Got an email from CBJ and the SEC Network



Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2011
Urging mass emails to Comcast Dish etc to GET the SEC Network -- getting a little worried some of these greedy cable and dish companies arent going to take the bait at least nationwide maybe Deerpark can answer
Urging mass emails to Comcast Dish etc to GET the SEC Network -- getting a little worried some of these greedy cable and dish companies arent going to take the bait at least nationwide maybe Deerpark can answer

It'll get fixed before August. They know that the SEC is the most watched conference. They'll lose millions of customers if they don't add it.
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Sec network is going to be huge so they will have to pick it up less they lose me to whoever does
Posted via VolNation Mobile
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I'm sick of the Cable Monopolies. Really wish the Government would break these mini Monopolies up. It's Cronyism at it's finest.
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Urging mass emails to Comcast Dish etc to GET the SEC Network -- getting a little worried some of these greedy cable and dish companies arent going to take the bait at least nationwide maybe Deerpark can answer

So should pressure the greedy television providers to give some of their money to the greedy SEC?

That seems like pressuring Walmart to do business with Microsoft.
I'm sick of the Cable Monopolies. Really wish the Government would break these mini Monopolies up. It's Cronyism at it's finest.

Can't do it. The trend is we have too much government interference. So best they butt out of this as we well know. :)

But you're right about monopolies. Wouldn't surprise me if we see the return of Ma Bell phone service. Along with the bullying and disdain for any semblance of quality customer service. BTW, did my online Demand SEC Network three step procedure. Trying to think of intelligent Wildcat friends here who I could recruit. I know the deaf couple I see now and then will as they're serious Vols fans. But the others, still thinking as to who I could recruit.
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Can't do it. The trend is we have too much government interference. So best they butt out of this as we well know. :)

But you're right about monopolies. Wouldn't surprise me if we see the return of Ma Bell phone service. Along with the bullying and disdain for any semblance of quality customer service. BTW, did my online Demand SEC Network three step procedure. trying to think of intelligent Wildcat friends here who I could recruit. I know the deaf couple I see now and then will as they're serious Vols fans. But the others, still thinking as to who i could recruit.

AT&T Uverse. Deal with SEC Network is already in place. I switched from DirecTV and I love it.
Get directv

I had Direct TV in Detroit and was pretty happy with it. Now I live in FL and dish cable providers are not the way to go unless you want your cable to go out every time it storms. PLUS, the neighborhood I live in signed a deal where Verizon Fios and Bright House are the only two providers you can get. Really rustles my jimmies. Would love to get Uverse, but I can't.
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I agree. Oh you live on street X, you can only get Comcast. If you live on street Y, you can only get Charter. BS

I read this and thought "this sounds exactly like JC". Then I saw your location lol. I'm not really thrilled with Charter. Thinking I may move to DirecTV eventually.
Can't do it. The trend is we have too much government interference. So best they butt out of this as we well know. :)

But you're right about monopolies. Wouldn't surprise me if we see the return of Ma Bell phone service. Along with the bullying and disdain for any semblance of quality customer service. BTW, did my online Demand SEC Network three step procedure. Trying to think of intelligent Wildcat friends here who I could recruit. I know the deaf couple I see now and then will as they're serious Vols fans. But the others, still thinking as to who I could recruit.

Tea baggers say: Guvament bad. Deregulate everything and transform the U. S. into an oligarchy. Prime examples: Savings & Loan scandal under bush 1 sub prime loans under bush 2. The middle class picked up the tab for these fiascos. Yep ,it's always the repubs. :yes: :crazy:
Tea baggers say: Guvament bad. Deregulate everything and transform the U. S. into an oligarchy. Prime examples: Savings & Loan scandal under bush 1 sub prime loans under bush 2. The middle class picked up the tab for these fiascos. Yep ,it's always the repubs. :yes: :crazy:

The S&L crisis was under Reagan. The sub-prime crap started under Clinton, but blew up during Bush 2.0.
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DirecTV vs. Dish as per my personal experience:

Region-- I live in a rural Kentucky area, very small town that I contest is actually a town. But it has a Wal-Mart store, so I suppose it is. Supposed to be a superstore but it's a lie compared to true superstores I see in Lexington. OK, OK, I'm out in the boondocks.

Dish-- Was my original cable company for about 10 years. I got a low cost package deal that you can't get now that was SWEET. I liked the program and how it fit our viewing needs. I liked the fact that we often had access to programming that wasn't officially part of our package but showed up anyway. This included movies we'd probably normally have waited until discount DVD or Blue-Ray came out. Sports events that were supposed to be blacked out, etc. I never understood this but why look a gift horse in the mouth. But one day the cable box died. They wanted us to pay $115 to replace it plus sign up for new service which would have cost us over twice what we'd been paying. "Bout that time, DirecTV was hunting customers and had a similar package for just 19.95/month for two years. Dish wouldn't match or even near match and kept insisting we pay for a new box plus sign up for an expensive renewal. DirecTV would set us up for just $65 startup fee and the first month paid = about $85 and done. Now you know why we switched.

DirecTV-- It's OK, can't really complain as far as service goes. They're responsive the rare times I do have questions or complaints and pretty fast about it too. To Dish's credit, in the 10 years before the dead cable box, we never had a complaint with them. Shocking, I know but true. DirecTv complaints dealt with billing. Claiming we owed what we had already paid. A call or email got that out of the way each time. But makes me wonder if something sneaky is going on with their billing people.

Dish Likes-- Monthly payments remained pretty low over the years. Increases after the original 2 year contract were low and for long periods stagnant. Sometimes, I wish I hadn't changed cable service because of this.

DirecTV Likes-- Well, it's OK. I am able to see most of my Vols games. Sometimes when I channel surf, I pick up games on channels I never knew I had. Late at night, very late, I see movies or other programming that's not supposed to be available with my package. They vanish as daylight arrives and the channel is greyed out. NO, I don't understand this but again, why look a gift horse in the mouth?

Dish vs. DirecTV-- For me it's mainly this. Despite some claims here, during severe weather both were knocked out in the same frequency of occurrence. It seems, without any empirical evidence, it seems that DirecTV comes back faster and for longer periods.
But I'd call neither one stellar in terms of severe weather performance. The old aerial broadcast systems did better unless the antenna took a direct lightning strike. So neither Dish nor DirecTV impress me in severe weather resistance.

Which do I prefer? Quite frankly, either one that's cheapest based on my experience with both.
I've got DirecTV & am pleased with them but they BETTER offer the SEC network when it comes out. I've called & emailed several times. The people who answer the phone are beyond clueless as far as knowing what they offer or will offer. They told me we wouldn't get FoxSports1 when it came out. Went home & had it. Maybe if enough of us make it known we want it, they'll realize they better offer it!

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