Gottleib ripping Tennessee a new one

Congrats on your success.

And No I dont feel foolish.

I would feel foolish if I hired someone in my business who was a stealer and they ended up stealing from me.
OK! So I can say you act like....., talk like........smell like......, just not say you are like....... And try to be more mature than a 7 yr old. The last part could be tough.
Congrats on your success.

And No I dont feel foolish.

I would feel foolish if I hired someone in my business who was a stealer and they ended up stealing from me.

so you wouldnt hire me since I was a thief in the past? Im glad that not everyone thinks like you. people can change and Im living proof of that.
so you wouldnt hire me since I was a thief in the past? Im glad that not everyone thinks like you. people can change and Im living proof of that.

I think what he meant was...if he did hire you and you did steal from him.....he would have to blame himself for the hire thus keeping him from ever hiring another convicted felon....
?Como se dice, "Just wondering, what is the cut-off for a theft being a misdemeanor compared with a felony?" Is it a $$$ cut-off, like $500?

Just kiddin Zona. Your post was exactly the same thing I was thinking.
No in my industry you cant hire people with prior convictions of felonies.

ok, so now it's the industry and not you that's making the decision? that's not what you were putting out there moments ago. Look, just admit that you misspoke and we'll let it go. You didnt realize that you were going to get hammered for that holier than thou opinion and now you're stuck trying to defend an undefensible position. Look, it happens to me all the time. Just let it go.
so you wouldnt hire me since I was a thief in the past? Im glad that not everyone thinks like you. people can change and Im living proof of that.
I too have a couple of felonies in my past. I now live a very respectable life, have two kids, own my own home, work every day and pay my bills. If everyone had your mentality I would have been locked away forever or put down like an unwanted dog. My point is people change and a couple of bad decisions should not follow you around the rest of your life. Unless of coarse you learn nothing from those mistakes.
Just thought I might add something of relevance. I owned a business where attracting and retaining employees was a major problem. We heard from another colleague how they had much success with work-release people. We were skeptical, but gave it a try, and for the most part it worked out very well. Yes we had some problems with attitudes and minor things. We never had one problem with theft or vandalism. I would do it again without hesitation.
I too have a couple of felonies in my past. I now live a very respectable life, have two kids, own my own home, work every day and pay my bills. If everyone had your mentality I would have been locked away forever or put down like an unwanted dog. My point is people change and a couple of bad decisions should not follow you around the rest of your life. Unless of coarse you learn nothing from those mistakes.

I usually like Gottlieb, but didn't see much to what he was saying here. Looked like he was just trying to get a response. Saying you don't think UT will win it all really isn't that profound. You could pick any 1 team and chances are more than likely you will be correct.
I usually like Gottlieb, but didn't see much to what he was saying here. Looked like he was just trying to get a response. Saying you don't think UT will win it all really isn't that profound. You could pick any 1 team and chances are more than likely you will be correct.

Im glad you said that. I too like him and think he was just stirring the pot a bit. I've been following this thread for a while now and some of this stuff has been really funny. Doug Gottlieb has been hung out to dry here.
I think he has some good knowledge and is entertaining to listen to. I think he was certainly leaning on the "entertaining" part here.
I didn't realize the fast food industry didn't allow the hiring of those with criminal records.

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