can see people who say they support Trump voting for someone else (eg. Trump under performing polling in early primary states)

once the cracks appear AND there's an interesting alternative then Trump may yet lose the nomination - I'm not holding my breath though

Yes, agree someone has to emerge and gain some percentage momentum. Rally the splintered non Trump people into one camp. Then battle it out with Trump.

It will have to be someone strong that the money folks think they can back and win. I think that rules out entirely Pence and Hutchinson. DeSantis is still a possibility but he needs to have some really good appearances in the near future. Christie too, if he can make his campaign about more than just not Trump.
Christie needs to understand the GOP will never elect him President regardless of how much he flip flops on Trump. Much like Rudy he can’t walk away from the TV and microphones.

I don’t think he’s walked or ran away from anything. Hasn’t walked or ran towards anything either.
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None of them besides Christie actually are even attempting to win. All of these "candidates" are still too afraid to go after the one guy they need to beat.

All they're doing is seeking name recognition and fundraising, that's it.

Until they take a shot at Trump - they're wasting space as a GOP candidate, they're just giving an illusion of competition.

Aside from Christie - there is no plan B for R voters. It's trump or die, so we'll get 4 more years of Biden.

There’s a lot of things Vivek could be doing right besides hanging out In Iowa. He’ll turn on Trump, he’s just waiting for a strategic moment that will be determined by someone smarter than me.

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