GOP withdraws from Presidential Debates



Senior Member
Aug 8, 2005


If you don't like the moderators, okay, that's one thing. But to blanket refuse to participate? Just seems like a cheap ploy to continue the us-against-the-media narrative.
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if the GOP represents the majority of the American people, we are in deep trouble indeed
Record rates of inflation, WW3 is looming, crime is rampant, censorship is being normalized, continual supply chain issues, wide open borders, kids are being encouraged by their government to cut off their penises and get breast implants.

I’d say we are pretty much there bud.
Record rates of inflation, WW3 is looming, crime is rampant, censorship is being normalized, continual supply chain issues, wide open borders, kids are being encouraged by their government to cut off their penises and get breast implants.

I’d say we are pretty much there bud.
nah, we can make it worse
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Yep. Yep, the media will drag any dem politician across the finish line.
I thought the media loved Hillary. What happened then?
The media drags dems across the finish line when they win?
And the repubs overcome the media when they win?
Do you ever stop and actually listen to yourself?

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