GOP withdraws from Presidential Debates

No you don't given your non-sensical vote for a guy that needs help getting up in the morning. It was you're love vote. Democrat voters were possessed by delusion of grandeur now the world is paying dearly for it.

What we’re going through now was going to happen regardless of the moron occupying the White House.

"Impartial" moderator actively covering for Biden as Trump attempts to discuss Biden being bought by multiple foreign entities. Does a presidential candidate on the take meet your definition of an "arguments of substance".

And I missed the parts of the debates where Biden made substantial, concise and well thought out statements.

This was clearly holding water for Biden. So when Trump wanted to respond to Biden the moderator wanted to stay on the issues, but when Biden wanted to respond she said go ahead. This made Trump look out of control when in fact the moderator was wrong in the way she handled this. It is much much clearer now.

Biden clearly lying on stage. Then they guy references corrupt intelligence agents.
I do miss the good old days when Biden was that coherent.

This is probably tongue in cheek I'm sure, but let's remember Biden disappeared for a week to study for this debate.

Twitter is also putting in overtime to not allow people without an account to read the comments.

Also, a person that commented brought up how Biden conveniently knew "50" intelligence folks discredited the story. This was coordinated effort in lying and messaging.
Are you serious?

Some Biden voters will say anything no matter how foolish to try and convince anyone including themselves that their choice didn’t turn out to be a steaming pile of dogshat and that they’ve subjected the rest of the country to this clusterf*** with their fully devoted yet disturbingly foolish allegiance to a party and candidate that doesn’t give a tinkers damn about them or the welfare of the Republic as a whole that used to thrive. Many on the left have admitted the mistake and their regret, some simply can’t or won’t admit it even in the face of the obvious.
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