GOP first debate


A wise man once said, "to me the man, you have to beat the man - wooooo!"

Truer words are hard to come by.

If these guys want to sniff the oval office, they need to come up with convincing sales pitch that the GOP will be better off without the circus of Donny. Failure to do so will result in 4 more years of Biden.

Never argue with a fool; onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.

I feel like that if you can't beat Trump without getting in the mud you don't deserve to win. I think what you are asking for will just be red meat for the media to turn it into a bigger circus.

A wise man once said, "to me the man, you have to beat the man - wooooo!"

Truer words are hard to come by.

If these guys want to sniff the oval office, they need to come up with convincing sales pitch that the GOP will be better off without the circus of Donny. Failure to do so will result in 4 more years of Biden.
I don't care what anyone thinks about the charges, but there is no way Trump does well in the general election with active criminal case(s) against him. It will solidify his hold on his base, but that was never in danger anyway. It is going to make any independents or undecided run away screaming however, and we would never get above 35% in the general.
we need to merge the primaries, make all of the R run against all of the D, top two candidates from that go onto the General.

the D's got what they wanted, they made Trump radioactive, I hope they appreciate that when things get ugly. It will all be their doing to score some cheap political points.
Never argue with a fool; onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.

I feel like that if you can't beat Trump without getting in the mud you don't deserve to win. I think what you are asking for will just be red meat for the media to turn it into a bigger circus.

Mudslinging is what all politics has devolved in to and Donny has elevated it to an art form.

I think it's extraordinarily naive to believe that anyone can win the GOP primary without fighting Donny's fire with fire.
Mudslinging is what all politics has devolved in to and Donny has elevated it to an art form.

I think it's extraordinarily naive to believe that anyone can win the GOP primary without fighting Donny's fire with fire.

Even then they're likely to lose even if they win the GOP nomination. The "nobody but Trump" crowd will stay at home in protest would be my guess....and we get Biden again anyway. Although, if that's the case, I don't know that the electoral college numbers would be greatly affected based on the geography of where those votes would have come from.
Even then they're likely to lose even if they win the GOP nomination. The "nobody but Trump" crowd will stay at home in protest would be my guess....and we get Biden again anyway. Although, if that's the case, I don't know that the electoral college numbers would be greatly affected based on the geography of where those votes would have come from.

Interesting, you think that the Trumpers would rather stay home than vote for a R running against puddinhead?

If nobody realized there was a cult atmosphere and complete disfunction in the GOP by now - the above should clear it up. Putting a man before the party and before the country is astonishing.
Interesting, you think that the Trumpers would rather stay home than vote for a R running against puddinhead?

If nobody realized there was a cult atmosphere and complete disfunction in the GOP by now - the above should clear it up. Putting a man before the party and before the country is astonishing.

I don't disagree. And yes, I think some would sit home and pout, but I don't think it changes much wrt electoral vote numbers. Sadly, I think a lot do put the man before the party. Not all, but a fair number. Who knows what could happen through the debates and on the legal front for Trump that could shift that tone. I do agree that the other candidates are going to have to get down in the mud with Trump eventually. I want to see if there's a catalyst for Ramaswamy to distance himself or change his stance wrt to Trump.
Interesting, you think that the Trumpers would rather stay home than vote for a R running against puddinhead?

If nobody realized there was a cult atmosphere and complete disfunction in the GOP by now - the above should clear it up. Putting a man before the party and before the country is astonishing.

It already happened in 2008 and 2012. They weren’t called Trumpers then but The GOP ran a warmonger and a …..WTF Romney is and the base didn’t think the party cared about their interests. So we ended up with what’s happened since then.
So Trump has officially declined and instead will do sit down with Tucker.

First debate is going to be a "GET RON" affair, with everyone coming after Desantis to knock him from second place. Should be interesting.
Interesting, you think that the Trumpers would rather stay home than vote for a R running against puddinhead?

If nobody realized there was a cult atmosphere and complete disfunction in the GOP by now - the above should clear it up. Putting a man before the party and before the country is astonishing.

Trump supporters are putting the country before the GOP and the DNC, both of which are filled with Godless morons.
Trump supporters are putting the country before the GOP and the DNC, both of which are filled with Godless morons.
no they aren't.

they are putting Trump before the country, GOP and DNC. Trump is just the third leg of the uniparty.

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