GOP withdraws from Presidential Debates

Yeah. The 12 most populace states have something like 278 electoral votes between them.
Yeah, but luckily they aren't all in liberal hellholes. It's like saying that the B1G and SEC will vote as one since they're the biggest.
I see your point.
I was 100% certain he was unelectable in 2016 and you see where that got me.
I still believe he was unelectable in 2016 - I know it happened, but I can't wrap my mind around it, probably never will be able to.
It's actually what brought me to the PF - the search for some type of clarity or explanation - zilch.
Yeah. Nothing is getting clarified here.

But the Trump thing is easily explained. Just as disgusted as you are with him, people were that disgusted with what they see as the system of wash and repeat Rs and Ds. It didnt really matter who ran against the system they were going to get a sizable chunk of support. And then Trump built his own base as well. And then you have the always Rs and Never Ds. And yes Trumps new base converted some of anti-system voters, and always R, and never Ds. Which is why there is now a schism between Trumps base and Republicans.

The same will happen when the Ds finally nominate a counter system candidate. Bernie would cause a similar schism between the Party Dems and democratic supporters/Bernie-ites. Which is why the party unified so hard on Biden to head off the schism.
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Yeah, but luckily they aren't all in liberal hellholes. It's like saying that the B1G and SEC will vote as one since they're the biggest.
I thought large population = hellhole.
I'm having to rethink everything now.
You're questioning my math?


It looked like 11 came up about 2 short, but I looked at it quickly.

It just goes to show how desperately we need to reduce the power and scope of the federal government. It shouldn't really matter to the average American who the president is.
The 35% are those who supported him in the repub primaries and/or support him running in 2024.

I get voting for Trump over Biden or Clinton because of policy.
I DON'T GET supporting Trump over better republicans.
What Republican would you have voted for over Biden?
It just goes to show how desperately we need to reduce the power and scope of the federal government. It shouldn't really matter to the average American who the president is.
It shouldn't, but who do give the majority of your money to?
Yeah. Nothing is getting clarified here.

But the Trump thing is easily explained. Just as disgusted as you are with him, people were that disgusted with what they see as the system of wash and repeat Rs and Ds. It didnt really matter who ran against the system they were going to get a sizable chunk of support. And then Trump built his own base as well. And then you have the always Rs and Never Ds. And yes Trumps new base converted some of anti-system voters, and always R, and never Ds. Which is why there is now a schism between Trumps base and Republicans.

The same will happen when the Ds finally nominate a counter system candidate. Bernie would cause a similar schism between the Party Dems and democratic supporters/Bernie-ites. Which is why the party unified so hard on Biden to head off the schism.
I get all of that, I could just never get past the type of person he is.........and the whole Bannon/Stone view of the world.
50 million were voting dem no matter what.
31 million were somewhere on the "anybody but Trump" train.
That equals 81 million.
For every new voter in 2020 who voted for Trump, there were 2 new voters who voted against Trump.
I acknowledge that Trump grew the Trump base, but you fail to acknowledge that he grew the anti-Trump base twice as much.
Trump did not grow the Anti-Trump base, he might have provided some fuel, but MSM and Big Tech grew the Anti-Trump base while providing crickets toward an Anti-Biden campaign, and that included the primaries. If the dems were not maxed out on no-doze, they would be furious with MSM and Big Tech for limiting their D options and leaving us with the economy we're stuck with today.
I'm not married. The vast majority of my monthly expenditures go to the federal government, and I would venture a guess yours do too. More than food, more than fuel, more than housing, more than utilities. ETA: combined.
It just goes to show how desperately we need to reduce the power and scope of the federal government. It shouldn't really matter to the average American who the president is.
I agree. You just need someone with a little decorum who isn't a divisive and embarrassing bastard.
As I just said in a post a couple of minutes ago, a president can win the election by winning 12 states and losing 38.
I dont have a problem with the electoral as it was intended. Only change I would possibly make is making the states electoral votes be proportional their voting breakdown. With the winner of the state taking any rounding. The all or nothing bothers me.

And if you believe in the democratic process it should help because people will feel represented and be less likely to sit at home. It would also help third parties get their foot in the door and matter to the elections.
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Trump did not grow the Anti-Trump base, he might have provided some fuel, but MSM and Big Tech grew the Anti-Trump base while providing crickets toward an Anti-Biden campaign, and that included the primaries. If the dems were not maxed out on no-doze, they would be furious with MSM and Big Tech for limiting their D options and leaving us with the economy we're stuck with today.
Trump most certainly did grow the Anti-trump base.
As much as he always hated the concept and attempted to avoid it at all costs...........the buck stops with him.
I dont have a problem with the electoral as it was intended. Only change I would possibly make is making the states electoral votes be proportional their voting breakdown. With the winner of the state taking any rounding. The all or nothing bothers me.

And if you believe in the democratic process it should help because people will feel represented and be less likely to sit at home. It would also help third parties get their foot in the door and matter to the elections.
Agree -
Trump did not grow the Anti-Trump base, he might have provided some fuel, but MSM and Big Tech grew the Anti-Trump base while providing crickets toward an Anti-Biden campaign, and that included the primaries. If the dems were not maxed out on no-doze, they would be furious with MSM and Big Tech for limiting their D options and leaving us with the economy we're stuck with today.
Trump absolutely did. He said those things, did those things, and tweeted those things. All out there for the public record.

The media has been picking sides since I have been paying attention. It just got traction because Trump built the fire, and they could fan it.
Trump absolutely did. He said those things, did those things, and tweeted those things. All out there for the public record.

The media has been picking sides since I have been paying attention. It just got traction because Trump built the fire, and they could fan it.
Trump said and tweeted a lot of things, but The Pair twisted, and convoluted to bias the masses. I can't remember the two incidences that my mom was upset over because of what the news said, then I showed her exactly what he said and it was "oh"
Three? I can think of more that 100 on both sides of the aisle I'd vote for before I would vote to continue the catastrophe that currently occupies the White House.
They didn't ask who I would support over Trump. I could have just thrown the phone book at that one.

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